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Jumping July

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    Jumping July



      Jumping July

      Ode to Peugot, P.

      She was pretty in pink in the new car lot,
      All shiny and glistening, there was nothing she was not,
      But a bigger show pony you couldn't have wished for,
      She sure looked the part strutting her wares on the showroom floor,
      Sparkling and devout, inside and out,
      My pride aglow, with Oscar in tow,
      But the cracks started to show, an oil leak here and there,
      The service department, any less could not care,
      She became the pink elephant in the room, crackiling and farting down the street,
      Now an old mare out to pasture, probably destined for the scrap heap.

      L8tr Penny!

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Jumping July

        coriander;1677764 wrote:
        You're all good people. But I'm not.
        We're all just people who try, and often (or occasionally) succeed, to do good things. And we're also people who occasionally (or often) stuff up and do wrong things. That makes us...people.
        There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
        You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

        I didn't come this far to only come this far.


          Jumping July



            Jumping July

            coriander;1677756 wrote: Thankyou satz. You're lovely. My grand folks are all from county clare, is that near you?

            I'm missing my Greg.
            Everything is near in this tiny country Corri.

            235 Km - from Dublin to Clare
            A distance of 235 Km travelled in 1 day(s)
            Travel Time: 160 Minutes - 2 hour(s) 40 minutes(s)


              Jumping July

              There's even a song about it :H
              song long long way clare to here - Bing Videos


                Jumping July

                Glass Half Empty;1677782 wrote: We're all just people who try, and often (or occasionally) succeed, to do good things. And we're also people who occasionally (or often) stuff up and do wrong things. That makes us...people.
                Corri - if you expect good you will see good. You will attract it and it will in turn make you FEEL good. A circle.
                You are good -I know from your posts. I can read people accurately usually.
                Stop being hard on yourself :l


                  Jumping July



                    Jumping July

                    Call it Amanda
                    Star of small screen over these parts :
                    amanda holden images - Bing


                      Jumping July

                      coriander;1677790 wrote: Humour doesn't penetrate my mind currently, but thank you.
                      Are you all struck mute with my bullshit. Understandable.
                      Corri - ALL we have is NOW.
                      Do you want to spend it miserable ?
                      Or try to think of something / anything to be grateful for ? to be happy about ?

                      To your ears I am now bulshitting - I do not know the background-but I know that simple fact
                      ALL WE HAVE IS NOW- and WE can choose how to feel.


                        Jumping July



                          Jumping July

                          coriander;1677795 wrote: Thanks satz. My here and now is what will kill me. But thank you.
                          :l:l From Ireland


                            Jumping July

                            Hugs from the south east Corrie.

                            Follow the plan. :l:l:l

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Jumping July

                              Just watched Masterchef.
                              Do you remember last year I posted the pic of the bit of dried out salmon pierced through a skewer that was stuck to a bit of rock and it tasted like it came the old Tannery in Tannery Road Unanderra?

                              And the pat of butter served on another bit of rock?

                              Well, that was from 2 hatted Biota,
                              where I will never eat again, and having seen what was presented tonight on MWO, avant garde though it was,
                              I think you will all understand why I'll save my money and go to Tracey's Eatery instead and have a bloody ripper of a meal.
                              I ask you honestly, although he can cut leek very fine, could you really eat it. (Answer: No).
                              And do you ROOLY ROOLY want to eat creamed sheeps brain?


                                Jumping July

                                satz123;1677791 wrote: Call it Amanda
                                Star of small screen over these parts :
                                amanda holden images - Bing

