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Bad days can turn around

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    Bad days can turn around

    Hi all, was having a really bad morning. killed a bird (he flew into my car, yep he's dead I saw the feathers in a cloud in the review mirror) went to pick up my Grandson. My baby Grandaughter cried and wanted to come along, but her father won't allow it. I'm pissed! I get home I get a call from an old friend from 10 years ago! It was so good to catch up. Someone sent me flowers, the card just said Thank You. I am assuming the husband. Now I'm letting my Grandson ride his little bike in the family room (he hates the bugs outside) with the Bozo clown horn honking. Just plain fun. He so makes me smile! So anyone who is having a bad day it can turn around. I promise

    Bad days can turn around

    That is so cool Simeybear! I am glad that your day turned around. Mine is going well today and since you mentioned the kiddy I immediately got a smile on my face that I have to thank you for as it made me think of my own littel guy. I can't wait to get home and give him a big hug ,then spend the next hour playing!


      Bad days can turn around

      It's a great day here in the seattle area - mid-80's after a too cool and wet and long spring.
      Good day sunshine!!!


        Bad days can turn around

        Hey maybe from MWO sent you flowers??

        Sounds like the day really turned around- except Bozo scares the crap out of me so i would have needed a pill. :h
        Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


          Bad days can turn around

          I like that story Simey!!!


            Bad days can turn around

            I mean except the bird and the baby crying...I meant the ending...crap


              Bad days can turn around

              Simey and Luv,
              All together your posts made my night -- kinda laughing about LUV enjoying the dead bird...
              Mama T.
              Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


                Bad days can turn around

                Yep... great story Simey. I wonder who the flowers were from. A sekrit admirer maybe???

                :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                  Bad days can turn around

                  No Scoob, They were from the husband, he called last night, he is out of town. I guess he was thanking me for sending him "off" right( hehe)


                    Bad days can turn around


                    Hey Mar,

                    I just put my real heavy storey up, I'm feelng good now that I've done it, just feeling bad that my son has left because of the horrible vibes, but I've been googling 'Victim Mentality" I know I have it big time, and have resolved to change it.

                    Love You, feel like you my best friend?mum online ?? From Aussie, lol love Jas
                    :thanks: :h


                      Bad days can turn around

                      Jas, I love you too, you care deeply, That is something I really respect about you. That and the fact you 100% honest with your feelings.

