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One Step at a Time - July 2014

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    One Step at a Time - July 2014

    Hiya steppers!

    Back home again. I hope everyone had a good 4th July and no-one was too badly affected by arthur.

    I had a good time in Wales and was very happy to discover how much fitter I am compared to on my last hiking trip a year ago. My various bits of new equipment stood up well to the conditions. It was very windy on the higher ground where I often found myself walking in the clouds. On Thursday I trekked for over 14 hours with a 30lb pack (I'm only 133lbs), and climbed several peaks in the process. I was quite proud of myself! Unfortunately at some point in the late afternoon I did something to my knee. As it was no better by morning there was little alternative but to cut the trip short. I managed to hobble the 12 miles back to the car and then drove back to my mum's. It was really good to see amy again in particular, as it's the first time we've been apart. She's become accustomed to going absolutely everywhere with me, even to the bathroom. LOL!!!

    I've done my best to read back but you guys are a talkative lot...

    Fenny - I'm so sorry you lost your aunt. It's a very good thing that you managed to spend some time alone with her not long before she passed. Something like that can be a big comfort in difficult times. Thank goodness your cabin was left unscathed by the tornado! And well done on getting rid of your mum's mouse/mice.

    K9 - it's great that your boss is taking you to lunch on your last day, I think that says something nice about you!

    Hope your son has continued to get better nursie. Sorry you're still struggling with the drink. Did you TTFP?!!!

    Well done on surviving the visit dottie! You must be ever so pleased things are back to normal again.

    Sorry you've been so unwell Nora, I really think you should get yourself seen by someone asap. :l

    How's the painting and furnishing of the "new room" going lizann?

    Glad your back is on the mend kradle, I know how excruciatingly uncomfortable back problems can be.

    It's good to hear you're enjoying yourself zenny, it would have been a real shame if the storm/hurricane had messed the trip up for you. Did you fly up there?

    Sorry your son is being mean to you mama and shame on hubs for being so unsupportive. You deserve better. Good news on the mammo & chest x-ray though. How was your date night?

    Apologies to those I haven't mentioned.

    Have a great Sunday everyone. I have a load of stuff that needs washing, drying and putting away. Better go and reacquaint myself with the washing machine. :upset:


      One Step at a Time - July 2014

      Morning loves. Date night was fun. Jersey Boys was really good.
      I am dragging today.... May be lazy !!!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        One Step at a Time - July 2014

        Hello lovies,
        Dottie, finally freedom! So glad the company has parted!
        Mama, booo to hubby and son for not being more supportive. I like the date night part though. My hubby doesn't drink much so I am very grateful. It's usually me that's sloshed and he drives home.
        This weekend, however, I drove everywhere to and from, with a smile on my face! And by not drinking, I realized how very little other people actually drink.
        We were at a lovely BBQ yesterday at hubby's parents. I was able to pay adequate attention to everyone, enjoy delicious lemon balm tea (from mother in law's garden), talk for hours, and not have a drop.
        Hubby was smiling when I got into the driver's seat on the way home, because that never happens!
        I also ran a mile and got some gardening done.
        Kradle, I didn't know you were an herbal guru! I love it! Hubby is a chiropractor and we really enjoy natural remedies as much as we can.
        Recluse, thank you for the kind words. Today is day 7 for me and yes I TTFP!!
        Nora, I do hope you're feeling better love. Have you been to the doctor?

        Zenny, Niner, how was your weekend?
        My little one is finally feeling better. And was able to enjoy the festivities, AND with a sober mom.
        What a hoot!

        Today I am going to run on the treadmill again. (Well, run, pant, walk, crawl, etc). Clean the house a little more. I have to make a cutting of my hibiscus for a friend. Then I will probably be out there weeding for awhile.
        Then the question is to go grocery shopping, or okay tennis? Lol I better get moving!
        Day 1 again 11/5/19
        Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
        Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
        Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
        11/27/19: messed up but back on track
        12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

        One day at a time.


          One Step at a Time - July 2014

          Hello all,
          No church we slept in to recuperate from the company.
          Nursing home called to tell me that dad dropped his razor in the sink again and broke it. Not sure how many times we can put it back together before we have to buy yet another one. sigh.....
          Train club meeting later then visit some folks who actually have built a train layout....dh keeps saying he will and we sure have enough stuff in the basement to build one but he always has an excuse...oh well...pick my battles..
          Hope everyone has a great Sunday.

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            One Step at a Time - July 2014

            Hello everyone!

            Just got home from the walk-in clinic. Confirmed that it's a sinus infection and gave me a longer course of antibiotics. I told him that I had started taking a prescription that I had been given before and never needed and he said that 10 days wasn't enough to treat this. So, he gave me more and a nasal spray. The infection is what is causing all my dizziness, etc. So, hopefully, I'll be much better in a few days. (Then I'll stop complaining all the time )

            Reccie - glad you are home. My goodness - you only weigh 133 pounds?? Glad you weren't blown off the mountain. :H Sounds like a wonderful trip. How is the knee today? I'll bet that Amy was so excited to see you. :h

            Mama - glad you had fun. I still think you need to have a discussion with your son that is drinking/smoking, etc. You might not be perfect but neither is he!

            Dottie - hope that the train club is fun.

            Nursie - you are sounding so much better! I'm so glad that you had a good time. :l
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              One Step at a Time - July 2014

              Sorry - my computer is running so slow so I posted that so I wouldn't lose it. Frustrated here....

              I'll be back!
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                One Step at a Time - July 2014

                Aaarrrrggghhhh - hubby was playing around on his computer and sharing some huge file with someone. No wonder I was so slow.

                Pauly - have you recovered from your 4th of July? I'm so glad that you had fun. :l

                Fennel - are you still gone for the weekend? I miss you. :h

                Zen - I hope that you are having a WONDERFUL time. It sounds fantastic.

                Liz - how are you doing? Is the painting done?

                Kradle - how is the back? Is it all better?

                EW - Where are you? Have I just missed you?
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  One Step at a Time - July 2014

                  I'm sorry - I know that I am missing people but I am trying to get caught up with a weeks worth.

                  I do know that someone asked for phone numbers, e-mail, etc. I don't remember who asked....I think it was Liz or Nursie???????
                  I wanted to send you mine but that was during the whole period of not being able to stay caught up on the posts. Anyway - please let me know. I am happy to send mine. :h
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    One Step at a Time - July 2014

                    Holy crap on a stick!

                    I'm back, Nora.

                    Friday was from hell. Supposedly, we were going to visit Mrs. Fen's brother's new lake cabin on the chain of lakes in Antioch, celebrate MIL's b-day. I sort of suspected it would be his usual July 4th Bacchanal. Mrs. Fen assured me that his real party wouldn't get started until seven or so that night.

                    First, we drove out of our way to pick up MIL at her lake house in Eastern WI. A drive I despise under the best of circumstances, due to the fact that the speed limit is 50 mph for half of it, and that half winds through several small towns, with much lower speed limits. I HATE it!
                    Well, I missed my turn off, and Mrs. Fen provided bogus directions for the rest of the journey there, so we were half an hour late getting to pick her mom up. Now, we had my own mom in the car as well, so I had to lower all the seats and shove our immense quantities of crap into a tiny space at the very back, as we were going to drive to the cabin after this whole moronic mess was over.

                    I was even more irked to discover that MIL's longtime friends were at her lake house- and were going to follow us to BIL's cottage and drive MIL back later. WTF didn't they just drive her down there so I didn't have to go out of my way? :soapbox: Blaming Mrs. Fen for this oversight. I was fuming as I was subjected to all of the queries as to why we were so late.

                    We headed off to Antioch, with the friends behind us. We got to a small town near our destination, and of course, like all small towns, they had a fourth of July parade. Took us 45 minutes to get through it.

                    Finally, we arrive at BIL's to discover a fourth of July party in full swing. Already at least twenty people there, and that's just a fraction of who usually shows up. Full bar in garage, stereos blaring in both garage and house. Everybody was hammered (at noon), including the lady with the new pancreas transplant.

                    So, this was never going to be a birthday party, and while I suspected it, I am certain Mrs. Fen knew it. I was surrounded by booze, noise and people, and I'm a major introvert. I took a walk to get away from it all and posted here.

                    I asked for water, and clearly, it was an afterthought. SIL panicked, ran to her car and got a case of water out and put it in the basement fridge.

                    Long story short, I read Mrs. Fen the riot act after. All in all, I drove probably 350 miles that day. I forced myself to soldier on to the cabin after, because I couldn't imagine staying in town after all that nightmare.

                    To top things off, my mom insists upon going to the hours long visitation for my aunt tomorrow, and I am the only one available to take her. Then, funeral the next day. Over two hundred miles more driving in the next two days.


                      One Step at a Time - July 2014

                      Wonderful day with hubbs at our monthly train club meeting. Visited 3 homes with model train layouts in their basements. I enjoy this every month.
                      Going to visit dad at the nursing home tomorrow. He broke his razor yet again so hopefully hubby can fix it or we will have to buy another one. Dad is getting worse on memory and things. I see the Alzhemiers progressing but there is nothing I can do but visit often so he doesnt forget me.

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        One Step at a Time - July 2014


                        Newbie's Nest

                        Tool Box
                        AF 9.1.2013


                          One Step at a Time - July 2014

                          Thanks, Dottie. :l
                          I am trying not to be so resentful. My baby sister gets a pass from driving up here from Rockford (one hour drive), because my mom thinks it's so "dangerous". Never mind that I drive her on a regular basis hundreds of miles per week! As the oldest, I will always be the top choice. "Baby" sister is 50 in one month!

                          Still so angry with Mrs. Fen. I think she just figured she'd hook up with her family, and since she was there to baby-sit me, who gives a damn? It was truly one of the worst situations I have been in, ever.

                          Truly horrifying was the lady who had a pancreas transplant last year...bragging about how she only craves "healthy" food, yet was pounding back drink after drink. I know that's not in her protocol.


                            One Step at a Time - July 2014

                            Yep dh's daughter was talking about all the good things she eats and I bit my lip...she didnt get to be ginormous by eating healthy.....offered here my cookbook but I see it is still here on the end table...hope she lives to see her son graduate....just diagnosed as type 2 diabetic....I just dont get it.

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              One Step at a Time - July 2014

                              Oh Fennel - I am so sorry. I'm glad that you told Mrs Fen that you didn't appreciate that. That would have pissed me off so much. I do not like big parties like that. I much prefer a few people. I am not that type. To have to walk into that would have really upset met. :l I do hope that you were able to relax at the cabin. I've been thinking about you so much. I started to call you but I figured you were at the cabin and I wouldn't be able to catch you. :h
                              Can't your sister take your Mom tomorrow or the next day? That's a lot for you to have to take care of.

                              Dottie - I had to help my Mom with her Kindle long distance today. She just has days where she gets confused and doesn't remember how to use it. Oh well, I think we've got it going now. But, you can certainly see the changes in her. It's a horrible, horrible disease. :upset: She never drank a drop or smoked in her life. Just the most beautiful, loving person that you could ever imagine.

                              Well - I'm going to go lay down. Going to be a long week trying to play catch up from last week. Plus, I'm sure I'll be getting the cold shoulder at work for missing.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                One Step at a Time - July 2014

                                Nora, I just texted my sister to ask if she is working tomorrow. Problem is, she isn't exactly on fire to drive up here and help out, and maddeningly, my mom doesn't want her to! Karen told mom she was nearly in an accident last time she came up, so my mom is very fearful for her. Karen knows how to play her cards.

                                I love my mom, but I am the only one who is ever there for her. :upset:

                                Sister just texted back that she's working. Of course, she is.

                                Sorry about your mom. It's so hard when they get to that point. :l

