I have been very half-arsed about quitting for the last year, deciding one minute to give up and then convincing myself it's ok to carry on for a bit longer and I have slipped dangerously back into drinking between one and two bottles a night which I know is really really not good! A few factors have brought me back to the decision that the time is NOW ...
1. My health
2. My mental well being, more and more I find myself feeling unable to cope and depressed when I should be so happy with the life I lead :upset:
3.. It will be the 20th anniversary of my dad's suicide in september and I have drunk heavily since that day (excluding a year during pregnancy and breastfeeding)
4. The amount of money I waste on alcohol each month - around ?300 :shocked:
I have been reading how vitamins can help with cravings so i have bought a strong B multi Vitamin, vit c and some l glutamine which I started yesterday and I have stocked up on things I like to eat and lots of non-al drinks.
We are sorting out our spare room and making it into a hobby/ relaxation room and i have many many crochet projects I want to start so hopefully a change in my nightly routine of sitting in front of the tv will help!
So in conclusion I am on day one again and looking to you lovely people for the neverending support you always offer
