That is so cute Donna.....cuz I just got done too. Wellseasoned......ur gonna be just fine! gabby
No announcement yet.
New Poll...Kinda Harsh
New Poll...Kinda Harsh
No topa.....Had two weeks straight abs this month. Thats the most I've been able to do in about one year.
The sups help, the cds, and having a support group also.
I think the l-glutamine helps alot. I found it in bulk at local Walmart in the weight builders section. One tespoon =4,500mg. They also have an amino complete there.
It seems to me that my biggest battle is having gallons of wine around here. Please pray for me also. I want my husband to be able to do his wine as a hobby but it is so hard for me. Total abs is the only way for me right now.
Ok Gabby bring on the tough stuff!:b
New Poll...Kinda Harsh
great topic
Gabby, great topic, as I am ANXIOUSLY waiting my arrival of the topa(could you send me some, just joking!) It is nice to hear that it really helps, but I am afraid I am putting too much faith in it?: Hope not!
Wellseasoned, I feel for ya! Just knowing I was going to start Mon, helped my my past weekend a total oblivion!! Didn't even go outside on Sun (poor horses, I neglect them so when I drink too much!!!) I do pray sometimes, and definitely will say one for you today!:P
Not a harsh topic either Gabby, just what I needed to read!!!
Mary Anne:h
New Poll...Kinda Harsh
Re: great topic
I am gonna miss you guys. Gonna take my 200 mile round trip I do every 6 weeks for a haircut. Can you all believe that? Anyway, I think I'm gonna sleep over at a friends house tonite. No....not a drinkin buddy or not male. Still bein good!
New Poll...Kinda Harsh
Re: great topic
200 miles for a HAIRCUT??? I hate to be the one to tell ya this, sweetie... But even if your hairdresser looks like Fabio's identical twin... He's prolly gay. Give it up already... wicked snicker
Drive safe.
New Poll...Kinda Harsh
Re: great topic
Topa has been a miracle drug for doubt about it. Have tried many, many things for years...AA, willpower, other programs, cognitive-beh. techniques, and Campral....all to no avail. After about 1 week and 100 mgs on topamax, cravings are gone, and if I do drink at all (i had to try, I was curious), it does nothing for me, and I don't want to continue to have more. I can not believe what it has done for me. I am amazed. I have no interest in moderation. I am so relieved to have my life back. I hope to wean off at some point in the future but will think about that way down the line. It has been one month on 100 mgs. and majorly successful.:happy
New Poll...Kinda Harsh
good news
That is great news, thanks also Gabby for the L-Glut tip.....I am still waiting for the topa, been almost a week since I ordered it GRRRRRR, BUT have (or am starting out on)day 4 now is SO good to hear all the good news.
Mary Anne
New Poll...Kinda Harsh
It's not a harsh poll Gabby, as you know I am having abit of a struggle at the moment and would love to be on topa but not available in Australia but on campral! started off reaaly good but not so sure now! Seriously thinking about topa offshore but money problem! It does annoy me that all these good results are happening on this website and still doctors say no to the scripts!!! I think in a few years we will see alot of changes
p.S. Can anybody get RJ on Ophray? That might be the way to go!!!
Love Shas
P.S. Thanks for your support, much appreciated :d
New Poll...Kinda Harsh
Ya......whats that (Ophray)? But thats a good question....
RJ.......If pharmacutical companies can send out topamax without a perscription.....then why???.....and I know there's probably several really good answers for this but why cant a real doctor be on your website and help people get topamax perscriptions?
And Maryanne, thats good the l-glut under the tounge thing worked for you. I only heard it on here and have never tried it. But thats because I havent had really any cravings to speak of since I started the topamax. humm gabby
New Poll...Kinda Harsh
Re: must mean something!
Hi Gabby:
I was trying for abs without topa; supplements, book and hypno only (and the support here, of course). I slipped after slightly less than 2 weeks. I'm not abs now, but I'm more moderate than I was.
Best wishes to you.