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Army Thread Sunday 25th May

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    Army Thread Sunday 25th May

    It's double chocolate. It has plain chocolate flakes in it and made with double cream and egg yolks. The real deal, have to leave it 10 mins to melt enough to spoon it out. No bowl required, I'm going to finish it.

    Home | Jude's Ice Cream


      Army Thread Sunday 25th May

      Yep, me. I'm reading old posts in another tab. Popcorn time some of them!


        Army Thread Sunday 25th May

        I've seen you a few times. I've seen myself aswell, that's a shocker, as you say.


          Army Thread Sunday 25th May

          No, not that I've seen anyway. I was off the board from end of 2007. I looked a few years later and the atmosphere was rather toxic, the threads I saw were anyway. Same a few years after that.

          It's my good luck that the site is having a Rosie period as far as abstinence goes. All I can say about that is thank fuck for that!


            Army Thread Sunday 25th May

            It certainly wasn't in my case.

            I have noticed though that quite a few with old join dates have come back recently, which, depending how you look at it is a good or a sad thing.

            I take it as good that they haven't given up giving up.


              Army Thread Sunday 25th May

              Don't know if you're interested but a new series has started on bbc1 based in Dublin.


                Army Thread Sunday 25th May

                Just a quickie as guess what...............fell asleep again.

                Going to try and get a look see at that prog on i-player.

                Got Harry & Paul do BBC2 at the moment.............then Fargo.

                Oh and did the clothes fit, Molls?
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Sunday 25th May

                  Evening all, test post as I can't seem to get posts to log, type for ages then watch the blue wheel of death before I get booted off the internet.

                  Hope everybody's had a terrific weekend

                  AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:

