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Red Flag situation

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    Red Flag situation

    Hi to All -- I haven't been here long but I've gained some valuable insight from reading some of your threads and posts. Sometimes I feel like I'm typing into thin air but I guess that is the nature of the beast on the internet.

    My family and I are heading to Mexico tomorrow (we are just a few hours from the Sea of Cortez). Typically this is my serious red flag situation. I'm fine when I start, I try to have a plan, I bring alternative beverages, I feel like I have the mindset this time but I realize 12 days AF isn't a whole lot of time. I enjoy the walks on the beach and love waking up sober and not hungover. So I'm trying to visualize having fun, not wanting alcohol and right now I think i can do it. I guess I'm just projecting the moment we sit down at our favorite restaurant on the beach and everything is so relaxed it is easy to go what the hell, one won't hurt, but for me, one will hurt.

    I don't know. I feel like I needed to voice this concern and get it out on the table. That it will somehow keep me accountable for coming back here and saying "I did it!"

    Take Good Care

    AF 21, March 2010

    "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."

    Red Flag situation

    12 days is a long time when you are trying and claim that success and be proud of every darn day!!!! You have done it and can continue to do it, think of how proud you will be when you get home and remember the WHOLE vacation????? Have a wonderful time. Lots a good vibes will be sent your way.....


      Red Flag situation

      Hi Padme, know how you feel, I went on holiday 2 weeks ago,terrified of the prospect
      of drinking. But I was so relaxed I only had fleeting thoughts of drinking. My husbad was
      a great source of help to me, we were with some friends and he would just say do you
      want your usual, which was always orange juice. I had a great holiday and did'nt drink
      So best of luck to you and have a wonderful holiday.
      Love Paula x


        Red Flag situation



        Major congratulations on 12 days of abs...You are surely an inspiration...

        :l Brandy


          Red Flag situation

          good luck non staying sober on your holiday. I was in Mexico in February and woke up hungover 6 days in a row. that is not a vacation stay sober enjoy the sun and the water. the fresh fruit juices there are so good and so cheap.
          have fun. I wish I could be AF for 12 days
          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


            Red Flag situation

            12 days of abs is wonderful. Don't sell yourself short on that one. Just visualize how nice it will be to wake up early every morning without a hangover and just feel great to go for a lovely walk on the beach - clean and fresh and very aware of the beauty around you. Have a wonderful vacation!!
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              Red Flag situation

              Your doing brilliantly, Padme! :wd: Each hurdle makes us that bit stronger so have a fantastic holiday, enjoy every second of it - take the dark glasses to enjoy sitting in the sun, not to hide the pain of alcohol!
              :rays: Arial

              Last first day - 15th April 2012
              Days 1-7 DONE
              Days 8-14 DONE
              Days 15-21 DONE
              30 days DONE
              60 days
              100 days


                Red Flag situation

                Hi Padme. Can't add any more except to say enjoy your holiday.......


                  Red Flag situation

                  Be sure to take along your quit aids and you will do fine. Congratulations on 12 days and think how it is going to feel when you hit three weeks. Hang in there.
                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?

