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Day 7 - trials and tribulations

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    Day 7 - trials and tribulations

    Hi all,

    I just put a big zero in my drink tracker today marking one week without a drink!
    I have had a few trials this week that I successfully overcame... The hardest was the fact that I totally forgot that my wife and I joined a wine club that delivers 2 bottles a month to my home(Doh!). My wife has been out of town on business and the package sat unopened for 3 days, (I was afraid to physically touch it). My wife came home tonight pleased to see that I hadn't guzzled the wine while she was away (which I surely would have done if it arrived a week ago). She had a couple glasses with diner (I opened the wine for her as usual), and just before writing this I actually poured a half full glass that she had left on the night-stand back into the bottle...

    I feel so frikkin good right now! ... but strangely I also feel worried and anxious about the future. Part of me is afraid that any day now I might slip, and the stakes seem so much higher because I've come so far. I feel that if I blow it tomorrow it will be even worse than if I blew it today. I know that some of this is just a fear of change, but the more sober I get the more I realize how much alcohol has affected me and and how vulnerable I am right now.

    Well, one day at a time I guess.

    Thanks everyone for all of your support. I could never have made it this far without all of your help!

    Day 7 - trials and tribulations

    Hi music man
    I've been watching your progress and I think you are doing brilliantly. 7 days...good effort, mate. Must have been tough have the wine arrive, eh. I find it difficult looking at my wine racks absolutely packed full of the stuff!! I too am worried about falling off the wagon and fear i am becoming a little complacesent too...surely one wine wouldn't hurt?? it is Friday after all?? etc, etc,
    But, we have come along way in a short time ( 10 days for me) and we can go all the way if we stay focused, don't ya reckon?
    Jane :heart:


      Day 7 - trials and tribulations

      Thanks Jane!

      Congrats on the 10 days!

      Yes, I reckon we can I guess my wine rack will start to fill up again soon... (Now that I am not guzzling it as fast as it appears in the house), and there is no way to completely avoid being around it, so we just need to be strong. I just need to make it through the holiday weekend here, (big party to go to tomorrow), and then hopefully next week will be a little easier.



        Day 7 - trials and tribulations

        Hi MM,

        It really feels good doesn't it when you make the desicion and stick to it .... I sometimes think that the high that we get from not drinking is better that the high from alcohol ..... does that make sense????

        BB xxx


          Day 7 - trials and tribulations

          You should be so proud of yourself... These are tests that will pop up where you least expect them.... Congratulations on passing this very tough "in your face" test.. Kudos to you !! Yaaa Hooo !!!!!!!!!

          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


            Day 7 - trials and tribulations

            Brilliant music man!
            I have to admit to a small chuckle at your predicament......a surprise case of wine.
            Very, very well done.


              Day 7 - trials and tribulations

              i will not drink that wine in the box,
              i will hide it with a fox.
              because if i put it in a glass,
              it makes me feel like an ass.

              sorry all i could come up with this morning! :goodjob:


                Day 7 - trials and tribulations

                There's no way Mojomuppet,,
                That music man will sup it,
                Because, like us, he knows
                the self-esteem that grows, and grows........


                  Day 7 - trials and tribulations

                  Well, I'm not a poet, but well done ... especially with that wine sitting there. Your a better man than me, I couldn't do that. Keep it up!

                  I agree with Betty, this 'high' and sense of accomplishment at not being controlled anymore is certainly better than the old buzz.


                    Day 7 - trials and tribulations

                    I laughed outloud when I read about the wine coming while your wife was gone. And good for you for pouring back the 1/2 glass she left out. My husband is like your wife, leaves 1/2 glasses around because he is done, loses interest, has had enough. I drink them in the interest of cleaning up. So anyway I haven't had your temptation this week but also made it 7AF. My husband comes home tonight. I am going to ask him not to open any wine for a while. It is too tempting. The open scotch is ok right now, haven't been tempted by it or the beer in the refrig. Thanks everyone for all the encouragement and suggestions. And congratulations on 10 Jane - awesome!


                      Day 7 - trials and tribulations

                      Keep on goin music man......just keep on goin! You will be suprised where you can get. Just keep on goin. Thats what I said to me and look where I have gotten.

                      Keep on goin.....
                      Gabby :flower:


                        Day 7 - trials and tribulations

                        Exactly... keep on going Music man!

                        I totally understand and relate to your way of thinking. Bloody well done!
                        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                          Day 7 - trials and tribulations

                          Thanks all, you're the best!

                          All of your encouragement is keeping me on track. I won't relate the details of today's fiasco, but in spite of a really awful situation that sparked a fight between in me and my wife, and then attending a get-together with free flowing wine all evening, I managed to make it through another day without a drink.

                          I couldn't be doing doing this without all of your help.


                            Day 7 - trials and tribulations

                            Music man, that is awesome! You are a real inspiration... and you're a newby! Far out... stick with it... things are falling into place for you!

                            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                              Day 7 - trials and tribulations

                              MM: You are doing so well. I don't know if I could have kept my hands of the wine-club bottles. For me, I do best if there is nothing in the house to tempt me.
                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012

