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August Undies

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    August Undies

    Yep - that's us.

    August - majestic, venerable, noble, impressive

    August Undies

    I just started an August thread too.


      August Undies

      Wonder why your thread didn't show up?


        August Undies

        Welcome to August all you august Unbdies.

        Geez, did you all have a sleep in this morning?

        I've just booked Sarong for dinner next Saturday evening.


          August Undies

          Leaving in a couple of hours to go see Teddy.


            August Undies

            Actually I tried to start us off that at 6am this morning, but my wi-fi was down.

            Since then I have done a presentation to 200 people, sent through all the paper work to close my business in New Zealand, been for a swim and cleaned the fridge at work.

            After work I think I'll have a go at leaping a tall building in a single bound.

            What have you other lazy buggers been up to? :H

            It will definitely be a POETS day today, but Mr B has been on night shift this week, so I have to wait for him to wake up ........ then we are taking the Bruce-mobile away for a weekend road trip to the beach :banana:
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              August Undies

              Morning Undies!
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                August Undies

                Arvo Undies. Late check in from me. Busy and impordant or something like that...

                Rags, good stuff on Sarong. Don't forget though that the sunset ones are great, La Lucciola you don't have to eat at, they have a bar with bar snacks and then you can walk over to Ku de Ta. Actually you can walk up that entire stretch of beach and come out at the end where there's shopping. And if you and Mr Rags want a massage you can have couples massage - no funny business - at Bodyworks. Lovely setup...did that with the Lamp and we also had a massage at our villa. Under the cabana. By the it sounds like such a wank but it was wonderful....


                  August Undies

                  Happy August Undies
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    August Undies

                    Morning Undies! in bed with numerous animals and the to get up shortly for a sporting drop off but just enjoying the quiet while I have it. Lovely to see you Techie x


                      August Undies

                      Enjoy your lie in Happy!

                      We are away for the weekend beside a lake. It is beautiful and apparently their are lots of kangaroos near
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        August Undies

                        myhappyplace;1688574 wrote: Arvo Undies. Late check in from me. Busy and impordant or something like that...

                        Rags, good stuff on Sarong. Don't forget though that the sunset ones are great, La Lucciola you don't have to eat at, they have a bar with bar snacks and then you can walk over to Ku de Ta. Actually you can walk up that entire stretch of beach and come out at the end where there's shopping. And if you and Mr Rags want a massage you can have couples massage - no funny business - at Bodyworks. Lovely setup...did that with the Lamp and we also had a massage at our villa. Under the cabana. By the it sounds like such a wank but it was wonderful....
                        Good morning Happy,
                        Oh wow, it's getting closer and closer... and still Mr Rags is in the dark.

                        The booking for Sarong is for 9pm... my bed time. All they had.
                        But I can sleep in the next morning.

                        I figure that will also give us time to take in sunset and a walk round the place..
                        Unfortunately only 2 nights in Seminyak so the Friday evening when we arrivewe go to .
                        Ku de Ta. Looks like we'll have to drop in at Lucciola on the way.
                        I'm going to save massages and cooking classes for Ubud. I probably won't have a massage as I can't afford anything happening to my arm and shoulder. We had a couples massage when we were in Vietnam... lovely.

                        There are some cracker restaurants in Ubud too.
                        I'm going to come back looking like the michelin tyre man. Glad that sarongs are adjustable. :H
                        Happs, whats the story on tipping taxis and drivers and such? Dollar or two OK?
                        I reckon Mr Rags and I will have a ball. A plus is it's not an organised tour like the last couple have been so we can really veg out.

                        Have a lovely time at the lake Missy. You need a bit of a break after all that's/been happening lately.

                        Techie my sweetie, Happy August to you too.
                        How are your eyes?


                          August Undies

                          myhappyplace;1688779 wrote: Morning Undies! in bed with numerous animals and the to get up shortly for a sporting drop off but just enjoying the quiet while I have it. Lovely to see you Techie x
                          The Lamp didn't get you brekkie in bed and do sport duty hisself?

                          Galahs came in for an early feed, quickly followed by a couple of native doves.
                          Now the cockies have arrived.
                          It is lovely to have the wildlife around.
                          Wish the deer would vaporise but.

                          Tawn, would you like me to see if I can get you a coolie# hat? Wrong part of the world but might be lucky. #That is probably not PC to say.

                          Anyone else want anything I can bring back for you?


                            August Undies

                            Rags;1688797 wrote: What!
                            The Lamp didn't get you brekkie in bed and do sport duty hisself?
                            No, Rags. He was up at 4.30 to go to work so not a great time for breakfast :H he did finish earlier than expected though and has just run out the door to do the sports stuff. I worry that he is doing too much, running both sides of the parenting gig, combined with the stress. I think for men particularly, there is nowhere to download how he feels or what he thinks. And given my last week has not been my most spectacular to date - the steroids don't enhance your personality - I think he has saintlike patience. Never gets angry or impatient with me or the locusts. I love him so much.

                            Missy must have clued you up about where to eat in Ubud? don't miss Clear Caf? though, both Fickle and I loved it. And I've heard good things about Sari too.

                            Good to see you're relaxing Missy. Hope you and Mr B have a lovely time.


                              August Undies

                              Yay! Missy & Mr.B have vroooooom'd off in the Brucemobile. Lovely stuff.

                              Raggsy - I'll pass on the hat, thanks anyway. I think I remember when I researched them, the proper Cambodian ones were made from some sort of vegetable matter which is prohibited by Customs.

                              When is Glassy due back? I hope she posts lots of pics.

                              Sunshine and no rain. Out and into it.

                              ***Waving to Mr.G and Reggie***

