This is the deal, last month I made the dean's list with a 4.0 gpa. Now the summer semester has started and I am taking Anatomomy&Physiology and Information Technology Office Suite...The A&P class so far I'm at a 88.7 and IT 42.1. I have a teacher that has assigned a Presentation project for Power Point, which I don't have and is failing me on this project. Advisor's suggest getting the software from Library, friend or purchase. I told the jerks, my library does not have it and the only friend that has it is in a very abusive relationship and I can't use hers. The software can't be purchased because, no MONEY....
I am planning for my son's middleschool graduation, prom, senior field trip etc. I would be less than a mother to take money away from his preperation for graduation. The school doesen't get this. It is so EASY for other people to tell you what you should do, but if you don't have the means to accomplish something, what do you do??
Needless to say, my drinking has been very constant, and I know this doesn't help, because I still have the same problems and drinking just gives me a hangover and the problem is still here. So I drink because I'm upset and then I get upset because I drink...I truly need support and prayers. I was ready to just give up on school, but I'VE WORKED TO DAMNED HARD FOR MY GRADES...
Any suggestions I could surely use..