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One Step at a Time - June 2014
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Zenstyle;1673810 wrote: I thought about that. Nope. You were not meant to be a male. You were meant to be you, as you are. So YOU need to accept YOU my dear...(I'll send you the bill...)
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Dottie Belle;1673811 wrote: I told dh that we are going to try and fix it ourselves since I am tired of looking for someone...if we really mess it up that is another story..
One Step at a Time - June 2014
fennel;1673813 wrote: I disagree, but that's a whole 'nother thread. :HEmotions/psyche are a special interest and I like to hear other view points. Makes for a more stimulating conversation than effing politics that's for sure...
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Yeah Dotts... give it a go... I'll bet you and DH can fix it. You have my cell number I think? If you get stuck I'll get Ken to talk to you about it.
I'm going to turn in and watch some Mad Men or OITNB. Oh yeah, Niner... Series 6 of Mad Men is on Netflix, forgot to say.
Nighty night Fenny and Dotty... sleep tight... XXX
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Lol holy tiles! You guys could open your own business!
Mama, how are you feeling?
I'm off to work a little early today. I have to have a chat with one of my staff. It should be interesting!
Check in later!Day 1 again 11/5/19
Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
11/27/19: messed up but back on track
12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track
One day at a time.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Good morning, peeps. When is this rain going to end? :upset:
EW, I haven't been following the World cup stuff...I will have to go and see what happened.
Mama, isn't it hard to keep your make-up looking fresh in all that heat/humidity?
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Nursie, do you have to reprimand somebody? Sounds like a drag.
Mama, I hope Pennsatucky behaves today. Oh,'s Friday! I bet she has swollen ankles/morning sickness/toxemia/toxoplasmosis/hepatitis C today, and can't make it in! :H:H
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Speaking of "Pennsatucky"...I decided to skitter over to Youtube and caught a few scenes/dribs and drabs from "Orange Is The New Black", since you ladies are always raving about it.
I was very surprised to see how much the show veered away from the actual book. In the book, the character "Crazy Eyes" was a Spanish lady, and barely two pages were devoted to her. She wasn't Piper's "Prison wife". She dropped seriously blatant hints indicating that she wanted to be Piper's prison wife, but Piper let her know she wasn't "that way" and Crazy Eyes soon lost interest. I was surprised to see the change of race and extended character development.
Also "Alex/Nora" in the book had a figure like a fireplug and the face of a bull dog. Claire Danes is definitely NOT what I expected! :H Their prison relationship was pretty surprising to me, as they had limited contact after they were imprisoned, and it took place only over a brief span of a few days when Piper had to go to Chicago towards the end of her sentence to testify re: her involvement in the whole drug/money laundering thing. Piper had very hostile feelings towards Nora/Alex for ratting her out for what amounted to a very minimal involvement in the scheme. She never perjured herself, either.
I understand that in order to make an entire multi-season series out of what was only a very brief stint in prison (15 months), they would have to embellish things a bit. I can't believe that Piper Kerman went for the whole perjuring plot twist, though. In the book, she's unflinchingly honest.
Book Piper had fond feelings for Pennsatucky, and wrote a glowing letter on her behalf to help her regain custody of her children and reduce her sentence. I can't recall Pennsatucky trying to stab Piper in a courtyard at all.
If I divorce myself from what I know and just try to enjoy the show, it might work for me. I really like the "Crazy Eyes" character. Man, that woman can act! Such passion, too. :H