Hey all,weird day i swear,i have yet to leave for the dmv,begged hubs to go,but L.B is still at her catering job,i just do not feel like going! and i can't find my social security card(which resembles a crumpled dollar bill)fudge! it is on my i.d card with the tribe,hopefully they accept that,people at work drove me bananas,people pick out pictures and i'm like are you sure?cuz i've been doing this for awhile and damn,some things don't work for some people! ugh,i'm letting Kell cover my shift tomorrow,i need a good sleep in,she needs the money,it's all good,Mama,you have got to be tired from traveling so much?did you see my pi on f.b of all those cigs?gross! it's from us all,not just me haha,ugh i'm rambling,just bored,K9, those questions still baffle me,appetite?all (blank)people are?wtf
No announcement yet.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Hey all,weird day i swear,i have yet to leave for the dmv,begged hubs to go,but L.B is still at her catering job,i just do not feel like going! and i can't find my social security card(which resembles a crumpled dollar bill)fudge! it is on my i.d card with the tribe,hopefully they accept that,people at work drove me bananas,people pick out pictures and i'm like are you sure?cuz i've been doing this for awhile and damn,some things don't work for some people! ugh,i'm letting Kell cover my shift tomorrow,i need a good sleep in,she needs the money,it's all good,Mama,you have got to be tired from traveling so much?did you see my pi on f.b of all those cigs?gross! it's from us all,not just me haha,ugh i'm rambling,just bored,K9, those questions still baffle me,appetite?all (blank)people are?wtfI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Pauly, you are so funny...I love the way you describe the styles that some people pick out! :H I'm having a very bad hair day today (ok, a bad hair LIFE is more like it...lol). I need to color it tonight. Not only did I pop a vein in my left eye, but overnight my grey hairs started multiplying! So yes, I am a mess today, and not a hot one either! LOL:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
effin laptop is about to barf on itself so if I am not here for a while it is NOT me....don't know what to do. fix this old laptop or bite the bullet and buy a new one...damn not in the budget...
Will also check out how much to fix this hard drive...just what I needed more to do.....
One Step at a Time - June 2014
effin laptop is about to barf on itself so if I am not here for a while it is NOT me....don't know what to do. fix this old laptop or bite the bullet and buy a new one...damn not in the budget...
Will also check out how much to fix this hard drive...just what I needed more to do.....
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Thanks everyone for the very kind birthday wishes. Wow 50, guess it's just a number but remember when I was 25 thinking anyone 50 was over the top old - well here I am!
Sounds like everyone had an adult dose of life today, bring it on!2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Not doing well. Broken record. Matt's tooth is dead. Posted on my thread. Being self absorbed like all good alcoholics are....:upset:
But grateful I can come here.....On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
https://www.mywayout.org/community/f11/tool-box-27556.html tool box
https://www.mywayout.org/community/f19/newbies-nest-30074.html newbie nest
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Happy Birthday Allswell, sorry I missed it.
Off to sleep, uncle AL was persistent tonight but I won and he left empty handed.
Hope everyone is doing well..
FTAF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Extremely late over here. I wanted to touch base though...
My girlfriends I saw tonight are a bit older than me, about 10 years give or take, and I felt a little excluded by some of the convo. I'll be in their shoes soon enough... no need to berate me on my timing! Ya know?
Ach well. It could be worse... I could be HAWT!!! :H
I got botox. Oh yes I did! From the dentist. I should imagine I'll have a wonderful career in the media's eye now... NOT! Pure vanity. Feel free to scold me. Or ask questions...
One Step at a Time - June 2014
You seem to be doing really well FT. I'm finding it's necessary to have good people in my life... we can't do it alone. I think problem drinkers are inherently empathetic and it becomes a very bad deal if we have less than stellar companions around us. (Long winded way of saying "stay away from the knuckle heads" I suppose...) Oy... new here!
Kradle... will they put an implant in for Matt? Maybe he's too young for falsies so I guess ye olde implant (although that can be problematic as his gums are still growing...) Ahhh, soz hon... :l I hope they can do the implant and that it's not an arm and a leg.
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Dotts... my local Costco used to sell a good variety of laptops but they seem to have slowed down on that. Best Buy would be my next stop... do youz have one up there?
Mama... hope that Philly Cheesesteak didn't give yer heartburn or indigestion! Ya Globe Trotter you! :l Bet you ate one!
Lights out! Crown prep tomorrow. Please don't ask me why I've put all this tooth stuff off for so long... making me crazy. I'm actually conflicted... a set of falsies is looking very tempting right now. :upset:
One Step at a Time - June 2014
Hey all,cute pic Zen,not much going on here for me today stayed up too late watching music on youtube,and red hot chilli pepper interviews,hubs and i were just talking and remembering,it's our 24 th anniversary tomorrow! i couldn't believe it went by so fast dang,it's cute Louie can't say Brady so he calls him "eggy"so cute,well have a good one peepsI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!