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    Site status

    Roberta Jewell;1672310 wrote: Hi, all. My apologies for not being more actively involved--I have been extraordinarily busy with unexpected projects. Our upgrade and monetization plan is taking a bit longer than we'd hoped. Some thoughts:

    * Thank you, to those who have reported technical issues to us. We are doing what we can to address them.

    * I am unable to monitor the site as I did before because of many other obligations. This site is a priority to me--bugs and all--but please understand that I continue to personally subsidize it every month and am not in a position to expand our existing tech support until we begin receiving advertising dollars. We hope to make significant changes later this year to turn things around.

    * The survey in which so many of you kindly participated was for collecting MWO demographic information only, as I stated earlier, to help us target potential advertisers. We would not, under any circumstances sell that information to others, and in fact it would be impossible to do so, as we did not collect email addresses or other contact information

    * We have tried to make the technical upgrades as seamless as possible, but our forum software was so outdated, we hit a number of bumps along the way. (As I type this, the text erratically disappears and re-appears, which is frustrating and I'll report that to tech support if it hasn't been already.) Most recently, it appears we're also having significant issues with spam and we're doing what we can to address the problem.

    * We have completed work with a consultant and are preparing an online sales package for potential advertisers. It's likely the ad campaign and other changes will not roll out until late summer/early fall.

    * I am a strong advocate for any and all methods of recovery, including web based support groups. I will not be offended by anyone who wishes to start another site.

    On a personal note, I'm doing great and am very busy right now with summer gardens, guests and family. In the past couple of years I have travelled around the world researching and experimenting with powerful plant medicines (ayahuasca and ibogaine specifically) and have taken my sobriety to a new level that I hope to share with you all some day. It all started for me here, at My Way Out and the journey continues to unfold in rich and fascinating ways.

    I would like to recommend a fabulous book if it's not yet been mentioned here: "You Are the Placebo" by Dr. Joe Dispenza. It's an incredibly powerful read and I encourage all of you to look into it.

    I think that's it. Please bear with us as we move forward. As was posted in an earlier thread, much of the work here is a volunteer effort by a number of people on the back end who are committed to helping others in recovery and are willing to contribute their time and talent.

    In health and with love,

    Lovely to read a post from you Roberta and to learn you are doing well. I don't frequent the forum like I used to but one of the members had trouble logging in and I came to try it out. Obviously it worked. Anyhooo, I am particularly interested in your ayahuasca and ibogaine experiences. I've read a little about others experiences in the past year. It sounds fascinating and quite a tool for self discovery. Perhaps you could pm me when you do post if it's not a terrible imposition. Blessing upon you.:h
    Psalms 119:45

    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

    St. Francis of Assisi

    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.


