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Deadly softdrinks soda diet soda

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    Deadly softdrinks soda diet soda

    "Healthy habits do happen." I like that Niblet!

    Heard another one I like today. "This body and mind are under new management."

    Fortunately I am not a big soda drinker. I guess that means I have all my energy to focus on the other liquid monster.


      Deadly softdrinks soda diet soda

      Anything in huge amounts is bad for you. So a soda here and there and not a case of soda a day.....

      I remember when sugar free gum (Carefree I think) first came out when I was young & the warning label said: causes cancer in lab rats. Yeah-they shot them full of the stuff, no wonder they got cancer.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Deadly softdrinks soda diet soda

        Very true and grounding Breez. The problem with a lot of people is that they become addicted to diet soda and then drink a lot of it (I used to be among them). I don't know the chemistry behind it but they are definately addicting to many people. The other problem I have is with the billion dollar corporations that push this doodoo on us like it's really healthy. Mags, I'll look up the article and post the links I found. My point wasn't to make soda drinkers feel bad or defensive...I just thought it was alarming and everyone should know and then do their own research/decision making from there.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Deadly softdrinks soda diet soda

          Could not agree more that the big corporations push food at us when it is obviously awful. Like the whole trans fat issue. I have been on this kick for years about not eating foods that had it in there and thankfully the media picked up on it enough to the point that the "big boys" realized they needed to make a change, which is why we are seeing so many foods made without trans fats now. Now if I can get them to stop using high fructose corn syrup in every damn thing.........horrible, horrible stuff which is not good for the liver either and yet is in too much stuff.....
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Deadly softdrinks soda diet soda

            I definitely agree Determinator. It's bad stuff and I'm afraid I drink too much of it since getting off the "hard stuff." We all have to be constantly aware of what we put into our precious bodies.
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              Deadly softdrinks soda diet soda

              big companies see us as the little people.....the statistics that pass by their long as the bucks roll in who cares what the expense is- as long as the expense is not out of their pockets. Make it addictive, sell more. If it hurts someone...the companies won't see it....we'll see the problems first hand. They only see the statistics.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Deadly softdrinks soda diet soda

                Here's an alternative, if you can find it... GuS sodas (stands for Grown-up Sodas). see Grown-up Soda

                It's all natural, low in sugar, and has only about 90 calories per 12 ounce bottle. And I found that it gave me satisfaction when I craved beer or refreshing white wine. I tried the Dry Pomegranate. It's light, dry, sparkling, and DElish! On the site you can find stores in your area (though I see the list isn't complete because my stores aren't listed).
                It is pricey for soda, but a hell of a lot cheaper than what I've been spending on booze!!!


                  Deadly softdrinks soda diet soda

                  the danger zone!

                  I went to the GuS website. Oh my! the alcoholic drinks look amazing!
                  Not sure if i trust myself to go to the shop for the NA ones..

                  Thanks for the suggestion, maybe I will go when I am feeling strong...


                    Deadly softdrinks soda diet soda

                    You lost me Nancy - alcoholic drinks on the GuS website?


                      Deadly softdrinks soda diet soda

                      misread the web page

                      Grown Up Soda

                      I get it now, these are recipes for alcoholic cocktails (look delicious!)

                      But not actual alcoholic drinks.

                      thanks for the recommendatoin


                        Deadly softdrinks soda diet soda

                        Oh weird - the link goes to the recipe page of the site. I was just referring to the soda, as it comes in the bottle. To me it's wonderful as is.

