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Guess what I did!

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    Guess what I did!


    Thanks to all of you I've finally taken myself to the doctor and I'm now taking Campral, early days yet, but I feel different, like I have hope in overcoming this demon that lives inside me. I'm also going to be contacted shortly by an alchohol and drug councellor and I'm making an appointment to see a phsyciatrist.

    And I also decided to do something that has been my lifelong dream to do. Today I went for my first Scuba Dive.

    What an amazing experience, I felt so at home under the water, it was just amazing, I got to feed Gropers that were bigger than me, swam through an underwater cave, and went to shark gutter, where I saw 5 grey nurse sharks, they're huge!!!! two swam by , one at a time, then 3 of them came around the corner together, and one seemed to take an interest in us and swam up close and then just glided past,

    I swam over cliffs and held starfish and a lobster, and saw so many colourful fish of every shape and description, it was just surreal, I felt like I was in a movie, and despite my nervousness on the boat, once in the water I felt no fear at all, it was like being in another world, a calm, beautiful world. I have to laugh, I feel like Homer Simpson now, I want to run away and live under the sea!

    I feel like my life has turned a corner, and I've decided to continue and do the course to become a dive instructor, It's not cheap, but the dive master is a great guy, we talked about alot of stuff, and he is doing me a deal, I can take it one step at a time, and I can pay it off in my own time.

    I can't say enough how much I owe all of you for being the inspirations that you are, and for giving me the hope that I can beat this and do the things I've always thought were just a dream to me. Thanks. I can't stop smiling, I've just had one of the best days of my life!!!

    Love to you all!!! Jasmin xxx
    :thanks: :h

    Guess what I did!

    What a fantastic experience you have had Jasmin! It sounds amazing. Your post radiates happiness and I am thrilled for you. Hold onto this! Love, Bella xxx


      Guess what I did!

      Jasmin, you sound so full of life, well done on the campral.

      My hubby scuba dives you sound just like him after a dive ...

      Betty xx


        Guess what I did!

        I'm so happy for you !! You sound like you are so happy...

        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


          Guess what I did!

          Oh Jasmin!
          It's strange how you can 'feel' someone's happiness through a computer screen.
          You have made me smile.
          Thank you.


            Guess what I did!

            Good for you!!!! I am so happy for you....each day you will feel stronger.


              Guess what I did!

              Hey Jas, well done babe, I have always, always wanted to scuba. Most of my family do and I just didn't have anybody to do the course with now bloody blood pressure makes it pretty iffy but reacon I'd give it a go. Good onya mate you can do anything babe that you set your mind to. Sky's the limit, go for it!!!!!! Kimbo
              Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


                Guess what I did!

                Good for you Jasmin!

                Thats wonderful Jasmin. Just wanted to add my words of encouragement to everyone elses, I truly feel all the happiness for you! Keep up the GREAT work! I have had a times of soberness where it feels like the shadows have been lifted off my life. Its a great feeling, and we all need to remember just how great our lives can be without the damn drinking!

                Best wishes on your continued successes!


                  Guess what I did!

                  What OverIt2007 said.
                  We all need that feeling.


                    Guess what I did!

                    Boy that sounded so incredible- I would so love to feel that. The only time I had a high like that was when I did parasailing - I wasn't even that high up but I high up enough to feel totally removed from the world and I was sooo calm and relaxed looking at the clouds. I even talked to my Mom is is deceased while I was up there. It was pretty amazing.

                    I am very happy for you and I hope you get to be an instructor! :h
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                      Guess what I did!

                      Hi Jasmin

                      That's wonderful-I'm so happy for you. Glad you mustered the courage & strength to get help. I applaud you!:applaud:

                      Your scuba dream will not only help with positive reinforcemnet but will keep you focused. That's awesome.

                      I envy you-I have this head underwater/ear fear thing & well just vicariously swam underwater by aide of your post. Must have been marvelous to have done that in person.

                      Congrats & best wishes for a success journey.
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Guess what I did!

                        Diving is the best!!! And the great thing about it is that most dives are really early in the morning so it helps with not drinking the night before. I got certified in Hawaii. My favorite was seeing the octopus. I cannot eat calamari now. Well, really never could before either. And taking food out with you so all the fish come right up to you is a total blast. My boyfriend will not dive though with me. He says he does not want little fishies between his toes.


                          Guess what I did!

                          All I can say Jasmin is 'Wow'

                          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                            Guess what I did!

                            Thanks everyone!

                            And I'm still on a high!!!

                            It's encouraged me to even get back to the gym, my legs are sore from swimming, but it's a great soreness, lol.

                            I don't expect that everything will be plain sailing, but now I have something I have a passion for to look forward too, and I reckon that's gonna help big time.

                            Lot's of love to everyone!

                            :thanks: :h


                              Guess what I did!

                              OK, Jas, just a word of caution, I've been on Campral for a year or so ... Stick with the shrink, ok. Don't go back drinking while on Campral as it will lose it's effectiveness if you start the booze again.

                              Better be aware of that, ok. Campral is very effective if you follow a strict regime of abstinence, shrink sessions, etc. The moment you start with booze, Campral will lose its effectiveness.

                              Sorry for this wakeup call, but someone's better wave this red flag along with the euphoria.

                              Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

