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    I've been fixated on the subject of people-pleasing lately. I know it contributed not only to my alcoholism, but to my general dissatisfaction with life. Since I have spent most of my life trying to please others, I simply couldn't understand why others didn't spend as much time trying to please me. That's when feelings get hurt, and relationships suffer. It was such an ingrained habit that I didn't even realize that I was doing it. But, I've had an epiphany this past week.. My oldest friend (not a people-pleaser in the least, but a lovely person) said something profound to me recently. She said, "Snap out of it! They're not mind readers. Tell them what you want. Tell them what you need. Then if they ignore you, it's on them, not you."

    Simple advice to most, but to me - life altering. I realized that my loved ones have no obligation to read my mind and then find a way to "please" me. But in some odd way, that's what I expected.

    I have sounded off so many times about my sons. And yes, they can be very inconsiderate at times. Then I remember back to being their age, and cringe at how unthoughtful I could be at times. So, I took her advice and I texted almost every member of my family this week and invited them to get together. The response was overwhelming. Last night, I had dinner with my oldest son and his girlfriend. Today, I saw my youngest son, and my nephews.

    The point of the story is...when I voiced my upset about not seeing all of them enough, they were shocked. My nephew said, "we didn't know we were invited." OMG. Talk about miscommunication.

    So I encourage all the lonely people out there to be brave and reach out. I was afraid of rejection, so I stayed silent and seething. Now I see that I had to meet them 50% of the way .A long way to go, but feeling better already. One less reason to drink
    Everything is going to be amazing


    Mossy, i too am a people pleaser . I hear ya. But then i got lent a book from my lovely psych bloke called "ENNEAGRAM" and it explains the 9 diff types of the human persona. An interesting read.



      Moss- I was just talking to my therapist about this very thing 3 hours ago!!!! I am also a people pleaser. It seems like many of us are here. We talked about how much I have grown in the last couple of years. I'm glad to see that you have grown too!!!:goodjob: We need to communicate with them. Just because we try to guess everyone's needs doesn't mean that they are going to want to guess our needs. :h
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15



        And just cos we guess other people's needs doesn't mean we have to fulfill them, yes?



          It seems many times I try to please, I justvam not successful. Asking what someone else would like is better then guessing. This is something I am working on. And not just automatically doing everything. I use to exhaust myself doing everything but now I just make myself NOT. I'm not the only one who hates dirty dishes after all.
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.



            Great advice, Moss.
            "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
            so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."



              Hiya Nora. So nice to see you. Yeah - that people-pleasing stuff gets old. But it's a hard habit to break, especially if you were raised to be a "nice girl (or guy)." ugh. Sometimes I think my behavior bordered on passive-aggressiveness. Hard to admit, and even more difficult to fix such an ingrained personality trait, but I'm determined to work on it.

              Coriander - couldn't agree more. We have the right to say no to someone or something if it crosses our boundaries. But then again, that's part of the issue too. Learning to set and maintain boundaries with those we love. Sometimes that line gets blurred for me. I truly struggle with this one.

              LB - Funny you should mention that by trying to please others, we usually fail, because by doing the "mind-reading thing" we just assume what others want or need from us. We set out to fix things that they didn't think were broken. They resent it, and we end up angry and exhausted. Hang in there. You have a lot on your plate.

              I took the first step by asking others for what I need (time together). Yesterday, I went one step further with my son and asked him what he needed from me. His answers were so different than what I had expected. What I assumed he wanted was off-base from his true desire. I actually had to tell him no on one thing. But he didn't seem all that upset. Maybe he is just glad that we are finally speaking the same language.

              Love to you all. MR
              Everything is going to be amazing

