Crazy stuff Zen, what are some people thinking? Guess they're not thinking are they! I imagine the emergency responders think they've seen it all until they haven't.
No announcement yet.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Crazy stuff Zen, what are some people thinking? Guess they're not thinking are they! I imagine the emergency responders think they've seen it all until they haven't.2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Morning all
Apologies for disappearing yesterday.
Mama, don't let bri make you mad, she's really not worth it. She'll do herself out of a job soon enough from the sound of it. It's just a matter of being patient and waiting for events to take their course, I would imagine.
The place where I worked for 20 years required a doctor's note for more than 5 days off sick. There was this guy who started taking more than his fair share of sick leave and at a certain stage his boss got fed up with it and said he had to produce a note for even one day off. All of a sudden the guy stopped taking sick leave. Food for thought, perhaps?
Speaking of food, it was a Hawaiian pizza, zenny. For some reason fresh pineapples are very cheap here and I find them hard to resist. And yep, I did make the base from scratch!
The pharmacy project sounds exciting. Will the compounding pharmacy be in the same building as the original pharmacy? How many people are involved in the whole thing now?
Bet those cops and ambulance medics were miffed! The neighbour must've been really embarrassed when she got home and found out what had happened.
Don't know if you'll read back when you return home fenny, but the location of your cabin sounds idyllic! It must be wonderful to be able to escape from the world to a place like that at weekends, I can really understand why you spend so much time there.
Yep, there is a stream about a mile away from me. It flows through the village common where I sometimes walk Amy. So far she shows more interest in drinking from the stream than actually swimming in it, that may change as the days become warmer.
Sorry about your mum's cat. Kidney disease in cats can be problematic, unfortunately. I think a lot depends on how early on it gets diagnosed. It's good that he's responding to meds, that sounds promising.
Glad you had a productive day, dots.
Nora, I'm sure your life story isn't in the least bit boring, but any help sleeping would be welcome! :H How is your mum doing now?
Hope it's less hot today for those of you that have been suffering in the summer heat. It's pleasantly cool here with some welcome rain. Can't believe I'm saying that after all the rain we had over the winter. Off to get something done now, I'll check back later. Enjoy your weekend folks.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Morning loves. I have been wallowing and watching Netflix, but it's time for yardwork.
We are going to an arena football game tonight... Should be interesting. It will do me good to get outI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Dottie Belle;1676434 wrote: youse guys are killing me....LOL
Still reading back...
:lOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Wow! I just can't leave here for a day or two or I'm completely lost! And I'm lost as a general rule anyway...
Mama- how in the world is that chick still hanging on? She can't possibly think she's going to be working there or any real length of time....right? Why can't you fire her btw or get in her face demanding the bracket, asking about her nails, telling her she's being written up? I'll show her a Hostile Environment!!
Fen- I want to come live in the Baraboo Range....what an awesome place. No wonder you disappear there every weekend! Hope kitty is resting comfortably.:l
Nora....I wish I could been myself down to CA and hang out with you. But here's a long distance :l ....
Reccie where in England is your village? I graduated from Lancaster Uni - a zillion years ago! And I loved taking buses to remote places and just wondering around. Helped with exam stress that's for sure...though I did manage to find every single pub between there and there...:HOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Oops! meant to preview and hit submit!
Liz yea on the results! I need to get my butt into the DR to check out a few things as we'll!
Zenny you cracked me up two with the life alert story. You sound good these days- hot but good....I'd love to trade you some of this weather over's very Scotland if you ask me- cloudy with a chance of mist... :H.
K9- the countdown is on, baby!! I'm sure someone will co sign for you. Fingers crossed.....
So Sedona completely nailed the audition but did not make it to the final was a VERY tough day because the audition was a long way from home...and my fricken car died...and the traffic sucked...and I got LOST at the last minute so I got her there with about 3 minutes to spare before she had to sing... No joke... :egad: it was completely insane.
Still, I was so proud of her. She was incredibly hungry and tired and hot but she kept her composure and handled it all with more equanimity than most adults would have....
I was not happy about some of the crap I saw going on there but that's another story.....she should have made it to the finals- one of the kids that did was clearly older and she barely knew the material....still, Sedona is learning early how hard that world can be....
The girls were going to dance today in the Fathoms parade - the yearly Summer Festival downtown- but honestly... I take to the rehearsal....oops!!!Actually, I don't think they minded. We are all pretty tired.
So I head down to AZ July 8th. Matt is going in for Maverick this Tuesday which means that if he makes that level he is eligible for a home visit and I can take him to I know what the hell I would do in Tuscan...really I'd rather hang out with him in Arivaca. I'm looking forward to making him dinner, talking some hikes, wondering through the town, eating out....just basically chilling with my baby boy... Oh and I guess I have to ride a horse somewhere in there too! :H
We'll, I'm off to clean out the area for the pool...we are moving it close to the house so we can run the pump through these great solar panels I got last summer....we will put them on the roof. I'm actually really excited about this. My heating bill is so outrageous every month that I'd love to get a bit of my own back!!
Love you all immense amounts and I'm sorry if I missed anyone.
I need a 'post alert' bracelet for MWO!! I could hang it around the dogs neck! :hOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
One Step at a Time - June 2014
You sound a bit down mama. :l Hope you enjoy the game tonight.
Hello kradle, it's not easy to keep up with the thread, is it?In answer to your question, the village where I live is in West Oxfordshire, a couple of hundred miles or so south of Lancaster. How did you come to be studying there?
You clearly have your hands very full with your children. How old are they? I guess you could have done without the car and traffic problems, but it sounds as though you did well to make it there in time. Like zenny said the other day, you must have the patience of a saint to cope with everything you have to deal with.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
I am beat. Yard sale was busy again today. We are not going back tomorrow due to a church thingy. New pastor meet and great. And in the air conditioning too...
The guest bedroom is clean and tidy. I will wash the bedding on Monday so the cats cant sleep on it. I will close the door and the little buggers can sleep elsewhere. His daughter is allergic so I dont want make her too miserable....
In for the night and now we are having a storm..glad it waited until we got home.
I will sleep well tonight for sure.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
MAE (Morning, Afternoon, Evening) everyone......
Reccie - I hope that it's bedtime for you since this is going to put you to sleep.I am 55 years old, married for 36 years. We have one 27 year old son that I love so very much. My husband has health issues - brain hemorrhage about 16 years ago. Many issues stemming from that plus degenerative disc disease, etc.
Our son is the joy of our lives. He is living with us right now. He wants to go back to school to get his degree for physical therapy. He graduated college but needs his Masters degree.
We have 2 dogs & 4 cats.
My Mom lives in another state than I do. My Dad passed away last year and my brother moved in to take care of my Mom. She has Alzheimer's and her short term memory is not there anymore. But, she knows her family and is happy.
Good night now Reccie :H"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Hi Everyone,
Dottie - dealing with the heat like all of us here. Ran a race this morning and it was a real struggle. It was a 13.1 miler in humid conditions and poor race organization. Hope your day went well and you were able to stay cool! Keep training OK!
Hope everyone had a good Saturday and a relaxing Sunday awaits!2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Mom is doing ok. She is using a walker that the neighbor brought over. Nothing was broken. She as doing good yesterday & today with drinking more water, juice, etc. She has an appointment on Monday with Occupational Therapy. I think that my brother has realized that he can't be gone for hours on end anymore (casino or bar). He is taking wonderful care of her but I'm just so sad that I'm not taking care of her. It's hard living so far away.
Liz - was glad to hear from you! I have been thinking about you.
Pauly - hope that you had a great day off.
Kradle - sorry about the audition. And, um, sorry that they missed the rehearsal.
Is hubby going with you to see Matt?
Dottie - as long as the guest room is clean, you should be set.
Mama - hope you're doing ok. Been thinking about you so much.
Zen - laughed at your life alert story.
Ok - I know I'm missing people and comments that I wanted to make. I'm going to have to start making notes. But, I love you all and thanks for being here. :h"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15