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Jumping July

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    Jumping July

    I think so....

    I've just been quite lucky in my own life re losing people. No stranger to grief as such. Anyway, best touch wood.
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Jumping July

      tawnyfrog;1684682 wrote:

      Well bugger me dead, she opened her eyes, started actual singing and with her right hand connected to tubes she began to conduct the music. Unbelievable. We were blown away. She died the next day.

      I'd done lots of reading on the subject and apparently your sense of hearing is one of the last senses to go. (Don't know if there's any scientific proof, don't care, I went with it)

      The point of my post is: Should you ever find yourself in a position where you're privileged enough to walk beside someone heading toward the exit ramp, tell them stuff. Talk to them. Play them some music. Just make sure that the last thing they hear is something beautiful.
      That is so lovely Froglet :l made me cry !

      Welcome back rest of you lot :l


        Jumping July

        Aaaaaah - the world we Undies inhabit has righted its kilter!

        Tawny - you are such a treasure. THANK YOU.

        tawnyfrog;1684682 wrote: Hiya Undies,

        Been meaning to share this with you for a while now but the atmosphere wasn't all that condusive for a while.

        So - when Nigel's last few days were spent in hospital rather than at home, we were both sad but accepted the fact that I couldn't have administered the pain-management/moved him etc., etc. So I sat in hospital with him, thankfully he had a room to himself, and sometimes we talked and sometimes I just watched him sleep. And because we wouldn't disturb any other patients, I closed the door and cranked up the CD player fairly loud. I had made a compilation CD of some of his favourite stuff and just watched him sleep to the music when suddenly he smiled, started tapping his toes and mouthing the lyrics. Nige was a muso so this was no random, involuntary tapping of toes - he was in time and his lyrics were silent but spot on. Just watching him made me unbelievably happy. He died about nine hours later.

        I thought, why not push our luck and try the same deal with mum. She'd been asleep/unconscious for about a day and we played one of her favourite CD's. Well bugger me dead, she opened her eyes, started actual singing and with her right hand connected to tubes she began to conduct the music. Unbelievable. We were blown away. She died the next day.

        I'd done lots of reading on the subject and apparently your sense of hearing is one of the last senses to go. (Don't know if there's any scientific proof, don't care, I went with it)

        The point of my post is: Should you ever find yourself in a position where you're privileged enough to walk beside someone heading toward the exit ramp, tell them stuff. Talk to them. Play them some music. Just make sure that the last thing they hear is something beautiful.
        It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
        Mother Theresa


          Jumping July

          And Tawny - you're very wise and considered. I admire that muchly.
          It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
          Mother Theresa


            Jumping July

            Techie - my big hunka!!!! Sooooo good to 'see' you XXXX
            It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
            Mother Theresa


              Jumping July

              techie;1684695 wrote:
              I'd reply but you never reply to my reply. Just watch out for them rattlers and such.


                Jumping July

                Packed my bag for Bali to-day.
                First time since I started travelling that I've packed other than essential stuff.
                In melancholy mood.
                Catch you later.


                  Jumping July

                  Went to bed about 8:20.
                  Do you think I can get to sleep!

                  Saw on a promo that Rev Yeo will be chatting on Compass this week, pushing the Mahayana line.
                  She's the nun whose rather scathing criticism of me in front of a number of people had me in tears of humiliation in 2004.

                  This of course proves that sticks and stones can break my bones
                  but words can leave deep and devastating scars more painful and slower healing than a broken bone.
                  Hmmmm......Or is that because I choose to let it be so......


                    Jumping July

                    You choose Rags. That's what ultimately makes us.

                    Are you still meditating? I've been wondering if you'd let your practice lapse? and also...its been said before but turn off the electronics before bed and don't turn them on again.


                      Jumping July

                      And good morning Undies!!! I am celebrating being free but I wish my boss would fuck off and leave me alone to enjoy said freedom...downside is not much cash but hey, the upside is so damn good...


                        Jumping July

                        Morning Undies,

                        Hope the melancholy lifts today, Rags. As I look out the window, I see the whole paddock is covered in a silver frost but the sun is streaming in from the east and very soon the frost will lift. May your day be the same.

                        Enjoy your freedom, Happs.

                        I'm having lunch with two good women today - really looking forward to it. One got her PhD at 60 - just goes to show, eh?

                        Have a pearler.


                          Jumping July

                          Morning Undies.
                          Yeah, it'll pass. Good ananolgy Tawn.
                          See the pain doctor at 10 am to-day.
                          My arm is starting to respond a bit to physio.

                          Yerright Happs, shouldn't have had the laptop in the bedroom.
                          Had a bugger of a time trying to get to sleep. Feel all washed out this morning.


                            Jumping July

                            myhappyplace;1684940 wrote:
                            Are you still meditating?

                            I've been wondering if you'd let your practice lapse?

                            and also...its been said before but turn off the electronics before bed and don't turn them on again.


                            Will do.


                              Jumping July

                              I spoke a tad too soon. Crunched my way up the hill to the bathroom, turned on shower tap, nada. Pipes are frozen. Ya gotta laugh ...


                                Jumping July

                                My whole packed bag with (gasp) several changes of clothes to wear out to dinner weighs 17kilos, including regulator, lights and some other assorted dive gear.
                                My cabin luggage will weigh about 4 kilos.
                                That means I can bring back about 6 kilos of souvenirs and stuff.
                                Mr Rags' bag should weigh about 9 kilos.
                                Which means he can bring back lots. But he won't,
                                which leaves more space for me.

