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Army Thread Thursday 19th June

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    Army Thread Thursday 19th June

    I am, and no. Me and me dog.

    That group therapy sounds good. Couldn't do group stuff personally, though I wish I could. How long have youbeen af foxy?


      Army Thread Thursday 19th June

      JC, Molly, Rox, what absolutely awful stories - and really nothing that can be done about it, now. And as Molly said, how would we not have approached things back in the bad old days. Sorry the wounds were reopened, all.

      Quit 3 June, Molly, so getting to your magical 21 days. Foxy, I had a really easy quit al wise, but the ciggies... Are you struggling badly, still?
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Army Thread Thursday 19th June

        Rox, I don't know why, but sometimes I wish I could do the group thing - but I know I would clam up completely. However, I've no problem in boring you lot to tears and beyond...
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Army Thread Thursday 19th June

          Good evening all :waving:

          Sending big hugs to ye all xxx

          JackieClaire;1673600 wrote: Get your hug bucket out, Dreamy. Need many.

          Don't know where to start but in today's post apart from the S&H's birthday cards came a small bundle of re-directed post for my mother!!! She's been dead 9 years and suddenly a some letters asking for her safety equipment for her bath and 3 (yes 3 Christmas cards) turn up..............from back in 2006.........the latest one being 2012.The bloody house was sold back in 2005 so I can only assume the ass-holes that bought it have been sitting on them........It hasn't half knocked the wind out of me.
          Ah Jacks- big hugs to you:l:l Wish could give em to ye for real xxxx

          I know exactly how that feels and it is like having yer heart ripped outta ya
          Ye know my Mum was passed 10yrs Feb past? Well, in January a package addressed to her came to Dad's house- from some charity thingie that she'd been involved with whilst receiving chemo. For years after she'd gone poor Dad was still getting post addressed to her from catalogue companies etc.... Such a nightmare and for some reason when you see their name on a letter, ye almost expect them to be there to receive it. Then it fucking hits you like all anew- they're gone, they're not gonna be able to read that effing letter:upset:

          mollyka;1673613 wrote: The company my Dad worked for came and took his company car during his funeral - they'd asked my mum to leave the keys under the drivers mat.......... that seemed unforgivable .........
          Un-feckin-believable and unforgiveable Molls!! They should've been named and shamed.

          roxane;1673632 wrote:
          Walked dog just now, lovely and quiet just like Christmas Day.

          Regarding the post, I would imagine it was a shock getting some after all these years. Rushes you straight to the time.

          My husband got a letter from someone who definitely knew he had died three years before. Wrote pretending they didn't know asking how he was and to call them on their new number conveniently enclosed. Bitch.
          Feck me Rox. It is scary what sick and evil people exist out there- rerally boggles my mind. Bitch is too good a name for her methinks.

          Ooooooh Mr Rooney's just scored!!!! Looks like yis will have a few more days of hearts in the mouth Jacks


            Army Thread Thursday 19th June

            Hiya Foxy and Dreamy :hiya:

            Oh dear! Looks like I spoke too soon. MrRooney had better score another.


              Army Thread Thursday 19th June

              I've done group therapy before it was jus a small one few years. I got 6 months af back then from it and a coarse after but wasn't so good but helped to stay 6 months sober. Not really counting days roxy but just a couple of weeks. Evening Sweetpea.
              If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


                Army Thread Thursday 19th June

                mollyka;1673655 wrote: eeerrmmm - tink dere's been anudder udder goal......
                Times like this I'm glad Ireland aren't in. Couldn't be doing with the whole heart-in-mouth thing:no:


                  Army Thread Thursday 19th June

                  Hallo Sweetiepeapie! Another one with an awful experience - hugs to all of you, and yes, the hug bucket
                  has been refilled. And I've topped up the choccies too.

                  Nighters, everybody - long past my bedtime
                  14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                    Army Thread Thursday 19th June

                    Discovered tonight that Bafana Bafana are not playing...
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Army Thread Thursday 19th June

                      mollyka;1673662 wrote: oh I'm so feckin glad they're not there --- NIGHTMARE watchin them....... glad to be a neutral......

                      How very dare's my little soldier's 26th birthday and they lose.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Thursday 19th June


                          Army Thread Thursday 19th June

                          Bear with me girls- finding it hard to keep-up! Defo element of tiredness creeping in here.

                          Foxy- good going on a couple of weeks :goodjob: Hope that place Molls mentioned is available to ye xx

                          Thanks for the hugs and choccies Dreamy xxx Did I mention, it's good to have ye back? Now who the feck is Bafana Bafana??? Too lazy to google!

                          Oh dear does this mean England are out now?


                            Army Thread Thursday 19th June

                            Handie in the air.............I know, I know.............South African National Football I win a teddy.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Thursday 19th June

                              Foxy;1673657 wrote: I've done group therapy before it was jus a small one few years. I got 6 months af back then from it and a coarse after but wasn't so good but helped to stay 6 months sober. Not really counting days roxy but just a couple of weeks. Evening Sweetpea.
                              Just? Just??? We all know the first few weeks is damn hard :l


                                Army Thread Thursday 19th June

                                Cool pic Roxy where was it taken? Feeling a bit tired here too but not ready to sleep here yet.
                                If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:

