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Xanax to Lexapro?

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    Xanax to Lexapro?

    Hey Guys, I have been taking Xanax for 7 years, mainly to help with sleep. I have valium for my panic attacks. I have been reading that long term use of xanx can cause memory loss.( one of my biggest fears in life is developing dementia) So I asked my doctor if I could use the valium for sleep and lexapro for the day.( he said yes and xanax withdrawl would be minimal) He said if I were to have a major panic blowout I could add a couple of valium. OK, I took the first lexapro today, I feel jumpy, shaky and my fingers tingle and trouble concentrating. Putting this post together has been so error filled. I see the r why can't I hit it the first try ? It takes several tries. Is this normal starting lexapro?. Its 20mg pill. If anyone has any advice I sure would appreciate it as I just bought 3 months of the lexapro. Otherwise 150.00 down the drain.

    Xanax to Lexapro?

    Mar....Lexapro is NOTHING like are going to have withdrawal after being on Xanax for 7 some research. Not trying to scare to you...I am very surprised he would just switch you like that, he should have NEVER have done that should have been weaned down on the Xanax til it was out of your system to eliminate the withdrawal symptoms. Xanax is highly addictive.


      Xanax to Lexapro?

      I wonder if your doctor keeps up on his literature?!
      First of all Lexapro is a great drug for both panic attacks and depression.
      The first week on Lexapro can cause GI upsets.
      So the starting dose is 5 mg for one week to 10 days.
      Then the manufacture recommends a dose of 10 mg.
      Most people do fine on 10 mgs of Lexapro forever.
      Some need more, and 40 mg is usually the top dose.
      You might be able to find more information on Forrest Labortories the manufacture of the medication. They also make Campral.
      Seven years on Xanax is a long time, and the gitters you feel may be from coming off it???
      Call your doctor and ask him if you can cut your Lexapro in half? Let him know how you are feeling too.
      He put you on this medication, so you are his responsibility right now.


        Xanax to Lexapro?

        Girls, thanks for the replies. I will have to ask him on Mon. Luv, the reason he thought I would have no problem switching xanax for valium is I did it before when I ran out of Xanax while away, and had no bad effects (3 days it was) I took the xanax last night planning to switch to the valium tonight. Just feel a little light headed now. Took the lexapro around 10:00 this morning 3:30 now. So we'll see. Mona, I will question the dosage. I may break it in half for now. I don't see anything on the bottle that says I can't break them. Currently only taking 1mg of xanax per night. my all time high was 6mg. So I have been trying to get off of it for a long time, but the dizziness always gets to me. Gotta keep trying.


          Xanax to Lexapro?

          Does he know your on the other meds for the tick bite too????


            Xanax to Lexapro?

            Simey, I was on xanax .05 mg for anxiety for 2 years, ran out and after 48 hours was in terrible shape. Called doc and he told me xanax withdrawal is one of the worst. I think it's important to come off it for all of the reasons you mentioned but do it slowly. Very slowly.

            Good luck.:h
            Enlightened by MWO


              Xanax to Lexapro?

              Simey, I agree with SKendall, slow is the way to go. I have been on Klonopin for 5+ years and am attempting to wean myself off. There are actually schedules for the different types of anti-anxiety drugs and discontinuing them with the least symtoms possible.

              I have tried many different SSRI's (Lexapro included) and cannot tolerate any of them b/c they make me suicidal. I am now on Lamictal for depression and seem to tolerate it very well. My doc said the only long term solution to anxiety is depression medication. Whether that is true or not I don't know.

              I have begun to wean myself off the Klonopin and am 3 days w/o a drink. I believe that I and anyone can change threir behaviour w/enough resolve and support. I have tried so many times before. Sometimes with success, sometimes not. It's definitely worth the short term struggle for the long term gain.
              Anyway best to you and all I can say is keep on keeping on.



                Xanax to Lexapro?

                I was taking 6mg of Klonopin per day (2mg 3 times a day) and have weaned it to half and that has taken me a year. I am on Lexapro and really did feel good for a while, but it was not prescribed to replace a benzo.That makes no sense. It also doesn't seem to be doing a damn thing now and my sex drive is gone.

                No antidepressant has ever worked for me long term.You've been on 2 benzos for several years. Why did you need both, they both do the same thing don't they. Listen to what every says. Wean slowly, cut your lexapro in hald and perhaps look for a new doc. He sounds like a tard.

                I have taken every antidpressant under the sun and every benzo (not at the same time mind you) and all the antidepressants had the same short lived effect. I also am eating like a pig on lexapro. Of all the benzos Klonopin was my favorite. Xanax made me feel like a zombie.

                What if you tried Ambien for sleep, or Lunesta, they are supposed to be non-habit forming. I would ask about thhat. I love my Ambien. Good luck hon!
                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                  Xanax to Lexapro?

                  All I know for sure is that xanax, know matter what the dr or pharms say, is very addictive, and therefore one has definite withdrawal symptoms when going carefull...I had no idea you were dealing with this simeybear...why?? how did it start?


                    Xanax to Lexapro?

                    Mar! OMG....Call your friend that owns a pharmacy, I just saw this, and I can't believe they switched you like that either, not to mention, there are some folks very, very sensitive to home from daughter's play in Tyler, and decided to check in after a busy day, you nearly gave me a heart attack, if I don't hear from you tomorrow, I'll call you...I'm sleeping in tho, but I'll try you around lunch!....
                    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                      Xanax to Lexapro?

                      Simey, I honesrly think you should switch doctors... Lexapro and Xanax are completely different drugs.

                      Xanax withdrawls will most likely be the cause of your anxiety. Lexapro most likely will not cause anxiety but if it does, it will only be short lived as your body adjusts.

                      *hug* Hang in there. Lexapro is not addictive and much more gentle on the body than Xanax. You poor thing1

                      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                        Xanax to Lexapro?

                        Hi Simey,

                        I have been on Lexapro for anxiety and depression for 3 years. I started off (and stayed at) 10 mgs. 20 mgs sounds awfully high to me. The first three days on Lexapro were very difficult. I felt very spacey and drugged while my body adjusted to the medication. I agree with the other people who posted. Your body probably needs some time to wean off of the xanax. See a good psychiatrist to help you with the meds.
                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          Xanax to Lexapro?

                          Don't know if this helps....

                          I've been on Aurorix, (moclobemide) for around 15 years now, at the time of my first breakdown the doctor tried a few different antidepressants and pills for my panic attacks, but they either knocked me out or had bad side effects because of my drinking.

                          I reckon that Aurorix has saved my life, and every doctor I have seen has been happy to update my repeats, and all have said that I can stay on these for life. There is no bad effect with alcohol, and no withdrawal if I forget to take one, and I've even been for a week without when I went away once. They apparently release seratonin and just keep me on an even keel, the only downside I have found is a slight 'buzzing' sensation at times. And the highs aren't so high, but then the lows aren't so low.

                          Don't know if this helps, but I'm happy to have found this drug and intend to stay on it.

                          Love Jas xx
                          :thanks: :h


                            Xanax to Lexapro?

                            Thanks all, I was prescribed the Xanax 7 years ago when my Dad died and my Daughter married her 1st husband within 2 months of each other. So with planning the funeral with my Mom, and my Daughter telling me 2 weeks later she was getting married and wanted to have the whole affair at the house. So panic came on strong during that time having my greiving Mother here and planning the wedding. I did it all, she was away at school. She even wanted me to cater it, so she could be sure to have all her favorite foods. Of course I didi it! So Xanax was the magic guy that helped me through thoses rough days and then he stayed around as I was very emotional for a while. I don't know when I became dependant on it for sleep. It just happened. As for the valium I asked for it, citing the reason to my doctor as being that I need it for my panic attacks since I use xanax for sleep. I have only had the valium prescription for around 18 months. Rarely do I ever use it. Just when it's a really horrible stressful situation, and seriously,before any cosmetic injections I get. Needles scare me. Getting back to the Lexapro, I ask for it as I said with the intention of getting rid of the Xanax and using the occasional valium for resuce. I can tell you now that lexapro is not for me. Headaches, upset stomach, increased nervousness just plain old jumpy. So today the 3 month prescription is going down the toilet! We will still take the xanax just keep cutting it back. I know not to go cold turkey in quitting,tried that ended up in the ER. Felt like the floor was coming up to hit me in the head. Happy, I am a little afraid of Ambien. I tend to sleep walk and I have a friend who takes it, she cut her own hair in the middle of the night without realizing it. So probably not for me either. Problem is I am extremly medication sensitive, so it is hard to find the right things. I did find one article yesterday about long term xanax use, concluding no adverse results.So we will press on. Oh, my doctor, he has been my doctor for over 10 years, but I do think he tends to view antidepressants as harmless. As he told me once
                            'you can't overdose on antidepressants."
                            I don't I belive that. He gave me the prescription because I had read somewhere that doing what I had in mind as a plan was a good way to get off xanx.No lexapro today or any other!


                              Xanax to Lexapro?

                              Hi Simey,

                              I wouldn't give up on the Lexapro just yet. I started taking in a few months back and started at 5 mgs and worked my way up to 10mg. The biggest thing I noticed for the first week or so was a kinda spacey feeling and I was extremely tired by 3'oclock in the afternoon. I yawned constantly, but after a while that went a way. And the positive affects just kinda sneak up. I'm handling stress better, sleeping better, not as negative in my thoughts...I will stay on this particular med forever if my doctor will let me.

                              I'm glad your cutting out the Xanax. I have a family member who is so addicted to it, and it really has had a negative impact on her life. It's one prescription that scares me because it can be so easily abused.

                              I also used Ambien. If your concerned about memory loss, I'd skip it. I would lose little chunks of time between the time I took it and falling asleep. My husband would bring up conversations we had and I would have no recollection. I recently switched to Lunesta to help with sleep. It seems a little gentler.

                              Good luck with you med changes.


