Welcome Reccy! The more the merrier! Jump on in and get to know all the nuts around here! LOL
Hiya Nursie...how you doing today?
I am super excited about the Water Treatment Plant! Sounds like the perfect place to hold the Octo-Orgy. I will start organizing that right away! One of the supervisors over there is moving on to a new job, so they are having a going away BBQ, so I will be there mingling with my new peeps! They have a HUGE BBQ area, they know how to get down. Good thing I am no longer a Vegan/Vegetarian/or even remotely concerned about my health. LOL
Zenny - I totally turned my cable off a month ago...I save $90 a month and neither Sierra or I have even missed it! We are totally Netflix/Youtube watchers, with an occasional movie from Redbox for $1. Did you say Mad Men Season 6 is on Netflix now??? I will have to catch up with that ANNOYING Don Draper!
Mama - How are the girls today? Tell Thelma and Louise to stop being such a pain in the arse!! Hope you feel ok!!! Any Pennsatucky news we need to be aware of?

Nora - Good for you on the AB! I am so frustrated. Last week I bought 5 "emergency" pills (for $20) to get me through until my prescription could be filled on Monday. Well...Monday I went in and the insurance site was down so they couldn't run it, so I had the option of waiting or paying $171 for what normally costs $4. Well you all know what a cheap ass I am. So I still don't have my AB's and basically wasted the $20 since I am now on day FOUR without them...which means they are not even in my system anymore. BOO HISS as Dots would say!
My boss is off today and tomorrow so I don't have to put up with her man-laugh! Yippeee!
Back later....love you all! :h