Nursie... You sound like me tonight... I just want my bed!
Reccy... Glad Miss Amy is back to herself. Can't believe she's coming up a year already... on Independence Day no less. Couple of months before the day your carpets, stove knobs and other chewables lost their independence! (She tried to systematically eat Reccy's house when he got her!)
EW... Glad you're liking OITNB. We'll have you watching The L Word in no time!
Pauly... Married since 16... good grief! You need some kinda medal for that don't you?

Mama... I can see you on a soccer field! I bet you didn't take any shit!
Dotts... "House guests are like fish... they start to smell after 3 days!". Methinks you are going to be verrrry glad the day they leave...
Alls... I'm like you, I think it through before I buy anything now. I had a huge clearance when I downsized and I never want all that crap again. I run pretty darn lean now and I like it like that. (With the exception of my closet!)
Good luck with the smooshing tomorrow Fenny!
OK, I am taking my laptop and I'm taking a painkiller and I am going to BED. I'll check back from my pit to see if anyone's around... maybe Nora who will probably be in her bed too! :H