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Drinkers Beware! Shared custody of self loathing implemented

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    Drinkers Beware! Shared custody of self loathing implemented

    I was just checking out a recovery board for families/partners of alkies/addicts and it's true. We no longer have sole proprietary rights to self loathing.

    Yes, we all know they are angry with us (if they are aware of our addiction) for our drunken shenanegans... But apparently, our former/present enablers are angry... even disappointed ...with THEMSELVES as well!

    The reasons they site range anywhere from... Not being able to "fix" us... to realizing they blame all their problems on him/her(the alkie) instead of looking at themselves as causative agents. It was facinating reading...

    Note: I'm not posting this to heap any more guilt on us. God knows we carry plenty of it... But hearing their side of "it" was really an eye opener to me. Who'da thunk THEY were mad at THEMSELVES???

    Drinkers Beware! Shared custody of self loathing implemented

    Re: Drinkers Beware! Shared custody of self loathing impleme

    What's the name of that website? (not sure I can handle reading it, but just in case I want my day to go downhill I will know where to turn...:lol )



      Drinkers Beware! Shared custody of self loathing implemented

      Re: Drinkers Beware! Shared custody of self loathing impleme


      It's prolly a GOOD thing that I can't remember the site... I just surfed into it...

      It was just interesting to hear their thoughts... Ya know how it's easier to be objective when it's SOMEONE ELSE'S cr*ppy life...

