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Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

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    Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

    One moment please while I shudder at chamomile tea............................shudder........
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

      Roxxy, hun, just getting of your chest helps..............I cried a lot after 30 days and took to me bed.

      There might just be one teeny weeny thing someone says today..............not just on the Army any where round the boards that ticks a box.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

        ah, its let me back on!

        that was weird, wouldnt let me see this page.

        ok, ive bent your ears enough. youve all gone anyway


          Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

          Nope...............still here.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

            you slacking cough not working today JC?


              Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

              Only use the cough when I'm feeling neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

              Just had another goldfish die I am the worstest goldfish keeper in the entire world.:upset:
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

                i had goldfish eons ago and they kept getting fin rot. turned out it was the new copper watertank that tainted the water. get a water tester maybe? like a litmus or wotnot, not expensive.

                RIP fishy.


                  Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

                  You read my mind............I was wondering if the tank was contaminated so I've dug out one fromt he back of the garage..........going to give it a damned good clean and hope that Benedict can at least survive 'til next week.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

                    maybe thats why first fishy went belly up. forgot the name................... how soon we forget...

                    hang in there benedict!!!

                    cumberbitch by any chance?


                      Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

                      roxane;1665490 wrote: maybe thats why first fishy went belly up. forgot the name................... how soon we forget...

                      hang in there benedict!!!

                      cumberbitch by any chance?

                      Mr Cumberbunch himself...........I have a slight crush on him.

                      Right must away into the kit hen and do stuff.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

                        cumberbitch is what his fans call themselves apparently.

                        im ok molly, ive never taken a quit as seriously as this. well, i have, but not had everything in the right place at the right time and fell over pretty quickly.

                        32 days today and yes, im counting :H

                        picture of haircut please. i need one if i can get over my dread of hairdressers.

                        nivea for me.


                          Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

                          Howyiz :waving:


                            Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

                            Afternoon army. Nice day here with good sunny spells but i'm bed with a tummy bug. Just trying to rest a bit today tho loads to be done in the house and garden. I'll catch over the weekend which is a bank holiday one here. Got my hair cut and coloured nearly 2 wks ago and i'm happy enough with it. Sorry about the Gold fish Jc. Roxy I have days where very low and a bit anxious as well. I hope it passes for you. I've no other advice only whats been said. I Cipragher ant-d 20 mg daily. I suppose it helps a bit I guess I would be worse without it. Would love to see the hair Molly what colour are you getting this time? Going to ly down for a bit so i'll be back later.
                            If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


                              Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

                              Well done on 32 days Roxy its a while since I got that far and i'm ashamed to admit i'm day 1 again. I have to get my act together and I have a day place in Bray to check out for help. I lost a rescue cat I only had for a few weeks and I was down but not sure if that's what triggered the slip. My mindset isn't right and let a few influence me with their drinking. That's why i'm feeling so ill today and I can't keep doing this. Cats been missing for over a week now and has not been seen despite me looking for her and asking around. So back to 3 cats agin and I think it may have to stay that way.
                              If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


                                Army Thread Wednesday 28th May

                                Foxy;1665533 wrote: Well done on 32 days Roxy its a while since I got that far and i'm ashamed to admit i'm day 1 again. I have to get my act together and I have a day place in Bray to check out for help. I lost a rescue cat I only had for a few weeks and I was down but not sure if that's what triggered the slip. My mindset isn't right and let a few influence me with their drinking. That's why i'm feeling so ill today and I can't keep doing this. Cats been missing for over a week now and has not been seen despite me looking for her and asking around. So back to 3 cats agin and I think it may have to stay that way.
                                :l:l Foxy Loxy.
                                I asked before about Antebuse ? Give it a try again?
                                It REALLY helps. The relief it gave me going on holidays. No choices to make / set everyone straight from the off - I will not be drinking on this holiday

                                It did not stop them asking for the first 2 full days - "what are you having to drink"
                                " want a cold beer " :egad:?
                                but they stopped then and automatically ordered a sparkling water with lime wedge & mint leaves in it. My version of a Mojito :H

                                I KNOW it is very difficult but I am SOOOOO glad I was able to say no. That of course is the 'brat' in me - always had to be different - but this time they were the ones who suffered while I was bright and breezy & very annoying I'm sure:H.

                                Write down how you feel today - I did that last time & dragged it out to read before I went.

