Glad your mom is o.k Nora and nothing is broken,it's blazin hot here 104 i think,ugh,hubs just tried to go to the store my car is acting crazy,he thinks its the fuel pump! always something i swear!
No announcement yet.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Glad your mom is o.k Nora and nothing is broken,it's blazin hot here 104 i think,ugh,hubs just tried to go to the store my car is acting crazy,he thinks its the fuel pump! always something i swear!I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
One Step at a Time - June 2014
A very late check-in from me. Had a hellishly busy day and I'm SO ready for bed. I spent all afternoon and most of the evening deep cleaning the kitchen and throwing crap out.
And the bloody tree trimmers from hell that do the bigger trees came today. As per usual they flattened my flower beds and, as per usual, I did the usual song and dance whilst trying not to say fuck. I came home and hauled all the tree limbs and palm fronds off my plants, and Cheryl's as she was out, and when these guys got back from lunch I ripped the boss a new backside. A neighbour a few houses up was LIVID with them... and she DID say fuck to them. They got the message and cleared everything up but still and all... WTF? We really have to do this every freakin time?
Reccy... I guessed the pizza would all be made from scratch.It's funny listening to you describing your life to the group. (I know Reccy's "stats" but little things I haven't heard before are coming up!) Re the pharmacy debacle, yep the compounding pharmacy is directly attached to the regular pharmacy. We have nothing to do with the regular pharmacy now... it was a damn nightmare the whole thing, especially for Jim, but there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel. Watch that fecker be a train!!!
Re Norma's neighbor's life alert... she puts the life alert on the dog on purpose. She reckons if she falls the dog will come to her. Until you walk out the door and leave the dog behind! OMG... I shouldn't laugh... but...
Are you getting Amy one?!
Mama... I think Reccy has a point... 'Tucky is going to dig her own grave, sit back and watch the show and keep giving us updates as it's riveting and compelling!! :H I hope you had fun at the game tonight. :l
Kradle... Yet once more I read your post and wonder how you do it? I'm too lazy to take my cats to a cat show and I'm sure they'd win as Chartreux are very thin on the ground. I've left it too late now anyway so I won't angst! I really hope the girls get what they want with the stage stuff. What's next on the agenda?
Nora... I loved reading your synopsis of your life! Like reading Reccy's I learned some new things.I'm glad your mum is doing so well after the fall... and try not to feel guilty, things are what they are and you can't uproot your entire life. I can relate though... I'm in the same boat.
Alls... That's awesome you ran 13.1 miles. That is something I would never be able to achieve. Congratulations!
I'm sitting at the breakfast bar admiring my clean kitchen as we speak! I think all cooking activity has to cease now... haha.
Cheryl has a guest this weekend that makes her mum's neighbor look sane in comparison. A very close friend of hers (now deceased) 57 year old nephew came into town last night. Well... this fellow (Gary) collects Garfield memorabilia. He showed me pictures of his condo on his phone and it's covered in Garfield this and that, you can hardly see any furniture and his rugs, shower curtains, bed covers, everything, is Garfield. (He was wearing a Garfield t-shirt btw.) He even has TWO Garfield slot machines taking up his living room, and they are working ones, which is illegal. Basically, he's a Garfield hoarder. His other specialty is he won't order a meal from the menu, he asks the waitress to bring him a "surprise". If anyone reading this is a waiter or waitress you can imagine how aggravating that is. He's been given ice cream scoops that were actually mashed potatoes covered in chocolate syrup and all sorts of weird stuff and he flippin well eats it. And he talks non-stop relating stories of this and that. And he ended up with a hire car that had no a/c... in Florida and it's almost July. Poor Cheryl is traumatized with this visit! Kale and Water Smoothies for that one for sure... I'll let you know if it works Dotts!
OK, off to bed... anticipating a lie-in tomorrow! Nighty night folksies... X
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Morning everyone,
Sorry I missed you all yesterday. My brother has come up for the weekend and it's the first time in about 10 years we've got to hang out and giggle (as we always do together)! He found my drinking difficult as it turned me into a liar (noo, I've no she beens drinking honesssssht etc) but he says he has seen how well I've done for nearly and year and that I recovered from my blip v quickly so he is proud of me. V nicer to hear if for selfish reasons!
Anyhow, we're off to take Mini EW swimming but just wanted to say hey. It's nice reading back to find out more about your 'stories' ;even Reccie who isn't speaking to me :H
Zen- businesses are in that stage where they make little money but could explode into real money makers any moment. Fingers crossed!
Will check in later. Hope you're all having a good Sunday Funday
EWIf you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Morning everyone,
Sorry I missed you all yesterday. My brother has come up for the weekend and it's the first time in about 10 years we've got to hang out and giggle (as we always do together)! He found my drinking difficult as it turned me into a liar (noo, I've no she beens drinking honesssssht etc) but he says he has seen how well I've done for nearly and year and that I recovered from my blip v quickly so he is proud of me. V nicer to hear if for selfish reasons!
Anyhow, we're off to take Mini EW swimming but just wanted to say hey. It's nice reading back to find out more about your 'stories' ;even Reccie who isn't speaking to me :H
Zen- businesses are in that stage where they make little money but could explode into real money makers any moment. Fingers crossed!
Will check in later. Hope you're all having a good Sunday Funday
EWIf you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Ach don't you two be going falling out over footers!!! Reccy isn't that bothered about it I don't think.
It's really nice that you're getting time with your bro. And take the accolades by the way... if you accept them and believe in them they could ward off a slip. Right? :l We have to start rebuilding our self esteem somewhere... :l
In other news... where in the whole State of North America is the freakin Sleep Fairy?! Brutal, this insomnia thing. I took a pill and... nothing. So I woke a friend up (oh yes I did!) and scheduled a shopping trip tomorrow to get stuff for NC next week. Hopefully, with a sound immediate plan, I can sleep? If not, off to Netflix I go.........
One Step at a Time - June 2014
No idea why I'm wide awake. If you don't see me for three days, I'm sleeping!
Have a good Sunday luvvies... love youse... you are getting to be part of my life for sure. I'm really glad I joined the thread. I wasn't sure at first as I only knew Mama and Nora but it has been GREAT! Those two "took me in" when I was at a low ebb... and since then I met the rest of you and it's been really "easy"and nice.
It's really nice chatting, no judgement, definitely a keen awareness, but at the end of the day it seems we all know a person has to make their own path... and it's a unique one for each of us. With this group, positive reinforcement works... no need for "tough love".
The threads about being grateful... I'm grateful for you lot!
Did I go all psychologist there?
Night! Again! X
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Morning everyone!
hope you're finally getting some sleep zenny. Good going on all the kitchen scrubbing yesterday. I really dislike having a messy kitchen and in my case it can be a trigger for drinking so I try hard to keep it clean and tidy. I'm sure your spotless and sparkling kitchen is a whole lot cleaner than mine though!
I had a visual of you struggling heroically with yourself to not say the F word to the tree trimmers and could not help laughing! :H Sorry!!! But you must be so fed up with them! It's not long since you replaced the last lot of plants they flattened is it? Are you going to take it up with the HOA again? You would have thought there must be other tree trimmers in the area that they could employ instead.
Best of luck with the compounding pharmacy, it would be really good for both you and Jim if it takes off. Do you have a clear idea yet of what the future might hold for you work-wise?
There you are EW! Was wondering where you'd got to yesterday. Enjoy your time with your brother and mini Miss EW. And good luck with your new businesses too!
I'm sorry about your husband's health issues nora, they can't be easy for either him or you to cope with. Sorry about your dad also. I lost my own father 10 years ago to meningitis so I know how tough it is to lose a parent. I'm glad your mum is doing better. It's a shame she's so far away - I imagine you would really like to be able to go and see her right now.
You must live in a big house to be able to accommodate so many four-legged friends! I would quite like to have another cat, but I'm a bit wary of taking on any more potential vet bills right now.
Well done on getting your home cleaned up dottie. Let's hope your guests appreciate your efforts!
Hi Allswell, don't think we've met but I'm really impressed by your running! A half-marathon is no mean feat in hot and humid conditions. :goodjob:
Hope you can get the car sorted without too much hassle pauly.
How was the game last night mrs bear?
Enjoy your Sunday everyone.Off to make lunch now and then I should go and find something useful to do.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Off to lake house... Have not read back but will. Love you all to bits.
This lake house feels a bit like endentured slavery... But hubs loves itI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Good morning. Going to church in a bit. Graduation party today for my nephew! It',ll be the first time since the wedding where we will see some of the relatives. I'm looking forward to it.
Nora, loved reading up about you. I am 54 and married 32 years. You were a vey young bride.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Off to get more cawfee (I snagged some Costo Rican coffee beans at Marshalls the other day... let me tell you once you've had Costo Rican you ain't ever going back!)
Edit: Let's make than CostA Rican!
One Step at a Time - June 2014
I am 53 and married 23 years and have two sons, 18 and 22.
Reccie - I guess I am a little down, but I'll be fine. It's extremely hard to be nice to someone that you despise
Hope you got some sleep Zen.
Disappearing into the deep woods of north Florida. Maybe I can find link
Kradle- I auditioned for everything from 10 till about 25. I was a musical theatre major...I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem