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Trace Amounts of Alcohol

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    Trace Amounts of Alcohol

    Hey everyone,
    Just writing as I am curious to hear people's opinion on this.
    Not only do I consistently read up on threads and such on MWO but from time to time I peruse the SoberRecovery forums. I must admit that sometimes they are just so set in their ways and strict with what they do or do not post. Many of the threads I find end up in arguments. I find MWO friendlier to be honest.
    Recently, I purchased some kombucha tea from a farmers market. I asked several times if it was non-alcoholic and they said it was. Ok. Good. Because I enjoyed my sample and hear that there are many health benefits.
    I then bought some more from an organic health food store and keep hearing, no alcohol, no alcohol. But then I am googling and reading online and see that in fact there are trace amounts of alcohol in kombucha!! BUT not any more than what can be found in juice or even pop. Or it depends on the length of fermentation. question to you is...did I do something wrong here? Did I eff up?
    Drinking this stuff was not triggering at all...doesn't make me want to go out and buy wine and there is no obsession to drinking it.
    Apparently I also hear that even soy sauce has al in it!!
    But I read on the soberrecovery forum and they're all like...I would restart my quit date and "it's alcohol, period". And I don't personally feel that's the case or we wouldn't be able to eat or drink ALOT of foods or beverages.
    I feel as if I am looking for reassurance and I am not sure if that's the typical ocd'er in me or what. But many ppl so far have told me I am being silly and overthinking this stuff and I should just enjoy it because at the end if the day it isn't wine or liquor and it's not affecting my life in negative ways like the AL did.

    What's everyone's take on this?
    You think it's ok? Do I gotta stop my sauerkraut and soy sauce consumption? My yogurt and apple cider vinegar love? Am I setting myself up for failure? Or am I becoming too bored with my 120ish days and am overanalyzing??

    Sorry for any typos btw. Not on my comp.


    Trace Amounts of Alcohol

    Does it say how alcohol it has in it? I wouldn't worry about it at all and NO! Don't restart your quit date.

    I just found out Tiaramisu has alcohol in it and I never knew it. I had it after dinner when we went to a nice Italian restaurant!!!!! Hell, no I'm not restarting my quit date because I ate a piece of cake that I love but didn't know it had alcohol in it!
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Trace Amounts of Alcohol

      Hi, Bri.

      I drink a Kombucha almost every day. It does not contain enough alcohol to cause me any problems nor is it regulated, given the very low level of alcohol it might contain. I've found it to be a very beneficial beverage, aside from the fact that I really like it. I eat sauerkraut, kimchi, etc., also with no negative effects. I think you're doing yourself a favor to eat and drink fermented products such as these. Don't worry :l.


        Trace Amounts of Alcohol

        Bri - this is madness. Many many products are fermented and they do not turn people into drunks or make alkies fall off the wagon. If that was the case most of the population in China and Japan (as well as other Asian countries) would be in serious trouble.
        It can get tricky if you are a Muslim and need to be ultra strict for religious reasons but I take it that is not your situation. Muslims too disagree about what constitutes haram and halal food/beverages and many Muslims who are devout will consume miso/soy/etc.

        So my advice is to happily eat the foods/drinks you enjoy as long as they do not have noticeable amounts of alcohol in them (check the ingredients).
        I also would suggest that you don't get too obsessed about quit dates and counting - just do the one day at a time and enjoy a sober life.
        Some people would have us being miserable for the rest of our life (almost like penance) and living in a heightened state of anxiety - it doesn't have to be like this.

        There are much more serious things to worry about what is in our food/drinks than the trace alcohol. personally I gag when I see palm oil.

        These are just my opinions and no doubt others will give you different views - but hey, stay away from websites that are full of hell and brimstone!


          Trace Amounts of Alcohol

          PS - recently went on a hike in a volcano and my family explained to me what brimstone really is! Fascinating.


            Trace Amounts of Alcohol

            Bri trust what you have heard from the others. You are fine dear. Live your life to the fullest, suck out all the marrow. Barbecue is filled with carcinogens as is our water and our air. Think of it as vegan versus vegetarian. You have done nothing wrong. The alternative is to drive yourself crazy and eat or drink only what you procure. And even then. No worries dear. Just continue to have a magnificent life.
            “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

            "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

            Newbies Nest
            Newbies Nest Roll Call
            Cattleman Cafe


              Trace Amounts of Alcohol

              Hi Bri - I second what everyone has already said. No, you did not eff up! You are good



                Trace Amounts of Alcohol

                Bri, no way do you restart your quit date!
                When I first quit in 2010, I got almost 3 months sober - on Christmas day I had a large bowl of sherry hour later I bought 2 bottles of wine and restarted the torturous cycle of trying to stop.....
                I truly believe that trifle was my downfall.....the sherry content affected me. I made the trifle, used 3/4 bottle of sherry so the alcohol content was high, as my family always tell me.
                I thought I was safe because it was food but I now know better.......
                Now this is totally different to a little alcohol that noone would notice; this was overloaded! I would not worry at all about traces of's not like you are taking it to get your alcohol fix and then runnung out for more......i went back to day 1 because I ate something drowned in alcohol that triggered my addiction, chose to drink, not because of a 'trace'......
                By the way, After being away from here so long and to come back and find you doing so well was music to my ears! It really helped give me the determination to go for it....well done Bri!
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Trace Amounts of Alcohol

                  I make kombucha tea & kefir water in my kitchen.
                  Fermented foods & liquids provide wonderful health benefits!
                  They do not make me want to buy AL!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Trace Amounts of Alcohol

                    I drink one kombucha a day. In no way is this any sort of "eff up"...I feel a sense of well being, but not a "buzz".


                      Trace Amounts of Alcohol

                      I, too, drink a kombucha occasionally. Also I use tinctures (echinacea, etc) that is preserved by alcohol, but the amount is so minute that it causes no problems.
                      Well done on 120 + days !!!
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        Trace Amounts of Alcohol

                        Thank you!!

                        Thank you everyone!
                        I wasn't expecting all these replies and it really made me feel loads better because I was a little bit on the verge of panic there last night! I honestly didn't find that what I was doing was 'wrong' by any means, but there are some people (to each their own!) that are verrrrry strict on what they consume.

                        I actually was thinking of beginning to brew my own batches of kombucha so that I am not spending $4 on one bottle (so expensive!) and, hey, if I make some great kombucha, I might sell it eventually. I did get a scoby yesterday through some 'contacts' (so funny how you have to go through a network of people to find one!) and I am quite excited to try something new and fill up that time.

                        Treetops - you are right, there are people out there that feel that we should lead lives as if in penance...I definitely don't want to live in constant anxiety (that is one of the reasons I drank!) so I will do what I do and enjoy life. Which I have been doing - although there are those days, you know?

                        Daisy - thanks for sharing your story and I can see the difference now - when you do something and are on your way to a relapse...I think I did that in the past when I tried quitting - I would be obsessive with low-alcohol-content wine....or beer and I hated beer...or I would drink cooking wine...or things I hated and become obsessive and possessive...I think we fall into some trouble when those things come up - obsession and possession of something.
                        And thank you. I am glad you are back.

                        Thank you to EVERYONE!! I guess I was just a little bored last night and over-thinking things! And I agree with you Fennel! No buzz for me, but a sense of well-being!

                        I am really into holistic nutrition since quitting drinking and just being healthier overall and this is just something I enjoy...and there are no negative why not!?

                        Hope everyone is having a wonderful sober day - and thank you again.
                        Big love!


                          Trace Amounts of Alcohol

                          Bri, some months into my quit I found out the ravioli dish I loved at Macaroni grill had masala in the sauce! There for a day or two, I was freaked out about it...saying, HELL, I've F'd up now, I mays well blow it out! Then I came to my senses....I haven't ordered it since, however.
                          Sometime later, I (stupidly) bought a rum cake for some company I was soon as I lifted the lid, I could smell the strong rum aroma. I didn't have any of this. If my addicted head thinks it's going to get a fix, count me out. It's a fine line, but if there is a dessert with AL involved, I don't have it. If there is some wine in a sauce, I will avoid the sauce...there is almost ALWAYS another choice. Don't freak out! I think in our heart of hearts, we know where is line is!!
                          You are doing great!!! B
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Trace Amounts of Alcohol

                            Bri -
                            You are doing fine! I would not even worry about it...unless you are ABUSING the aren't, are ya? :H
                            Anyways, I am so proud of how far you've come!!

                            p.s. I have eaten food that was cooked in wine, or had alcohol in it (like Tiramasu) while taking Antabuse and there was NO reaction at all...I figure that means there's not enough in there to even be concerned about...
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Trace Amounts of Alcohol

                              Bri, forgot to say, 120 days yesterday - fantastic! You are rocking!
                              IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!

