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    BULLY Boss

    Hi ya'll !!! I work in a caffeteria (not unionized) and my boss is a BULLY !!!!
    I understand that you teach people how to treat you and all my life the only people that I can be myself and stand up for me with is my hubby and our sons... I was treated horribly as a child and I've never learned how to be strong for myself... I don't let that torment me anylonger though. My boss would invite us all to her house every week or so for a drink or two while "checking our temperature and keeping her chickies in a row" so to speak. She will actually YELL at me for no good reason .... If I had any respect for her anylonger I suppose it would cut me right to the bone. Her saying is " it's my way or the highway" and she is serious guys... I find it difficult to enjoy my job like I want to with her around. It doesn't have to be like this.. One other girl there is also getting yelled at for the same "reason". She and I have finally voiced our thoughts a little on our own.. She says to me " That is totally uncalled for" (when I was yelled at) I have covered shifts, filled in for a lady that was in hospital for over 2 months. I have taken over every position there at one time or another. I will do whatever needs to be done with a smile on my face.. I won't say anything but happy things at work....... I always am smiling and "having a great time" Crushed inside mind you... I hate to say it but this person is evil minded... I don't think she has a conciounce (gosh I wish I could spell) I honestly think though that she is bi-polar because she can flip from being silly and your best buddy to being a total evil @#$%&#@ ! Should I just roll with this, say something to all this verbal abuse, report her (lose my job that I love) or give her enough rope.. P.S. We have all heard how she even talks disrespectful to the highschool students... She is "queen" bee and nobody is at her level.... :thanks: Thanks for reading, gotta shower up and get ready to go. Bye for now, ~Niblet~ Love You Guys. :l

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

    BULLY Boss

    Niblet, doucument this behavior get some other employees to back you up and report her to a superior. This is uncalled for. just because she is your boss it dose not mean she has the right to try to demean you, and most certainly in front of others. I am sure someone else other than you has noticed this behaviour from her. If it is just you and the other girl she is going after that is 2 too many. Sounds as if she needs to go to anger management. My guess she does her job poorly, and is counting on you girls to pick up her slack. Keep your chin up Nibbers, I belive in you!!


      BULLY Boss

      It's bad enough having to go to work without some coward making your life miserable. Simeybear's right I think Nibs. If someone in a position of authority has to resort to shouting and demeaning people, then she's not doing her job properly.


        BULLY Boss

        Nib, I am a manager, responsible for 28 employees and I would NEVER treat anyone this way...NEVER! I can't even stand when I hear other managers say " my staff, or my people" I don't own them...just irks me. We are co-workers. I am just the spokesperson that takes the beatings from the higher ups...LOL I agree with Simey....start a and have to document out the ying-yang. Turn it in....if you do it as a group, they can't fire you ALL...I am sorry...I luckily have never had a "bad" boss. But, I have heard horror stories. Lots of luck sweetie!


          BULLY Boss

          Nib that sounds awful and I am with the rest on this, document everything, try to get witnesses as well as dates and times and then take the matter further, as Popeys says, its bad enough having to go to work, and that is what you are paid for, you're not paid to take abuse from ANYONE...
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            BULLY Boss


            I agree with Simeybear. Document everything....and when the time comes it will be like a vulcano against your boss...

            Also, if possible if there is one other person that you trust have them be witness and sign or initial the episodes as they happen when you document the situations...

            Stay strong!


              BULLY Boss


              You sound like a great person to work for. If you ever get an opportunity, look back at past postings where I worked in a Nursing Home and witnesses one of my patients being abused..

              The end result is I resigned, but I got so much love and support from everybody here at MWO.. I wish I had worked for a manager with your integrity and honoesty.


                BULLY Boss

                hi, checkout Bully OnLine: bullying in the workplace, school, family and community, action you can take, stress, psychiatric injury, PTSD, resources, case histories, news and contact the media for all kinds of empowering information!!!

                no one should take this kind of crap

                Rip x


                  BULLY Boss

                  Rip, that link didn't work for me; but this is a good link. I also suggest getting an MP3 player that also records and just have it in your pocket when the bullying is expected; then you can download it and keep an electronic record.

                  Bully OnLine: bullying in the workplace, school, family and community, action you can take, stress, psychiatric injury, PTSD, resources, case histories, news and contact the media
                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                    BULLY Boss

                    That is a GREAT idea Bear......I would still write it all down as you can not use that tape in court, but it would let them hear how cruel she is first hand. Your management may appreciate the written documents if she gets ugly should they have to fire her and she file a suit and they end up in some sort of legal crap with her....covers them.


                      BULLY Boss

                      Nibs, do everything everyone said above - Plus bake some cookies and let your dog lick all of them and give them to only her just because you like her so much! At least this can sorta tie you over for a bit till you can turn over the documents.
                      Gabby :flower:


                        BULLY Boss

                        Oh My Gosh Guys !!!! Thank-You so much for all the wonderful support ! Today was a good day for her and she was actually acting like a "human" which I kept waiting for the switch.. It didn't happen.. Although today I did notice that she was really "riding" the student helper in the kitchen.. She can cut a person right to the bone with the way she talks. I'll be really paying close attention to and making note of any bullying toward me in the future... Luv, it's true, she is in her glory to say "My Staff" whenever she gets the opportunity... One day I was simply trying add to her and another persons conversation " I wonder if he's (vice principal) married or has children? Just so happens he is a very good looking gentleman and has alot of cooth that I respect as an athoritative figure... My boss thought that was helarious !! When he came in for lunch I almost DIED !!! She pipes right up "My staff wants to know something" and he says " what's that" and she says with a smirk on her face," some of my staff want to know if you have kids" and he says " I have a dog" she says " and my staff want to know if you are married" Poor guy I'm sure wanted to crawl under a rock (but I was already under it I might add) and he says " no, I'm not married" then get this !! She looks right at me and says " There you go" I could have ^&*$*^%%%^in' died !! She thought later that it was no big deal and it was funny..She was as sweet as pie for the rest of the day.. Waiting I suppose for me to swallow the crap she fed me.. I think she is evil ! Now the vice pricipal thinks I've the hots for him... What a cruel thing for a person to do... See, I should have straightened out that conversation right then and there but I don't stand up for myself. UGG!! I just keep hoping that she is going through her own hell in her own mind knowing what she is doing to people. Thank-You again for lending an ear and helping me with this,,, I love you guys alot ! ~Niblet~

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                          BULLY Boss

                          Gabby, I love it !! I'll just make sure that the cookies don't have chocolate in them.. Toxic for doggies.. HA!! HA!!! Love It!!!

                          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                            BULLY Boss

                            Oh after work drinks at her house...duct tape her to a chair and leave her in a closet...LOL...OH and force feed her the dog licked cookie. I just can't stand evil people like her.


                              BULLY Boss

                              I was in a similar situation once and it broke my heart and spirit. I am the type to speak up.

                              Be careful about the way in which you complain or voice your views. She might retaliate. Her superior might know but still be lax about doing anything about it. Yes, of course she must have done this to other people but for some reason nothing has been done. it could be the fault of her superiors, she might have a good way of trashing her subordinates who complain as well.

                              I would start looking for another position in the organization and once you get the new job, then tell her superiors why this person is so horrible to work for. Be diplomatic, cool and intelligent when you tell them. do it from a position of strength.

                              If you had a bad childhood all the more reason to get out. people who have bad childhoods can take all this crap and also become targets for it.

