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MWO Site unavailability and problems

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    MWO Site unavailability and problems

    It is hard to know whether routine maintenance is being done when the site is down, if the promised upgrades are being worked on, or if the system is simply not working well. I've written to RJ asking about this but have received no response yet.

    I wonder if it would be helpful if we documented when we have problems and be as specific as possible regarding geographical location, time of day and duration, error messages received, etc. Sometimes the site isn't actually down, but posts are lost because it is operating so slowly, it times out. Maybe that information would be useful.

    Some people in the US seem to have no problems with the site at all. I'm in the US and do occasionally, such as for about 2 hours yesterday afternoon (~ 1800-2000 GMT, I think) when I got a "no data received" error message when I tried to log in. Most outages seem to be overnight in the US so the findings elsewhere might be helpful.

    RJ, would this be helpful to you or are these scheduled outages? If they are scheduled, could we be alerted to them? Most websites include a banner on the homepage listing times that the site will be unavailable over the next couple of weeks.

    MWO Site unavailability and problems

    Good idea for a dedicated thread for this issue.

    The time you mention, give or take, was bad in uk too. Same error page. Usually it's the uk mornings that are bad.


      MWO Site unavailability and problems

      Oh the irony.


        MWO Site unavailability and problems

        Great point by Prezent. I totally get all that when i have problems getting onto mwo.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          MWO Site unavailability and problems

          prezentysostrajazda;1670748 wrote: Ślub zatem istnieje niewątpliwie dla jakiejś panie szerokie cierpienie oraz pragniemy ażeby wszystko tegoż dnia wyglądało perfekcyjnie, także oprawa dekoracji potrzebuje być niesamowita, trwała i dobro jak byłaby po nisku perfekcyjna Jeśli para młoda zamierza się na uczuciowy nastr?j ozd?b ślubnych, to należałoby jest podać wskaz?wkę na jeden z doskonalszych format?w kt?rym jest tylko shabby chic Nastr?j poprzednich epok minął bezpowrotnie, jednak ich czar i nastr?j wciąż jest nowoczesny w antykach istylizowanych na nich materiałach Sprzęty shabby chic tworzą jeszcze bardziej zachęcać w własnym regionie, blade odcienie i kwiaciaste elementy doskonale odzwierciedlają arystokratyczne wnętrza poprzednich epok Jesteśmy na zbycie do wyboru ozdoby shabby chic w kt?rejkolwiek z wariacji na wz?r naczynia, oświetlenia, tekstylia, fotele i sztućce Istotą stylu shabby chic i organizowania lokum w wsp?łczesnym zakresie są przede wszelkim dekoracje fotele oraz ozdoba, na jakich bardzo często czas odcisnął piętno Wszystkie miejsce z temperamentem i męczą, weźmie go ponad daleko dzięki unikalnym dodatkom i charakternym wzorem shabby chic, kt?ry skupi uwagę gości Prezenty, to mogą istnieć zapisy, kt?re zostały postarzone w finale specjalistycznej obr?bki Sprzęty oraz ozdoby shabby chic nadają wnętrzom faktycznie znacznie pozytywna i doświadczona Shabby chic zatem będzie z gwarancją odpowiednio dopasowana kolorystyka aranżacji, właściwie między niej będą grać się kwiaty w odrębnych klimatach r?żu Punkty z metalu są patynowane, tak, żeby nie istniałoby na nich może żadnych ślad?w eksploatowania
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          Shabby chic - :H
          Can anyone translate ?


            MWO Site unavailability and problems

            I'm glad someone took the bull by the horns and posted this, because I was going to post a related thread. I'm in the USA and I have plenty of problems getting on. I'm also concerned about the lack of moderation (compared to the over-moderation over at soberrelapsery, er, There's got to be a happy medium. In the meds forum, we have had problem posters who are clearly the same person registering under multiple accounts, there is a proliferation of spam across the board, and dare I say it (and I'm not blameless in the matter, either) there has been somewhat of a breakdown in decorum with at times, less-than-diplomatic replies and attacks that get outright personal. Bottom line: stronger moderation is clearly needed. I'm just grateful I have the subscriber forum to escape to.
            In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


              MWO Site unavailability and problems

              We laugh about this silly spam post, but this spammer has made 18 posts and is still around??? Seriously, where are the moderators?
              In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


                MWO Site unavailability and problems

                mollyka;1670786 wrote: I agree with you entirely --- I don't understand the running of a site like this so I've been reluctant to comment --- I did feel when RJ came on and said she was going to re-examine the site that it would be treated with some urgency --- bearing in mind the sometimes near life and death situations people can be in... it's not like social media.....however it would seem that things have only got worse --- I know of several people who have repeatedly contacted the moderators with problems or just to advise of spam or abusive posts and no reply whatsoever --- even an explanation of why the site is constantly going down would help..... I can't imagine many people will stay around long term if something isn't rectified --- just my opinion of course
                Past your bedtime Molls !!! Thought you went an hour ago??
                Alky - what is the 'subscriber' forum you mentioned ?


                  MWO Site unavailability and problems


                  If you pay what amounts to 1 US dollar per day to the site, you become a subscriber and get a little pencil by your name. Who wouldn't want that ?

                  I believe anyone who can afford it should consider it. Think of all the $ we're saving by not drinking or paying for rehab!

                  There is also a subscriber forum where people can hang out, just like on any thread, but only subscribers can view it.



                    MWO Site unavailability and problems

                    It's not even a dollar a day to subscribe. It's about $10 USD/month which comes to about $.33/day. Ever been to a lounge at a busy international airport?'s kind of like that.
                    In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


                      MWO Site unavailability and problems

                      I thought I paid $90 for 3 months .


                        MWO Site unavailability and problems

                        The problems with the site going down, and increased numbers of spammers is annoying.
                        No idea if administrators are doing anything.
                        We really need more members as subscribers though, to help keep the site running.


                          MWO Site unavailability and problems

                          call me paranoid but i feel like a girlfriend being treated badly so i'll dump him.


                            MWO Site unavailability and problems

                            I think the best and most viable solution would be to give some of our most respected and visible senior members (Byrdlady, NoSugar and K9Lover come to mind as examples) moderating authority. Not only would spam and other trash posts get dealt with faster, it would also allow them to step in and intervene when things get ugly and/or personal. I don't think any of these members I mentioned would go overboard in their moderating authority, as happens on
                            In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


                              MWO Site unavailability and problems

                              Thanks for the compliment, Alky, but I think a paid nonmember should be monitoring all of the threads. I'm concerned by RJ's lack of responsiveness to the various problems that have been voiced recently.

