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Nine months sober feel horrible

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    Nine months sober feel horrible

    Last week I made nine months with out a drink and was feeling ok. I had a stressful few days after that and awoke one morning feeling like a truck hit me. I felt like I had a serious disease. Could not read paper, felt like I could not even keep my head up and eyes open. This feeling is so intense I am having trouble typing this thread. It just won't leave me. I have been suffering with it for almost two weeks. I just had blood work done to rule out any physical problem and tests came back very good. I have been getting this feeling on and off for years whether I drink or do not drink but I have noticed that it intensifies itself when I try and stop drinking and leads me to relapse. I also have an anxiety problem. anyway, I was just wondering if anyone out there has experienced this kind of pain. The pain is similar to the withdrawals I was getting when I first stopped. Can you get rebounding withdrawals after nine months?

    Nine months sober feel horrible

    :welcome: Robbie,

    I may be wrong but it sounds like PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms) but don't worry we get through them with a bit of research and patience.

    Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms - Relapse Prevention Strategies

    If any of the symptoms ring a bell it may be worth having a read of other articles and at the bottom of the first page is a link to recovery and relapse prevention.

    I was about a year AF when they hit. It does pass. I've just got 5 years AF (alcohol free).

    And :goodjob: on those 9 months.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Nine months sober feel horrible

      Hi Robbie,

      I find when i feel like that that it is my anxiety hitting me but i am no expert. I just wanted to say that im thinking of you and i do hope you dont relapse. Hugs.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Nine months sober feel horrible

        welcome robbie.

        there is what is known as PAWS. post acute withdrawal syndrome. im sorry i dont have a link but im sure someone will or you could google it. it could possibly be what you are experiencing. it can come and go to varying degrees while you recover from the damage alcohol has done. but it does go.

        massive well done for your nine months, amazing achievement that must have taken strength and perseverance. you dont want to relapse again, remember how that feels, play it forward after that first glass, bottle another bottle and so on. how will you feel the next day?

        and while i was typing that out, you have a link, thanks JC!


          Nine months sober feel horrible

          robbiehipp77;1688091 wrote: Last week I made nine months with out a drink and was feeling ok. I had a stressful few days after that and awoke one morning feeling like a truck hit me. I felt like I had a serious disease. Could not read paper, felt like I could not even keep my head up and eyes open. This feeling is so intense I am having trouble typing this thread. It just won't leave me. I have been suffering with it for almost two weeks. I just had blood work done to rule out any physical problem and tests came back very good. I have been getting this feeling on and off for years whether I drink or do not drink but I have noticed that it intensifies itself when I try and stop drinking and leads me to relapse. I also have an anxiety problem. anyway, I was just wondering if anyone out there has experienced this kind of pain. The pain is similar to the withdrawals I was getting when I first stopped. Can you get rebounding withdrawals after nine months?

          Welcome aboard. I have been around here for 4+ years and I have never heard of anyone having withdrawals after 9 months. What I HAVE heard of is Addiction Head (Dick Head, for short) whispering in your ear about how much better you'd feel if you drank! This happens quite frequently! Slam the door on that voice! Addiction is the most powerful force there is and there are no depths too low for Dick Head to stoop to try and get you to relapse. If your blood work is coming back good and your doctor says all is well, consider this a last gasp from your past to try and get you back . Don't fall for it, it's a trick. After 9 months I finally felt human again, was everything perfect? NO. But it was 1000 times better than being in the hell hole of addiction! Keep going! If you still have symptoms get back to your doctor.
          I have seen some articles on PAWS, Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, I think..., but I hesitate to mention it because, for some, it seems to be a license to if that is what's expected....that is not the case. Relapse does not have to be part of your
          history any more. If it is AL related in any way, it will pass with time. Time is your friend on this one. Hang in there. Please join us in the Newbie's Nest (link below) or check out the Tool Box for more info. Thanks for joining us! Byrdie

          Edit, my note took so long to write you've had 4 responses since!!!! (at least we all agree!!)
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Nine months sober feel horrible

            Isn't Campral supposed to be good for treating PAWS?
            ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

            ― George Carlin


              Nine months sober feel horrible

              Thanks everyone for your fast and caring replies. I have read up on PAWS and have to keep in mind, if this is what is happening, it will pass. Thanks again for you thoughts. I will try and keep connected to this site. It's good to know I am not alone in this.


                Nine months sober feel horrible

                Robbie, I have been getting headaches that last for days....never got headaches! They go for weeks and wham, back again. Just don't understand it, but maybe this PAWS thing.....will look into it. Hope you feel better soon.....
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!

