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I really hate to admit this

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    I really hate to admit this

    But I have to. If I don't have friends, then what do I have? On Memorial Day we were having a wonderful family event. I cooked a lot (vegetarian of course). We played Frissbee and Wiffle Ball until we just collapsed. I have to be terribly selfish and say we had a lot ot fun.

    We said a prayer before eating for all those wonderful lives that were lost in this senseless and horribly unnecessary war. We're up to almost 3,500. That is way too many wonderful lifes lost.

    I am sorry that I have to put 1/2 a beer in my Drink Tacker. I took one sip of the bottle which my son accidently gave me. I felt how good it tasted and then took another four or five sips. Then I threw it in the trash, thinking about my children. I have to be honest - I ;loved the taste of the alcohol. It was terribly inviting. But the fact is that I took one sip- and realized this had alkie in it and it just felt so good. So I knew it was wrong, but I took another few sips. I can only admit to my friends here that it tasted so good - and so terriblke at the same time.

    I have been doing so well for several years. Why do I fall and feel some sort of weakness now? I feel so strong, yet so weak. What is this terrible demon?

    I have great confidence in my friends.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

    I really hate to admit this took a few sips and THREW IT had the good sense to walk away from had you guzzled the thing and then hide in the bathroom and drank another six pack...BIG worries, but YOU recognized your weakness and walked away. You did good... be proud of what you did do...


      I really hate to admit this

      I don't consider that to be a big deal at all..many of us would have gone on to have a lot more. You did good.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        I really hate to admit this

        You may feel some sort of weakness...but you did not fall!!


          I really hate to admit this

          II love all of you.

          But I still feel very weak.
          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


            I really hate to admit this

            Mags, you did great!:goodjob:
            Enlightened by MWO


              I really hate to admit this


              Get out of the AA mindset. You did not fail. You had great self-control and I consider it a tremendous success. Don't sweat the small stuff.



                I really hate to admit this

                Heck Mags - It takes incredible STRENGTH to love that taste and then throw it away! You have proven something to yourself - that you do have control, will power and strength.

                I envy, admire and aspire to have such strength. And your experience helps me to know that it is possible.
                Thank you for that.


                  I really hate to admit this

                  Hey did great.
                  I'm not sure I'd have been able to throw it away.
                  Very well done.


                    I really hate to admit this

                    You know I admire you, Popeye. That was my father's nickname with his grandchildren before he died last August. That's all I can say right now. I miss my father.
                    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                      I really hate to admit this

                      Ahh how sweet mags. As far as the did good.
                      Gabby :flower:


                        I really hate to admit this

                        Mags, you don't have to say anything, and you should not feel bad. You were able to work through a strenuous situation and you performed perfectly. You should be proud. As far as your dad, I am sorry you lost him. Losing my dad was one of the hardest things I have gone through in my life. God Bless
                        What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                        ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                          I really hate to admit this

                          Mags, What on earth do you mean, WEAKNESS !!!! NO, NO, NO...

                          You showed us and yourself just how STRONG you really are.. Once again you did battle with the monster, and who won, YOU DID.. You should be so proud of yourself for throwing that beer away, and the fact that you threw it away AFTER taking a few sips shows even greater strength then if you had not tasted any at all..

                          Love, Louise xxx
                          A F F L..
                          Alcohol Free For Life


                            I really hate to admit this

                            Go Mags, great restrait i was at the football watching my son play today and had the sudden need for a beer thank god there was no were to buy one, but it amazes me were and when you feel like it
                            ACCEPTANCE IS A POWERFUL THING


                              I really hate to admit this

                              Mags, you did good!!! Proud of you!!!!

