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Day 5

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    Day 5

    Hi everyone,
    Well day five , still no sign of the package, had to work all weekend so it made it a bit easier, made myself go to bed early so didnt have to much free time to think about booze.
    Ex came over for kids and left beers in fridge my son was really made, told me he thinks its his way of trying to control me(he is 11 amazing), havnt touch it lucky not that keen on beer these days. Feeling pretty good not sleeping very well, and have not been very social as yet, really worried about that most of my friends like a drink guess i will tell them on a health kick. My son tells me every day what day i am up to and how proud he is of me , puts the pressure on but that is probably good.
    My daughter is a wreck at the moment, having a real hard time with girls from school (god they can be such bitches)wish she could just skip the teen thing it is horrible, it breaks my heart to see her so depressed, god i hope she dosnt turn to the booze, she is such a sensative girl she just gets so hurt when they are horrible to her, i feel like going and slapping them for hurting my baby girl (she is 17) not really a baby but she will always be my baby girl.
    Hope everyone is going well take again soon chill:h

    Day 5

    congrats on making it to day 5 ,thats good going!


      Day 5


      Great going hon. I have a 12 year old stepson...yeah, they are amazing. I can't wait until he realizes his dad and I have stopped drinking. It's been a long time since he has seen us w/o a drink-except the days we take him back home.....we don't drink and drive w/that prescious cargo.

      Day five is really good...AND making it thru the first weekend I think is amazing.

      Damn ex-husband. Dump the beer u still have a picture of him around? Make sure kids aren't around then put his pic in sink douse it w/all the alcohol and light it up.

      Of course, don't do that if you have curtains nearby ur sink...LOL.



        Day 5

        an 11 year old boy having such insight is amazing, beautiful. he is not giving you pressure but support, the pressure is from you.


          Day 5

          I could only wish for my sons to support me! They spend most of their time angry and critical. uo must be an awesome parent! Please know that I am sending you a prayer, they do help!


            Day 5

            Good Job!! It isn't easy sometimes, but it is worth it.
            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              Day 5

              Hi chilli,
              You're doing well overcoming the temptations that always seem to appear when you least need them. My two kids have past the teenage phase ,thank g-d. My girl was always upset about one or other of hers friends, and my son was always surly and nothing new there then soloman:l


                Day 5

                Our kids aren'y dummies, they are smart little people!!!! AND very intuned to their Mama's especially. They notice everything we do. WE don't really realize that until we fall aprt, but they really do notice us. At least mine do. I am sorry for our daughter...I hate that daughter is 13 and it does break your heart. You are doing SO good hang in does get easier...the supps are coming....


                  Day 5

                  You are doing so well Chili !! By you saying that keeping busy helps to keep your mind off booze is a very good thing... Having your son and daughter will definately keep you busy.. Bless your sons heart for being so supportive to his Mom... He will in the future on day make some sweet girl a very happy woman because he learned how to teach the other gender from his loving Mom.. You are doing a great job as a Mom !!! Girls can be so cruel... Have you seen the movie "Mean Girls" that was out a couple years ago... Maybe try to get your hands on it and have your daughters best friend(s) over to join you'll in some popcorn and a movie. Keep up the good work, we are all rootin' for ya !!!

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    Day 5

                    It doesnt really matter what age children are .. they notice. My 2 year old knows that Daddy drinks a special drink. He is working on calling it beer and I dont want him to learn that word ... I know that sounds funny. They know,, trust me.


                      Day 5

                      Congrats on Day 5, Chilli. That's fantastic. You are doing a wonderful thing for yourself and for your children. Keep it up!



                        Day 5

                        Well done on day 5 chilli, your son sounds wonderful, he has obviously
                        got a kind caring mum.
                        Love Paula.


                          Day 5

                          My mistake

                          HI everyone,
                          Thanks for the support, apparently i got the days mixed up, so my son told me when he got home from school i was on day 7 not 5 so today is day 8(no wonder it felt like forever)
                          Baby steps'
                          Well had a shit nights sleep, woke up about 4am crying in my sleep, then proceded to cry for another hour, god i think i will start drinking again the emotions are really freaking me out, i guess the booze was holding a lot back, not only that my skin has turned to crap, did anyone have these problems?
                          All my life i have been trying to make people like me, even my family , last night i must have been dreaming about it. The problem with wanting people to like you, is that you tend to put up with the wrong people, so since i realized that the people in my life were happier when i was a complete mess, i have re-thought who i should have as friends, and guess what not too many left.
                          A lot of my friends went when my partner an i split, funny even though they knew that he was mentaly and physicaly abusive, really finding hard to understand, i guess i must not be very likeable, feeling pretty alone right now, and now i have lost my best friend of all
                          Al- Alcohol. NO more numbing the feelings, god what a ride.
                          Its so hard to wake up every day and keep going, wondering why people dont like you, i just dont know what i am doing wrong,surley out of those 70 people that came to my 40th bithday some of them wernt pretending to be my friend because of Glenn, why cant i see what they see. anyway enought depression, sorry guys just venting. Hope everyone is doing well have a great day talk again soon
                          ACCEPTANCE IS A POWERFUL THING


                            Day 5

                            Hi Chilli

                            I'm glad your son counts his days on two hands instead of one! LOL Congratulations on day 8 AF. Felt like forever? It does get easier with time. He sounds like a very mature and aware person and one who cares about you very much. Treasure his input. He sounds like a wonderful little guy! I think he loves you very much. Count the blessings.

                            As for your daughter - she is 17 which is an extremely difficult age - no matter if your mother is a drinker or not. My kids are older now, but I remember those very difficult high school years. Believe me, it is not just girls who can be unkind......boys can be very critical also. You cannot always get them to open up to you at this time because the pain to them is often very personal. But you can always be there to say "No matter what happens - remember I love you and support you." A teenager may scoff and that and call you lame and say even more terrible things. But it does mean something to them and does make an impression in the long run. She will remember what you have said. In a year or two she will cut loose from the horrible high school environment and go to college. By the way, I am a huge advocate of Community Colleges - a great place for young adults to find their way with lots of encouragment. And often they can stay at home for a year or two and find their way in the world. At the same time, they can learn to be themselves and sometimes (painfully) find the error of their ways. Transition in life is never easy, but must always be supported by love.

                            If your daughter starts to drink, it is not because of you. It is the culture of the young people out there - at least where I live. You must always educate them about drinking and drivingt (#1 priority) and about drinking and sex (also #1 priority). It may sound a bit crude for me to say these things, but let's face it, they are the reality of what our kids live with.

                            Raising teenagers is a difficult and wonderful task. The best thing you can do is to be terribly honest with them. Know that they will always be highly critical, but also highly appreciative of your honesty. They will give you the criticism now, the appreciation later.

                            Hang in there. You sound like a great mom.
                            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

