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Army Thread Saturday 28th June

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    Army Thread Saturday 28th June

    FFS. Typed a whole update about mum's sleeping pill situation and lost it all when I hit the submit button

    Good morning, Army
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Saturday 28th June

    It's Saturady 'chat day' Tipps tell us about poor Mam ?


      Army Thread Saturday 28th June

      Ah I did - loverly it was mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!
      LOVE a good sleep I do :h

      WORK - :yuk:


        Army Thread Saturday 28th June

        Morning army and welcome back Satz. Didn't get on yesterday but going to read back.
        If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


          Army Thread Saturday 28th June

          a bit late for morning coffee, smoothie anyone?


            Army Thread Saturday 28th June

            Well hello at last.

            Couldn't get on earlier so decided to do some.......gulp.......housework.

            Ta for the smoothie, Roxxy.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Saturday 28th June

              I'm here !!!!


                Army Thread Saturday 28th June

                Look at our star rating -crap lads.
                Just in myself.
                Couldn't get on - lost the will to live - went off and did stuff..... buying stuff I can't afford. :egad:

                Here I am - and not a sinner since Jacks @ 12 today???
                Except Molls - who's prolly gone orf in a huff :H


                  Army Thread Saturday 28th June

                  Getting a bit hard work this thread to be honest ......I'll be moving on if we can't be bothered to post - even answers to direct questions is not happening and annoys the shit out of me.
                  I know MWO was dodgy this morning but no point in me & Molls having a 1:1 ?

                  Anyone lurking please post - all inputs are always welcome lease:


                    Army Thread Saturday 28th June

                    I'z here, I'z here but me phone is about to ring.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Saturday 28th June

                      Except it hasn't yet................and don't bother about the thread rating there's some wanker out there doing it on several threads.................they must have a brain the size of an amoeba's...........and they don't have one.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Saturday 28th June

                        I've been playing mind numbing repetitive games. Need to distract my mind from the screaming going on in my head. So, I've been looking about the site in between and have reverted to being a lurker again. Not much to say about bloody cityville and solitaire such as my life has become at the moment.

                        There, I said something.


                          Army Thread Saturday 28th June

                          Didn't realise I was going to be so long. T'was my favourite Auntie in all the world. Its a year next week since my Uncle and she wants to know if she should put a memorium in the paper......geez hate to hear her so upset.

                          Tell me about the screaming mind, Roxxy, love.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Saturday 28th June

                            Sorry to hear about your auntie, the first anniversary is a bastard.

                            I'm presuming I'm going through the process jacks. I don't want to drink and am getting cravings, for something. All the angsty, fidgety, mind chatter crappy stuff. Can't settle to do anything. Mentally pacing the room. I want to remove my brain sometimes it feels unbearable.

                            Been like this to varying degrees for weeks now. I'm telling myself and have been told it will get better and I have to believe it or I'm down that shop now. I'd leave the door open in my rush to get there before it shuts. Still in my slippers.


                              Army Thread Saturday 28th June

                              Ahh bless you...............I used to go to bed and cry.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

