Hi Louise - thank you for another very clear and insightful post.
It's the choice that does it for me - I drank for years and years and as it got worse felt like I wasn't in control, and in some respects that took away the responsibility - I was trying to stop - honest! - but it was the 'addiction'. It didn't take long being AF that I found that I now had choice - and with choice comes responsibility. I have reclaimed control, but as you have has so eloquently said, that also means I am out of excuses now. If I start drinking again, it is a conscious decision to do so - and it is therefore also a conscious decision to hurt the ones I love, to drop out of participation in life, to observe from the sidelines, to damage my health, etc.. etc. - Once I faced the fact that it was a CHOICE and not a symptom (in my case) of a disease, sickness, illness or whatever, then the decision was made - the CHOICE then moved beyond whether to drink or not, but what to do with my life now I'm not letting it be controlled by drink...
I do also agree with Nancy that some behaviour is definitely understandable and 'excusable' - and there are also those for whom alcoholism is a physical condition so I feel there are other perspectives with regards to this, but certainly for me you've hit the nail on the head. Thanks again.