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Hang in there! I'm an oldie... Allie. Life is so much better now!!

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    Hang in there! I'm an oldie... Allie. Life is so much better now!!

    Just wanted to give a shout out to some of my friends here... I've not been here in a long time! It's all good --Allie

    Not sure about the Java upload... so forgive me.. chat is forever a mystery to me.

    On a brighter note, I am so free... and launched my own business this year as a personal chef... yeah... crazy, but it's so good!! Loving life and not being tied to alcohol. It's good on the other side... I promise

    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

    Hang in there! I'm an oldie... Allie. Life is so much better now!!

    Prest! I'm so happy to drop in here after a year or two and see a few oldies' recent posts about still being AF. I too am successfully self-employed, active, happy, and free. Life IS better now!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Hang in there! I'm an oldie... Allie. Life is so much better now!!

      Allie, so good to see you! I will always remember our meeting with a great deal of happiness.

      Good to see you too, Greeny.
      Enlightened by MWO


        Hang in there! I'm an oldie... Allie. Life is so much better now!!

        gee it's been a while hasn't it.
        Congrats on being a personal chef... that would probably have a few challenges.
        Life is great isn't it!


          Hang in there! I'm an oldie... Allie. Life is so much better now!!

          x post!!!


            Hang in there! I'm an oldie... Allie. Life is so much better now!!

            Congratulations Prest and Greeny! :groupluv:
            I appreciate both of you stopping in to say that there is life "on the other side"...

            "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
            so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."

