Hi Satz and rest of Army, Mama and Missy :hallo:
Congratulations Missy- lovely news
Hope work went well Molls? And hope everybody else here are well?
Came back from Dad's this morning and fly over to baby bro tomorrow morn- looking forward to seeing him tbh.
Thanks for posting Jon Snow's blog yesterday Satz. I've been following this conflict for years and especially this past 3 weeks. Know we aint supposed to talk politics/religion here but I cant help but mention how much the slaughter of innocents in their thousands in Gaza has and is sickening me to my core. The feeling of pure hopelessness, anger, sadness at not being able to stop it is all-consuming for me this past while. I despair at the so-called 'civilised' 'democratic' world allowing it to happen. Never mind the US, our own governments don't seem too bothered by it either. Shame and disgrace
I apologise for bringing it up again but this is what is on my mind lately more than work, money, booze, holidays etc.... Just so sad.
Prob wont get much chance to get on here over the next week and that's maybe not a bad thing.
Peace to all xx