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One Step at a Time - July 2014

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    One Step at a Time - July 2014

    Fen, family really IS the most important thing :h They are so so lucky to have you and so are we. :l
    Mama- I have Oregano and Lavender Oil for your headache:h

    Waiting at the airport to go to Vegas... I'll wave to you Pauly, :wavin: Then right back on to fly to Phoenix....

    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      One Step at a Time - July 2014

      HAVE FUN KRADLE:h:h:h:h
      I would love some oil!!! Or tell me where to get it!!!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        One Step at a Time - July 2014

        Hello folksies!

        I so haven?t kept up with the thread this month? I?ve just done a huge read-back.

        Fenny? I am so sorry to hear about your aunty. I?m very close to my mother?s sister and I can totally feel for you. Losing people is such a damn wrench and I?m sure your mum is feeling awful right now. My heart goes out to both of you. That?s an amazing story about the fire and subsequent rescue of your mum? it?s like a movie plot. Keep your chin up babe? lots of hugs from me to you? :l:l:l I hope the funeral went well today.

        Reccy? What the flip did you do to your knee?! I guess the good news is that swimming will be helpful for it so at least that doesn?t need to be curtailed. How did the new tent work out? Was Amy happy to see you when you got back?! And of course Poppy couldn?t wait to get back home and away from your mum?s cat? lol And on a sour note? I?m officially jealous of your weight? dammit! I reckon you should hold the pub owner?s feet to the fire on the wall issue? his tree, therefore his fault, and his responsibility to pay to repair it.

        Mamasita? Is ?Tucky on her final warning? I almost feel as if it could be detrimental that she?s worried? she might pull it together and you won?t get rid of her? a big boohiss if that happens (ADWS). How was your lunch? (I think you can buy the oil online at the i-herb place you used to buy your supplements? or at Vitacost. The NOW oils are reasonably priced.) It was actually hotter in Charlotte than down here which really surprised me.

        Nora? I also have to say, your shout-outs do make it easier to keep up! We had a thing on the Army thread for a while where we took turns doing a daily ?synopsis?? Reccy will remember it. Your shout-outs are like that...

        Dotts? I bet you are freaking glad to get rid of your house guests. I thought about you with that lot descending upon you? I was hoping your 4th wouldn?t be ruined by them. What did the vet say?

        Nursie? That is truly crap that her mother kicked the cat out too! Poor defenseless little thing. Is your step daughter going to be staying with you?

        Hiya to everyone else? there?s been so much going on I?d be here all day commenting and I?m already on a mega-post!

        I had a great time in Charlotte. We stayed in the Omni hotel right in the center of town. We spent two days at Uncle Pete?s (he?s Jim?s uncle but I still refer to him as ?uncle? from back when Jim and I used to go out.) Uncle Pete had tears in his eyes when we arrived? he gave me a big old hug and told me how happy he was that I was there? him and his wife Marsha are the closest thing I have to family in this country when I think about it. I remind Pete of his Aunt Anna? I?m a ringer for her apparently? and he loves to tell me all the stories about her. (She was a character.) They live on a lake and we went on a couple of long boat rides. I get on well with Marsha?s daughter and we had a blast. Unfortunately my diet went out the window and I?m scared to even LOOK at the scales. I lost 7lbs before I left but I reckon they?re back, eff it all.

        I?m on laundry and unpacking and other mundane crapola today? and I?m also going to check out tickets to Scotland in August... it?s time to go see my mum and her 25lb cat? )

        There appears to have been quite a wild party at my house last weekend when I was in Charlotte and I?m not very happy about that. On a positive note, he really cleaned the house afterwards so I lucked out that way. First and last time that?s going to happen? I don?t want to be over in Scotland worrying about my gaff. Always something...


          One Step at a Time - July 2014

          Welcome home Zenny!! Missed you...xoxoxoxoxo
          I am so glad you are going to see your Mum
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            One Step at a Time - July 2014

            Hiya Mama! :l:l:l

            I'll be glad to get home too... it's difficult with her being so far away. I neglected my daughterly duties when I was tits up in a bottle and didn't visit her enough and I still feel really guilty about that.

            How was your 4th?


              One Step at a Time - July 2014

              Zen the 4th was not biggie..we just stayed home and they had some small fireworks they shot off in the driveway. And the poor scared doggie hid under the desk. He hid for hours poor baby.
              Sick doggie is a mystery so far. Doc couldn't find anything after the exam and the blood work should come back later today. Maybe she had too much visiting too....

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                One Step at a Time - July 2014

                Dottie Belle;1680336 wrote: Zen the 4th was not biggie..we just stayed home and they had some small fireworks they shot off in the driveway. And the poor scared doggie hid under the desk. He hid for hours poor baby.
                Sick doggie is a mystery so far. Doc couldn't find anything after the exam and the blood work should come back later today. Maybe she had too much visiting too...
                Hah! :H

                Methinks a little of hubb's fam goes a long way... you could be onto something.

                Did the vet take an x-ray of her tummy? Could she have swallowed something?


                  One Step at a Time - July 2014

                  Reccy... I just saw the news about the Queen ordering Charles to divorce Camilla... WTF is going on there? Wouldn't it have been more appropriate for her to have ordered him not to marry her in the first place?! The article also said Camilla is an alcoholic... ?


                    One Step at a Time - July 2014

                    she palpated the tummy and nothing. She ate dinner last night and the snack the neighbor brought over for them. She ate half of her breakfast so not sure at this point.

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      One Step at a Time - July 2014

                      Reccy's dog Amy went off her food like that a couple of weeks ago and it turned out to be nothing... she'll probably be fine Dotts.

                      There's a storm coming in here... I could honestly go to bed and curl up with Netflix. I think I feel a bit blah after having such a good time in Charlotte. The other "occurrence" while I was gone is the arse is reportedly rusting out of my BBQ... telling you Dotts... always something!!!


                        One Step at a Time - July 2014

                        Glad to hear your head has stopped banging mama. Book recommendations...what kind of stuff do you like? Have you read The Old Man and the Sea?

                        I also agree those who said that nora does the best shout outs!

                        Safe travels kradle.

                        Hiya zenny! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, it sounded like you had a blast!

                        The knee...well, I must have set my foot down badly on rough or rocky ground and the heavy pack on my back will have aggravated things. It's minor ligament damage I think, nothing serious and it'll fix itself given rest and time. And yes, amy was very pleased to see me back!

                        Had to laugh at you being jealous of my weight! :H I guess it's never going to be easy to stick to a diet when you're away visiting friends.

                        And yeah, I can empathise on all the unpacking and laundry you have ahead of you, only got mine finished today.

                        Was your kitchen still spotless and shiny after the party? You were worried about going away and leaving bill in charge of it, weren't you?!!

                        Gawd...'fraid I can't enlighten you on Charles and Camilla. No surprise there as my interest in matters relating to the royal family is roughly on a par with your interest in soccer. Where did you read about the divorce? Is it a reliable source? A very hasty search of the BBC website drew a blank.

                        Got to rush, late for the pool now, I'll try and read back later. :hallo:


                          One Step at a Time - July 2014

                          Vet called and doggie's blood work is normal so we are to watch and if she stops eating then she will do an xray.

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            One Step at a Time - July 2014

                            yay for doggie
                            I can't anything about Charles and Camilla either
                            headache is bach....boohiss (ADWS)
                            I just started an iron/folic acid prescription ordered by my doctor due to on going anemia...maybe that's it
                            so I'll just plod along and ignore it
                            kiss, kiss on yer knee Mr.Bear
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              One Step at a Time - July 2014

                              Be careful with the iron Mama. When I had anemia last year they put me on iron, B12 and folate but my iron levels went up fast to where they were too high. The folate is really helpful. Jeeze, you've been anemic since I've known you... I hope this new combo works for you.

                              Reccy... I have SCRUTINIZED the kitchen! Hahaha! You're totally correct... it was the first thing I checked on... lol He cleaned it up good and I really have nothing to gripe about. One of my good knives was missing but I located it (in Bill's bedroom???). Cheryl said she knew they were partying over here all weekend and that she deliberately didn't come over (she knew all the characters involved) as she didn't want to be implicated. It's like having kids, I swear.

                              I'm thinking a knee brace may not be a bad idea, I'm sure Boots will have one. Or I can send you mine now that that ordeal is over!

                              Here's the link to the thing that popped up for Charles and Camilla... Queen Orders Prince Charles to Divorce Camilla Parker-Bowles, The End of More Than 3 Decades of Love Affair - Reports - International Business Times

                              I'd have to say Reccy, the monarchy is somewhere between an irritation and a vastly uninteresting subject in my book too... in fact I prefer the footy!

                              Laundry and unpacking somewhat done and flights to Scotland taking shape. I still feel like going to bed with Netflix tho!


                                One Step at a Time - July 2014

                                Dottie Belle;1680377 wrote: Vet called and doggie's blood work is normal so we are to watch and if she stops eating then she will do an xray.
                                That's good news Dotts!

