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Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

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    Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

    Good yawning Army!!!!

    Been awake for hours! Windy here - not nice.

    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

    Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

    A favourite on another favourite, who will be missed:
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

      Good morning Dreamy, Molly and all :wavin:

      Feels like am living in work at mo. Just coming back here to wash n sleep. Thursday and a day off cant come quick enough.

      Hope ye are well Dreamy? Mucho gracias for coffee xx

      Sorry about the sick tum Molls- hope it rectifies soon for ye xx

      Hugs to Jacks if yer feeling under the weather too :l:l

      Everyone else- have a great day


        Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

        Morning Dreamy Molly and all to come. thanks for coffee Dreamy I need it lol. Hope you're tummy is a bit better Molly. I get that bloated sore tummy at times as I get IBS now and then but not saying you have that it could be from something else. I was MIA from yesterday afternoon eirccom went down on me so I had to phone and it took ages to get the to laptop going again don't know this time but they weren't much help and no one rang me back like they said. But anyone it solved itself overnight. So back on and hopefully no more probs with them.:cupajoe::catroll:
        If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


          Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

          Morning Sweetpea. Must read back on last nights tread see what I missed:H
          If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


            Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

            Good morning Dreamydoooo, Molyymooo, Foxyloxy, Sweetypie and lewk our very own Spammer.

            :welcome: Spanner........enjoy your time here because you've just been reported.......

            God............I'm getting to be one of them women you don't want to ask 'How are ya?' because there seems to always be something wrong.

            Rang the doctor and got an appointment later on this morning.............funny they didn't have any until I mentioned something about a home visit.

            Wonder if yer body's gone into shock, Molls.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

              Greetings from the workhouse :wavin:

              Late check-in as lost all my enthusiasm yesterday with regard to this thread .
              Get well soon Jacks:l

              Maybe later gaters


                Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

                Well I don't know what to say.........tbh been here 5 years and it goes through these things.

                Come Hell or high water I try to get on every single day..........ach I'm going to the doctors........she might put me a sanatorium for a month and I bet I'd still try and log in.

                Enjoy yer day.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

                  Week off work but lets be honest I'm only there 3 half days and do bog all the rest of the time so it'll not make a huge difference to the economy.
                  Mega anti-biotics and steroids and take it easy........which I do anyway as I'm a lazy bint.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

                    Hope you feel better soon Jc. Its dull and breazy here today and a bit cooler. No rain yet. Just hung out some washing. Exciting Tuesday here lol i'm going to trim the hedges out back well so what I can for today as its a lot of work for one. So if I get half done that will be a start. Have a terrific Tuesday.
                    If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


                      Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

                      Evening army.
                      If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


                        Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

                        EVENING !


                          Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

                          mollyka;1682787 wrote: and evening from me!! Just spent the last hour dealing with a very nervous little salesman changing my leccie provider --- that TRULY is an hour of my life I will never get back!
                          Oh Jesus - hope you left him with some shred of dignity :H:H
                          Did you switch ??


                            Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

                            mollyka;1682713 wrote: you sound very down on yourself Jackie --- I hope it's just the infection --- really hope the drugs click in now and you feel better soon....... xxxxxx

                            Howdy Foxy and Benj
                            So do I...........its just I feel like I'm always ill and instead of trying to get through it I should have gone to the docs last week...

                            So amuse me and cheer me up...........I dare ya.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army thread Tuesday 15 July (I hope)

                              :waving: Jacks
                              Did someone send me a book about the afterlife.
                              Got a book in the post today
                              No note nor nuttin'
                              If I was drinking I 'd think it was some drunken convo I had
                              But ..... I can't for the life of me remember why I should get it ???
                              About a medium Tom Colton ?
                              Signed & all - Jazus :egad:

                              CREEPY !!!!

