I hope everyone will have a lekker Tuesday!
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Army Thread Tuesday 24th June
Army Thread Tuesday 24th June
Morning Tips, Molly and all to come
Extra coffee for you today, Molly, seeing that you missed out yesterday.
Lovely weather here too - it really does not feel like winter at all, although we're due for some rain later in the week.
Lovely Toosday, all!
Blowing my own horn here, but 21 days without a ciggy!:crowned:
And why can't I do colours anymore?14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!
Army Thread Tuesday 24th June
Morning army another lovely sunny one here. My back is still bad first thing in the morning and its a struggle to get coffee feed the cats and get to the loo but tru out the day it eases a bit with the cream and pills looks like it will take a few days. Going to try get on the bus to local Tesco later just for few items I need. I have a shopping trolly so i'll be ok and I need to get out and also need the chemist for more anti in flammory cream. Wonder how Anon is getting on? Have a terrific Tuesday and once well done Benjy. :rays::cupajoe::catroll:If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:
Army Thread Tuesday 24th June
Good morning Tipperooo, Mollymoo, Foxyloxy, Dreamydoooo,
Crikey a blooming earthquake............if I hadn't seen the start to her anniversary thread I'd have thought the noise was Satz finally killing her SIL.
We've got the same news over here about the tax on soft drinks......its always been a scandal how much soft drinks cost in bars and restaurant and still is. And another tbh I just don't know how it would help childhood obesityJust like an alkie you'd just buy cheaper and cheaper.
Anyway great talking point to start the day,Molls.
First day back at work for me and the first day at the S&H's new job.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread Tuesday 24th June
Well here I am again, Molly said it seems a bit safer re the spammers:goodjob:
Hope you are all ok? Foxy sorry to hear about your back is it a disc problem?
My back got sorted thanks to No Sugars advice re the Alexander Technique I have absolutely no pain now just a bit of stiffness in my back but no Sciatica.
Mr A is driving me to distraction with his controlling by anxiety at the moment and I am reacting with anger which is not very healthy for me.
Anyway I able to run again slowly for short distances so that sorts my stress out and keeps me happy
Army Thread Tuesday 24th June
Morning anon. No its more like pulled muscles don't think its disc as I think I would be more bed bound. It my lower back. Is there a link for the Alexander technique? Or may be I could google it. I haven't heard of it. I also get scaticia at times but that's not the problem now. I'm awake since 6 am and feel so tired now as a bit struggle still doing basic stuff. Going to get a few hrs sleep so i'll be back later.If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:
Army Thread Tuesday 24th June
mollyka;1675352 wrote: Where'd you see Roxy???
bit of a strange one all those big population countries out --- jaysus -- you'd imagine they could find 11 young fella's good enough to win a game???
10:37am...............but she's just above you now.
Half of them play in English teams anyway.............mebbees we should play a Europa team next time.
mollyka;1675353 wrote: wot's he LOIKE that Suarez?? And they tellin us that he has psychological damage -- did ya see the teeth marks -- he fairly got a hold of him!!! Bloody hellIt could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009