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Army Thread Thursday 29th May

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    Army Thread Thursday 29th May

    No haven't gone out just tidying up here a bit and the have a shower. I'll be off in bout an hour. I cudn't afford a regular gardener as i'm a disability pension. Two of my cats are asleep on my bed and the other went out. Rain has stopped for but its a dull day but mild. I don't like weeding much but planting I do and may be mowing a small I can handle and trees and lots of grass too much. Anyways I best go and get ready to head out. There is a fairly Tesco supermarket 20 min walk away or 5 mins on a bus near the house. I usually make a list and once during get anything I run out or forgot. There is quite a few supermarkets not too far from me so food bill for me and the cats isn't too high. Be back later.
    If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


      Army Thread Thursday 29th May

      Have a great flight and even better holiday, Molly! Send us some postcards, won't you?
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Army Thread Thursday 29th May

        Hi Army :hallo:

        Hope yis are all keeping well?

        Sorry to have missed Molls- hope ye have a lovely holiday xx

        Ah Dreamy- the dog is so beautiful. Love yer garden too.

        Have been meaning to get on sooner and say hello to yis all.
        Was down visiting the bro and sis-in-law for a few days and just have been caught-up in other things since getting back. Have been busy in the garden- painting shed and fences, digging etc.. and dealing with the issue of not being paid- yes it's wrong again this month. May hafta go down the route of legal action- will see.

        Anyways, just wanted to call-in and say hi to yis all xx


          Army Thread Thursday 29th May

          Sweetiepeapie :welcome: back! So sorry to hear about the salary thing again - surely there must be the union you could complain to, department of health, head honcho, somebody! How many people are affected, and what reasons were you given for this cock-up? They've had weeks in which to fix it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When are you going back to work? It must be so demotivating to go there, work like a slave and not be paid your full salary. Shall we send the Funny Penguin over to :boxer: :boxer: :boxer: :boxer: them?
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Army Thread Thursday 29th May

            Evening all from the workhouse :waving:

            Just heading home - starvin' I am :upset:
            Talk later if anyone will be around ?


              Army Thread Thursday 29th May

              Evening Army back from Tesco the shopping is put and I emptied the dish washer. Just having a cup of coffee. Sorry to hear your salary is wrong again. I hope they sort it pronto as you work hard for it. Like dreamy is no one there that take this on for you? Or has any spoken to whoever does the salaries? The rain has stopped for now thankfully I didn't get caught when I was out shopping.
              If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


                Army Thread Thursday 29th May

                Evening all.

                Dream that puppy should remember to put eyeliner on both her eyes. She's clever enough to stand on the one with the lid, learned by experience?

                Sweet, they should be giving emergency fund to all affected At least they should discuss out of pocket. Keep any proof of costs to claim them back, overdraft, dd unpaid penalties, that sort of thing.

                Having a bout of arthritis in my hands and feet. It affects my job (such as it is, one day a week) and walking the dog. Bummer.


                  Army Thread Thursday 29th May

                  Evening dahlinks,

                  Managed to get a text to Molls before she went.

                  Sweetypea, what can I say, its beyond ridiculous.

                  Sorry about the arthritis, Roxxy .

                  Who's turn is it to peel Satz' face off the cushion tonight?
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Thursday 29th May

                    Not mine, think of all that dried spittle.


                      Army Thread Thursday 29th May

                      roxane;1666015 wrote: Not mine, think of all that dried spittle.
                      Well I did it last week and we can't wait 'til Molls gets home or we'll need a chisel.

                      Ahhhhhhhh Dreamy she's a beaut dog. Is she going on hollingdays with you?
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Thursday 29th May

                        Hi again folks :hiya:

                        Disappeared there- got the mane chopped and then had to do me grocery shoppin. Just cookin some dins now then hafta varnish a door- can barely contain the excitement!

                        Jeez Rox- sorry ye have the arthritis- tis a bugger alright. Hope ye can get some relief xx

                        Hey Jacks- beyond ridiculous is one way of putting it How are ye doing?

                        Is Dreamy going on holidays? with a man????? Tell us more Dreamywan!

                        Spoke to salary people today- they took my details and no. said to expect call in next 3 working days- they have a special task force dealing with it as so many have been affected. Followed that call up with an email to them also. Left a message on union answer service- still waiting a call back- methinks they will not be getting my membership fee for much longer- useless shower of f***ers :gramps: I wanna know what they are actually doing to resolve the issue. To top it all part of a tooth came off last night when I was eating some granola- gotta head to dentist tomorrow and see what can be done! Full of the joys I am at present!

                        Sorry to be a 'woe is me' - don't like being this way and that's maybe why I haven't been around much- don't wanna share the misery xx


                          Army Thread Thursday 29th May

                          Share the misery sweetpea, breaking that tooth puts the tin lid on it doesn't it.


                            Army Thread Thursday 29th May

                            Listen if you can't 'woe with me' with us, it would be a very sad day.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Thursday 29th May

                              :H Yeah Rox the tooth thing really was the icing on the cake.

                              Sorry girls- it's really not all that bad and there are many people dealing with a whole lot worse. Lately I've just found my 'get on with it' 'chin up' button faulty. Not sure why

                              Anyways, whats the craic with yis? I haven't even been able to focus on reading back or reading about the site. Used to be I'd be on everyday desperate to read anything.


                                Army Thread Thursday 29th May

                                I've been moaning a lot sweets :H

                                JC has been having fish problems but shell tell you about that.

                                Can't remember anything else, as per.

