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New Poll...Kinda Harsh

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    New Poll...Kinda Harsh

    Re: must mean something!

    OHHHH, Oprah, ya thats a great idea. But is RJ willing? Maybe someone else in her company could go if she doesnt want to. Would be great to get the word out more so Docs would back it more. gab


      New Poll...Kinda Harsh

      you're right

      Yeah, Gabby,

      Forget all about the anonymity thing all the time: about Dr. Garcia??

      Haven't had time to write a letter yet, but am serious about it!

      Mary Anne


        New Poll...Kinda Harsh

        Re: you're right

        Mary Anne,
        Are you gonna write a letter to Opra Winfrey? Gabby


          New Poll...Kinda Harsh

          will do

          I will find out how to (where to send)and generate a letter and send it (should I say anything about this web site? Might be a good idea?!: ) The question is will she read it? I will try and write tomorrow! I think it would be GREAT!! For many!!

          Mary Anne:P


            New Poll...Kinda Harsh

            Re: will do

            I dunno. Maybe start on it if ya want to. But wait to run it by RJ before you send it out. (shrug) gab


              New Poll...Kinda Harsh

              good idea

              Good idea, but how do I do that???


                New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                Re: good idea

                What? Someone wants me to go on the Grand Ole Opry?

                Seriously, as Gabby alluded to, I've not been doing public appearances (some radio), as I like to maintain my anonymity as much as everyone else here. I think it's part of this program's appeal. I've been chastised by reporters and marketing people who tell me I could spread the word a lot more quickly if I'd simply "come out". Maybe. But I think the growing numbers on this message board speak for themselves. I've also heard from some pretty high level industry people (publishers, writers, producers) who are watching this program closely. I think it's gaining lots of attention.

                Dr. Garcia is happy to do TV and she provides excellent interviews. But I don't know about Oprah. I wrote to the magazine after first publishing the book and they sent a polite letter of rejection. I submitted information on their website afterwards and never heard back. (That's okay, that's usually the response I get.) But then Oprah got burned pretty badly with Jame Frey's disputed memoir, "Million Little Pieces". I suspect her producers are steering clear of anything close to an autobiographical book about an alcoholic. I've also heard about large write-in campaigns that resulted in cease and desist letters in which websites have had to be taken down. I'd hate to have that happen--I guess I'd rather have them come to us than the other way around. :-) But I do really appreciate everyone's interest in getting information out about the program.

                To date, with your help, we've actually been doing a pretty good job of that. Many of you take MWO to your doctors--and tell them about it. They, in turn, may share the program with other patients. Some of you tell your friends about the program, many tell other family members. And eventually word spreads. I'm also experimenting with some new marketing strategies and hopefully it'll help broaden out the program, we'll see.

                We're also working on bundling of one Dr. Garcia's presentations as a DVD along with other materials and will make it available to other health care providers so they can learn more. We want everyone to know that it's easily administered; any qualified prescribing provider can do so, it doesn't require a high end specialist. This is an important message we share frequently.

                Thanks to all of you for your support and interest in helping others learn about My Way Out. And warm wishes as you continue on your path to improved health.



                  New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                  won't write then

                  I guess I was a little over-zealous, just a little over-excited about joining such a great program! Sorry, will think a little more thoroughly next time

                  Wouldn't want this to get shut down, that would be HORRIBLE!!!:

                  Mary Anne


                    New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                    Re: won't write then

                    Mary Anne, I dont think you were over zealous at all. I'm so glad you so reved up. I think you have started out so well especially waitin for the topa like you have.
                    I want to keep my automy too. Im so excited about this all yet so far very few people know. I feel bad about that. I guess as it comes up with people you know that are reaching out, you can then share. I dont know. All in good time I guess. Keep up your hard work Mary Anne. Talk to ya soon, Gabby


                      New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                      got it!!

                      Just got home from work (LONG day AUUUURGH!!:x And, I have rec'd the topa, will start tomorrow and am VERY excited and hope (more than you can imagine!) that it works!!!! I will try to conn my hubby into riding tonight, although it is 98degrees out there and the flies and mosquitos are horrendous!!! (spelling??) anyway you get the picture, poor horses have bites all over!!

                      Anyway, gonna go for now,

                      :h Mary Anne:happy


                        New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                        Re: got it!!

                        Mary Anne,

                        I appreciate your enthusiasm too! Just wanted to provide some history. I think your excitement about the program is fabulous. I remember early on especially feeling so good I wanted to sing it from the rooftops. But then I got thinking, uh...I'd be singing from the rooftops, lol.

                        Good luck with the heat and da bugs and have a great 4th.



                          New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                          Re: got it!!

                          No Oprah?

                          Well, heck darn pooh.

                          There goes my free car.

                          I forgive.



                            New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                            No Oprah, lol, just not yet

                            Helen, Just no Oprah You have to make them come to you! That way, RJ can keep her anonymity and the program can continue to grow. As for me, I'm working on lobbying dr's willing to learn about topamax/campral/vivitral and prescribe it for people, even if I have to go to the blasted manufacturers!:evil


                              New Poll...Kinda Harsh


                              Thanks RJ for being understanding.yeah, I am about excited enough to try singing from rooftops, but I'd probably just scare people away!! Yeah, the bugs are big and bite badly!! Especially the horse flies, as I have 2 horses and they attract the bugs...infact that is what I am getting geared up to do (after I go to the gym anyway), is clean the horse yard,YUCK!!: The labor of love, I guess! Hapy 4th to all :happy

                              Mary Anne


                                New Poll...Kinda Harsh

                                Re: ThanksRJ

                                Mary Ann, I just read that if you put a couple of "bounce" fabric softners in your pocket, while hiking, camping, riding, etc... it will help keep bees & mosquitos away! :rolleyes I don't know how well it works... might be worth a try... I know when I'm in the tropics, nothing short of dynamite keeps off of me!:eek

