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New Poll...Kinda Harsh

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    New Poll...Kinda Harsh

    Ok guys...New poll, kinda harsh, sorry if it offends anyone.

    Of course I'm readin everything. My heart is very sad for those of you that have slipped. Honestly....I know it could easily be me. I am shocked that it isn't. With all the x-tra stress I've been so blessed with and all. (thank you oldest son, I love you very much). Anyway...I know I have a lot of determination and all but I really think the key thing for me has been the topa. So....heres the harsh poll.....
    Anywone that has slipped or having a hard time getting going.....are you on topa or not?

    If anyone is mad, sorry so much...just let Jane know and she'll think up a new bumper sticker.

    New Poll...Kinda Harsh

    This is an interesting poll Gabby! Topa is a wonderful tool, I did use it for the first 6 weeks of my program, and it did help me to cut down and then go abs. But I am not using it long term now, and I?m at 11 weeks abs. My philosophy on it is this ? why not use everything and anything available to you to make your way out easier? If you try it & like it ? great! If it doesn?t work for you, move on to the next possibility. Of all the times I?ve tried to quit or cut down, this is by far the best journey I?ve had, and THEN some, thanks to the tools that RJ?s program recommends. But I also believe that this is a life long journey, and there will always be new information, research and tools that we can make use of if we think they will help us control our drinking, and raise our quality of life. ?Geez, what AM I going on about? I take a simple question and ?




      New Poll...Kinda Harsh

      Hey gabby,

      No, I'm not on TOPA, nor any other supps right now....I was changing too many things in my life (diet, exercise, sleep) and couldn't tell what was good for me or not. I'll go back and try supps when I'm stable with exercise and diet. Not sure I want to try topa...


        New Poll...Kinda Harsh

        Hi Gabby,

        I did really well at first. Most of April and May were abs. In June I began slipping (unstructured time). I was not taking Topa. Ironically, I have been drinking more since starting Topa.

        I think that is because I know this will eventually SO cut my desire to drink. Sort of like telling someone, well in about a month you will lose all desire to have sex .... so you want to at least get a little, ya' know? I intend to do all abs again for July and most of August.

        Topa will be a tool, but I don't see staying on it forever, but summers are hard for me.



          New Poll...Kinda Harsh

          I have not been taking the Topa, but plan to start this week. I have slipped many times - did great at first then started slipping when life came at me too fast. I also agree with the notion that knowing you plan to stop soon causes you to drink more. Weird, but I have seen that behavior in myself.
          My biggest problem is lack of time to listen to the CD's in private. I also get tired of taking the supps - usually do great all day and then miss my last dose. I do like the All One though. It is a great way to get your daily vitamins, etc.


            New Poll...Kinda Harsh

            I'm on topa, 100mg sinc Jan. seems to be working for me! Moderating. No big slips. Did 18 days of abs in March.:P :h :happy A world of difference from before I found MWO!!:rollin :h :h Judie

            PS What's so Harsh?
            But it does take a lot of determination. Just have to be ready & prioritize...:happy :P


              New Poll...Kinda Harsh

              I agree, Gabby, not harsh, just a question!
              I'm on topa, 100mg. Been there about 3 months now. On the program 5 months. I've messed around with the supps, had some tummy trouble, had some slip ups, but only 1 major what I would consider a "fall". (for used to be fallin' every dang week... you know...)
              All in all, for ME, I'm pretty happy with how things are going. I feel if I need to cut back more, I can adjust more. I can do more will power, more topa, whatever it takes. I always readjust my little plan and my strategy for the week. I keep a diary.
              Everyone in my life has noticed. I've lost 7 pounds. In better shape than I can remember, and feeling stronger than just the body part of me :d .
              The topa helps. I am able to moderate and just (98% of the time!!!) don't feel like going to the DARK side. Must have something to do with those neurotransmitters, blocking that urge to go "there".
              I dunno. Don't care really.... well, I sort of do. Have read the research and it's wonderful! Just SO SO SO glad it helps.
              Hope this helps your survey


                New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                Not on topa here. At todays end, I'll be abs for 22 out of 23 days.

                I "slipped" on day 19. Slipped? Awww h*ll... I fell so hard the neighbors house shook!

                My bumper sticker reads:
                My head STILL d*mn hurts!


                  New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                  Ok, Good glad that didnt seem mean. I was thinking it might be taken that I was implying that ya had to be on topa to make it work. And that if you were slippin and not takin topa then there was more that you could be doin to be more sucessfull. But thats only cuz I think topa is the only thing that is keepin me from messin up. I honestly dont know how I have made it this far. And with out much struggle. I mean it hasnt beeneasy.....but it really hasnt been hard either. The days have just gone by. But pansy said she has had worse days since she started topa, and then ya look at all the people that havnt taken it at all. So I guess that takes ya back to everybodys different.
                  I just worry about offending people is all. Dont ever want that. Gabby


                    New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                    I'm just praying Topa is what I need. Want to stop - so much - can't seem to.
                    Don't want to die because I can't stop. Sometimes I feel like I will.
                    If you are the praying type - please say a short prayer for me and success with Topa.
                    Blessings and thanks


                      New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                      I will for you wellseasoned. And thats what I have been doin over and over is askin GOD to take my desire for alcohol away from me. That I saw how it was startin to effect my life in a not so positive way. I'm not a really religious person wellseasoned, but I have continuned to pray that prayer. I think it has helped. I will for you too. : ) Gabby


                        New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                        Hey Wellseasoned,

                        Keep talking to us.
                        We won't let you die.



                          New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                          Good Topic.
                          I'm not on Topa. In Australia, seen 4 Dr's and spoke to 2 more (Letters and Phone). No-one will write me a script. Could go on-line to order but have decided to give it another go without the Topa.
                          Have been on/off the program for about 4 months.
                          Spent most the first 3.5 months wanting to do the program but never really getting there.
                          I'm currently on most of the Supps at the higher doses eg. 3x 900 kudzu, 2,000 L-Glut, Gaba, Evening Promrose Oil, All One, Vit B etc,etc.
                          I've sorted it out enough that the supps are not an inconvenience.
                          Currently on day 16 Abs, feeling really strong, very little physical cravings, mental ones getting better.
                          Don't find enough "me" time to do the CD's enough, but am exercising etc.
                          Hopefully I will get there, but it is a comfort to know that, if I need it, the Topa is still a "back up" if I find myself slipping.


                            New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                            New Poll

                            Didn't quite see what the harsh part of the poll is... I am not on Topa -- am on Campral and feeling no cravings. I question at times if the Campral is truly what is helping but I have stopped drinking zillions of times and I have always had urges that I am not having now so I have to figure it works! Lefty:P


                              New Poll...Kinda Harsh


                              I know what it is like to feel like you can't stop. You are not alone, although I know you feel that way now. You keep coming back here ok?! I just happen to be the praying type so I am saying one for you right now! Hang in there!


