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Army Thread Monday 9th June
Army Thread Monday 9th June
anon;1669756 wrote: Good morning lovely Army.
Back home from the Lakes in excruciating back and leg pain.
Also very sad as a dear, close friend of mine died on saturday.
I probably will not be around here much as sitting down at the laptop is agony
But you will return stronger & better :l
Army Thread Monday 9th June
anon;1669756 wrote: Good morning lovely Army.
Back home from the Lakes in excruciating back and leg pain.
Also very sad as a dear, close friend of mine died on saturday.
I probably will not be around here much as sitting down at the laptop is agony:upset:
Army Thread Monday 9th June
roxane;1669767 wrote: just been graciously allowed back on.
i have thought about it all weekend.
its alcohol free thinking. and thats a bummer. i drank to suppress feelings i could do nothing about. no, its part of the process. get over it. hang on, thats suppressing it. but its how im feeling. stfu!
so, round and round ive been going. im dizzy to the point of feeling sick.
Molls we can't not be here !!!
We need each other - this little gang :l
Army Thread Monday 9th June
roxane;1669827 wrote: i'm holding my tongue with a certain someone who is winding me up big time. im not pretty when i blow and im trying to believe its not them, its me.
Don't know in & outs - but ready to listen - free office here all day
Army Thread Monday 9th June
Mornin' Army,
I got bounced out of the site after I had written a very well thought out post to talk about Satz's feelings about her AF holiday, and a number of other things....so frustrating!:upset:
I also wanted to say that this particularly thread is extremely compassionate when it comes to people who are struggling to be AF, newly AF, or oldly AF (in a youthful way....like Jacks and Mr.Tips). I think I might have found a new home.
:h The question came up as to why some people leave the thread and I think it's because, as in my case, I am comfortable in my AF life and so I am just living it and loving it. I struggled to be AF for years, and I spent HOURS on here at a time, so now, I am just loving all that I accomplish all in one AF day! When I think of the weekend hours I spent drinking, I just cringe. Also, I think when people are drinking, they are too ashamed to admit it and get back on the thread. At least it's that way on the Abs Threads.
Anon-:l Sorry you are in such horrible pain.
Roxy-I hate keeping my mouth shut when I am smoldering about someone. Hope it sorts itself out. Please feel free to share. One of us could help, I'm sure. :-)
Must do some work now so a cheery hello to Tips, Dream, Jackie, Molly, Satz, Foxy, Anon, Pinky, and anyone I missed!!
I hope all you lovelies are having a wonderful day...and Roxy, I hope yours gets dramatically better!
Army Thread Monday 9th June
its a big consolation, definitely. i was worrying that this is 'me'. a hating moaning short tempered bitch.
fight or flight adrenaline is racing around, i have a hard knot in my chest which is not good or comfortable.
i keep telling myself, this will not kill me (may give me a heart attack though).
i dont want to drink, though i know that it would stop this feeling temporarily and thats scary.
and no, its not you lol.
have a good day everyone. wonder how dreamy is getting on. hope shes enjoying her holiday with loverboy. its a big deal, first holiday.
Army Thread Monday 9th June
mollyka;1669867 wrote: It's no consolation to you whatsoever - but I know those feelings only too well --- imvvvho - I think it is SUCH a dodgy time between 30 and 60 day-ish -- brand new sobriety is done and dusted and then all of a sudden -- instead of just concentrating on 'not drinking' cos it's somewhat under control - all this other shit that we've been burying for EON'S -- rears it's ugly head - and no way at your early stage have you the tools or the confidence to cope with your feelings (by 'your' - I mean 'one's' - but didn't want to sound like the Queen:H) - we don't even know who we ARE at that stage --- ALL I can say is -- let as much roll as you can --- yeah -- there are things that need dealing with - but lots of things don't so put them aside --- that strength and courage comes with each day...... the person who is irritating you (it's not ME - is it??? ) - try and avoid or walk away from to the best of your ability -- it could be her/him - it could be you -- it doesn't matter -- it's annoying the hell out of you --- so until you can cope with that person -- avoid to the best ability...... your coping skills will also come with time ---- talk it out if you can --- it helps so very very much:l
This just struck as funny - even though it's serious issue.
Sorry Rox - I'll get me coat !
BUT >>
I'd say it's YOU alright Molls :H
Army Thread Monday 9th June
tiptronic_ct;1669939 wrote: Good evening
Am thanking my lucky stars for a warm house tonight. It's messy out there. Strong winds and rain, very cold.
heading homeward -
read back carefully as I'll ask questions later
Later gaters