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Army thread Wednesday 16 July

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    Army thread Wednesday 16 July

    06rn5ng Ar0y!

    Had Num Lock or something on - the above says Morning Army!

    Sounds as is this could come in handy today:

    And it's Hump Day, so have a good one :l:l:l:l
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

    Army thread Wednesday 16 July

    Good morning Dreamydooooooooooooooooo,
    Came down for a glass of water and thought I'd have a likkle lurk and there you were.

    How's your pup, cat and man in your life?
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army thread Wednesday 16 July

      Morning Jacks & Dreams and all to come :waving:
      Woke early can't go back to sleep :wahh:

      Tipps check in we miss you :l


        Army thread Wednesday 16 July

        mollyka;1682949 wrote: And yes dreamster - how IS life? ;-)))
        Dreamster is in LURVE methinks :h
        That'll be some meet-up in SA eh ? With us all in our hats :H


          Army thread Wednesday 16 July

          Morning Molls and Satzuma,

 that the word...............mind I'm still waiting for an answer.

          You may have seen had a right grump on yesterday..........was having a think back to the the absolute bawdiness and drunkeness didn't bother me one little bit.
          The putting of beer bottles in the kit hen bin did until I slapped a few comes the but...........

          Mr JC's bestest friend and his Mrs was there. I was busy talking at (I mean to) someone about where the caravan was, what the woods were like, you know general shite................when the Mrs pipes up...................oh I forgot we to tell you went to dear that was the third time........and we heard you the first..................and she wasn't drinking..........and she has got up my nose since the day they met...............and she's a doctor..............and I don't like there.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army thread Wednesday 16 July

            mollyka;1682953 wrote: Morning Benjy! Brain is a funny old thing - jilly rang last night - she's having a biopsy done today on a 'cyst' on her neck - told myself I wouldn't worry - her specialist says he isn't worried - but I am worried - hence bein awake so early ......... not lookin for sadness or sympathy cos it's prolly nothin just needed to not bottle it up
            Its cos your her mammy...........we're programmed that way.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army thread Wednesday 16 July

              JackieClaire;1682955 wrote: Morning Molls and Satzuma,

     that the word...............mind I'm still waiting for an answer.

              You may have seen had a right grump on yesterday..........was having a think back to the the absolute bawdiness and drunkeness didn't bother me one little bit.
              The putting of beer bottles in the kit hen bin did until I slapped a few comes the but...........

              Mr JC's bestest friend and his Mrs was there. I was busy talking at (I mean to) someone about where the caravan was, what the woods were like, you know general shite................when the Mrs pipes up...................oh I forgot we to tell you went to dear that was the third time........and we heard you the first..................and she wasn't drinking..........and she has got up my nose since the day they met...............and she's a doctor..............and I don't like there.
              OK I'm the friend in Bridget Jones : Fuck her !!
              and the horse she rode in on.

              Do not let her bring you down. Why let something SHE says impinge on you ?
              You:h your holiday and want to talk about it in YOUR house.
              She's obviously not used to much if she has to tell you 3 times
              I'll be kind and hope she is just trying to fit in ?


                Army thread Wednesday 16 July

                mollyka;1682953 wrote: Morning Benjy! Brain is a funny old thing - jilly rang last night - she's having a biopsy done today on a 'cyst' on her neck - told myself I wouldn't worry - her specialist says he isn't worried - but I am worried - hence bein awake so early ......... not lookin for sadness or sympathy cos it's prolly nothin just needed to not bottle it up
                Now you know better than that Molls ?
                Bet she wouldn't even have told you unless she was sure it was ok .... know what I mean ?


                  Army thread Wednesday 16 July


                  come out and play


                  Pretty please

                  14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                    Army thread Wednesday 16 July

                    satz123;1682957 wrote: OK I'm the friend in Bridget Jones : Fuck her !!
                    and the horse she rode in on.

                    Do not let her bring you down. Why let something SHE says impinge on you ?
                    You:h your holiday and want to talk about it in YOUR house.
                    She's obviously not used to much if she has to tell you 3 times
                    I'll be kind and hope she is just trying to fit in ?
                    You I'm feeling kinder you're more than likely right.

                    But there again in the 25 years or so we've known her...........she's always got on me nerves...........I will make it a New Year Resolution to get to know her better..............New Year 2026 seems about right.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army thread Wednesday 16 July

                      Army, all fine here, late for driving to the big town - would love to chat though.

                      Molly, know it's useless to tell you that, but don't worry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Army thread Wednesday 16 July

                        JackieClaire;1682960 wrote: You I'm feeling kinder you're more than likely right.

                        But there again in the 25 years or so we've known her...........she's always got on me nerves...........I will make it a New Year Resolution to get to know her better..............New Year 2026 seems about right.
                        For Jazus sake I thought she was new on the scene.:H
                        Sounds like my SIL- !!
                        We are given these people in our lives to try us - we will prevail ..... small doses is my recommendation.


                          Army thread Wednesday 16 July

                          Safe drive, Dreamy.

                          I'm going to go back to bed...........starting to flag. Mr JC will shoot me if I don't get some rest.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army thread Wednesday 16 July

                            mollyka;1682966 wrote: Get rid of her - toxic notch - speaking of toxic bitches- just saw the date - biggest bitchsista is 68 today - and so vain- she'll hate that!!!! How DARE that fucking bitch try to bring u down
                            She's like SIL- where he goes she goes - a package - and us as 'loving' partners have to put up with them ....


                              Army thread Wednesday 16 July

                              Ok off to work

                              Later Gaters

