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Thanks to CV

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    Thanks to CV

    Just wanted to say a big and open thanks to CV for all the research you've been posting!

    I bought the 7 Weeks to Sobriety and took the "What Type of Drinker Are You?" survey today, and, Gee, lucky me! I'm BOTH an ADH/THIQ and Omega-6 Deficient Biotype!!!:rolleyes At any rate, I was over the the store today loading up on additional supplements that I will start adding into my program.

    All of this stuff is fascinating, and I think it really complements the components of the MWO program very nicely. Or VERRRY NICELY!

    But I do say a special thanks to CV, for without her paintaking research and posting, I probably wouldn't have looked further!:h :d


    Thanks to CV

    Hi. Yes. Thanks cv.Your posts have helped me tremendously.I also bought this book but hid it in the back of the cupboard until i read your post on supplement formula's to help with stress etc.etc.I'm using this book to build a personal supp program to over come stress.(stress, reason i started to drink in the first place, like so many others.)Kathy hit the point well.All this stuff complements MWO so very well.
    Thanks again and lots of :lol lluf


      Thanks to CV

      Yes CV,

      Thank you for all of your hard work and very informative post! I have truly learned so much!!



        Thanks to CV

        You're welcome to all and I want to thank RJ to, who took alot of the same research and added different components, then had the courage to put it in an autobiographical book that reaches out to all of us to work together and regain our health and strength!

        Without having lurked and read your posts, I would likely have still been in the closet, researching but not acting, so thanks to all of you for my 15 days of abs!:d


          Thanks to CV

          ditto on everyone's thanks CV!! I printed out many of the articles to keep in a keeping a whole big notebook w/ articles etc on this program and everything I l learn here, as I am truly excited and grateful for it!!

          This is a GODsend!! Thanks for all of you!!

          Mary Anne :h :d


            Thanks to CV

            You read my mind, I was going to write a similar post today.
            CV - thanks from me - your research and posts are SO helpful to me and I never would have had the time. Keep them coming and many thanks!
            Also, congrats on the 15 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

