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My Outing

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    My Outing

    Hi All. I wanted to tell you about my day out yesterday. About how I did not drink at a friend's wedding yesterday. I know I'm pregnant and I should not be thinking about alcohol at all but....I am. From the minute I woke up I was thinking about alcohol. Knowing that i was not going to drink kind of marred the whole occassion. My brain has been warped so much by the mad juice! And Weddings=Booze in my eyes. Anyway, i found the occassion to be okay. Unfortunately, I did not know that many people there, so alot of the time was spent talking and finding conversation with strangers which I always find a bit of a strain and usually drink my way through it. Without the drink inside me, It was almost like walking through the day with crystal clear senses. Instead of the usual happy blur, I was painfully aware of everything. It was weird and i felt very grown-up! Aren't I stupid? I am grown-up! I was also very aware of how much other people were drinking. My husband, who is a social (normal!!) drinker began slurring his words, which I found quite amusing and had to tell him such (in a nice way!) Other people were much more friendly with me than when we all arrived. I worked out why. I noticed peoples' drinking behaviour is so varied. You have the "I'm proud to be drunk" drinkers who talk louder than anyone else and think they are extremely funny. You have the "Affectionate" drinkers, who love lots of physical contact and overly exagerate their emotions. They usually dance alot. (I am one of them!) You have the "Quiet, don't draw attention to me" drinkers, who just sit and mind their own business. Of course you get the aggressive drinkers, but fortunately I did not see them as we left before the end of the evening.

    It was a different experience for me. I can not say that I had the best day but.....I will remember it. I also enjoyed my son's presence more than I ever have aswell. He behaved so beautifully and someone said what a lovely lad he was and that I should be very proud of him. i am, very.

    Thankyou for listening to me. Bella xxxx

    My Outing

    Well Done!!!

    I'm the same, any social occasion usually meant an excuse for me to get shitfaced, especially when everyone else is drinking too.

    I have managed a few nights out sober now, and once I have resigned myself to not having a drink, I tend to then become a 'drunk people watcher'. But deep down, while they may get loud, affectionate, or whatever, I know that when I'm drinking and my 'off' switch dissappears, I'm the one that makes the biggest fool of myself, and other people who are drunk end up 'tut tutting' at me.

    And being pregnant as a drinker is hard, I know, but I found that in early pregnancy it gave me a reason to hold back, I still drank, but kept it to the barest minimum, the thought of my little growing baby being drunk inside me gave me cause to stop and think, and I'm glad it did. Even though my daughter has some horrible memories of me being drunk as she was growing up, she is smart, healthy and gorgeous, and I feel good knowing that at least I didn't do her any harm as I was growing her inside me.

    So I hope that you can stay as good as you can be, I know you know it's worth it.

    Lot's of love and strength, Jas:l
    :thanks: :h


      My Outing

      Good morning Bella and Jasmin. Bella, great job yesterday! I think most of us have trouble attending "occasions" w/o drinking. I grew up in a family where ANY occasion was a reason for a keg, even a one year old's birthday! Glad you didn't run into any of the nasty drunks. I have to be honest; that is what happens to me when I have too much. To a certain point I am fun, over that line I become argumentative and sometimes mean.

      Anyhow, so glad you got through it!:goodjob:


        My Outing

        Hi Bella:

        Last night, I too went to a party & didn't drink. I made up my mind ahead of time. I did watch the drinkers. There was only one who drank a little more than normal. I had a great time. I was able to:
        -not go to the party already half fortified w/a drink or 2 (or 3).
        -follow the conversation.
        -not obssess about when I could drink my 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. drink.
        -drive home.

        I am such a problem drinker that I really feel that the only course for me is abstinence. Therefore, I'm trying to think positively about abs social situations. I think that eventually I'll get used to not being in a haze for half (or more) of the evening.
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          My Outing

          The BEST part is you enjoyed your son!!!! MAKES IT ALL WORTH EVERY MINUTE...


            My Outing

            Funny how much you take in while not drinking. Your observations are very keen. Be very proud of yourself Bella you have done so well. Alcohol and drinking are just part of who we are and we are going to think about it. So happy your little lad impressed, I am sure is a little angel.


              My Outing

              I'm glad everything went to plan Bella.
              It's fun people watching...


                My Outing

                Great job on getting through the night without drinking Bella!

                I remember one of the times I was in rehab, the counselor made this scenerio....

                Imagine you are in a crowded bar with people all around you drinking and having a good time. The music is playing, and people celebrating and doing it up.

                Now imagine the bar when it closes after hours. The lights come on. Their are dirty ashtrys, and garbage everywhere. The place stinks of booze and garbage. See all the broken glass laying around. When the lights come on.

                I always remembered that....


                  My Outing


                  Great job Bella. I too have been amazed at how people act so differently when they drink - especially when they drink too much. I say to myself "Oh my God, I hope I never acted like that!" But I know I did - only worse. AF is the best way to go to a party. Then you can be amused all night by the drinkers and still drive home safely!
                  Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                    My Outing

                    Well done

                    It is difficult to change your total outlook on social situations and enjoy in a different way.
                    Its great you did so. Moo


                      My Outing

                      I just loved your line, it wasn't the best evening, but I did rememeber it.. Awesome !!!

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

