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    Sunni - you made me laugh about the differences in words. :H You are so right - quite different meanings. :H

    Zen - have a fabulous trip!!!

    Mr G - We'll share K9 but I'm a little hurt that you don't want a fat, 55 year old instead. :H

    Ok folks - I'm not even going to try to touch base with everyone. But, I do want to thank all of you for the support, the kick in the butt, etc for TTFP. I carried them around for a week and couldn't swallow one. I need to take one first thing every morning so I don't have time to think about it. So, I'm all set for a week......I think I better fill up two weeks in my med box.

    I'm about to curl up with my Kindle. I have a couple of new books to read (thanks Fennel) so I better get started.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      ONE STEP AT A TIME... AUGUST, 2014

      cori I love learning about the different meanings for the same words....have lived in the states all my life. Only traveled to the UK once....on business but I found it interesting...would love to travel to Australia....on my bucket list.

      Newbie's Nest

      Tool Box
      AF 9.1.2013


        ONE STEP AT A TIME... AUGUST, 2014

        coriander;1692716 wrote: Hey sunny, in Oz fanny refers to a lady's privates, whilst I think in the US it refers to a butt, yes? Ya gotta laughter with the double meanings!

        I've really worked out now that sugar is just NOT good. Hypocritically, i can easily eliminate all hidden sugars from my diet, but not so easily alcohol. Am working on it though.
        Reading how all of you are having major issues at work, ya poor loves, it must be fairly tough economically for you guys. Oz ain't bad currently, i know a fair few undies are having stressful times at work, that would be unbearable. Remember my friends we work to live not live to work.
        Stay strong steppers.
        Good line - we work to live not live to work. :h

        I agree that sugar is not good. I try to avoid it but gave myself a break today.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          ONE STEP AT A TIME... AUGUST, 2014

          Remember my friends we work to live not live to work, This is yet another reason I chose to retire.....

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            ONE STEP AT A TIME... AUGUST, 2014

            Let me know when you're coming dottie, i can take ya on a tour of the stunning west coast!
            Nora, hey dee hi dee.
            Another thing re words, when ozzies say they're pissed, they mean drunk, but do yanks pissed as being angry? And why do we say arse, when yo guys say ass ? And why is coriander called cilantro in the US? And do you guys really think kangaroo are hopping down the main streets of cities? Most Aussie farmers wives have pet rooms, from the complete irony that the husband goes out shooting rooms, kills a mum Ron, then takes the joey back for wife to raise. Argh read ROOS not rooms!,
            My joey i raised was called Roadie , short for roadkill. Cute little bugger.


              ONE STEP AT A TIME... AUGUST, 2014

              :laughmonkey: coriander....

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                ONE STEP AT A TIME... AUGUST, 2014

                Zen :l I hope you sorted out all the voltage issues so you can stay connected to us:h safe travels as Fenny says.!
                K9 can the twins be flower girls at the wedding...? Mama??

                Reccy , Cori, dots, Pauly, Sun Nora , my love. Tired and brain dead.
                Will check in tomorrow
                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
       tool box
       newbie nest


                  ONE STEP AT A TIME... AUGUST, 2014

                  Mr G. :l:h
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    ONE STEP AT A TIME... AUGUST, 2014

                    NoraC;1692719 wrote:

                    Mr G - We'll share K9 but I'm a little hurt that you don't want a fat, 55 year old instead. :H

                    :H Come on, jump in then! :l

                    Kradle123;1692749 wrote:
                    Mr G. :l:h
                    Yo Kradle. I hope all's as good as can be. :l

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      ONE STEP AT A TIME... AUGUST, 2014

                      NoraC;1692719 wrote:
                      Mr G - We'll share K9 but I'm a little hurt that you don't want a fat, 55 year old instead. :H
                      Fookez moi!!! :H:H:H Ahh Nora you crack me up... Love you girl, from one 50 something to another... :l

                      Woke up for a pee, packed more crap that I probably shouldn't take, and now going back to bed.


                        ONE STEP AT A TIME... AUGUST, 2014

                        Ummm thanks for sharing zenny ? ! !
                        A cool windy day here, not much to report, so hope all are well.
                        Now Mr g, if ya want some younger tootsie, I'm under 50:h


                          ONE STEP AT A TIME... AUGUST, 2014

                          You are all making me feel OLD !! Not being in the 50 range anymore .... am I the oldest one here ? Don't want to know the answer to that I don't think .....

                          Yes I so agree about working to live and not living to work - hence me semi-retiring. Work was just not fun any more - and it was for many years!! I am enjoying my two days a week .... although to actually go in on those two days sort of takes me by surprise !!

                          Kradle - hope that you get a good nights rest and are feeling better today ....

                          Nora - thanks for the recipe - I am going to stop on my way home today and get the stuff for it .....

                          Gosh - time is flying by this morning and I am not ready yet - do not want to do a Nora and be late .......

                          Sorry to cut this short - hey to everyone else,
                          Hugs XXXX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            ONE STEP AT A TIME... AUGUST, 2014

                            Morning. Coffee, work then will read back and check in
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              ONE STEP AT A TIME... AUGUST, 2014

                              Morning mama! Just cruising thru another evening. Developing thick skin and self confidence. So new.
                              So different.
                              I hope you all have a good day.
                              Big hugs things to you all.


                                ONE STEP AT A TIME... AUGUST, 2014

                                Morning guys

                                How is your ear/sinus infection coming along, beloved mrs bear?

                                Lizann;1692693 wrote: K9 good for you for taking tha ab. A step in the right direction. No one here is going to judge you, cause were all in the same darn boat. You've got a lot going on right now. One day at a time honey!
                                Yep, would like to second this.

                                Nora, it's a shame you can't get to visit MWO while you're at work. Did you remember to TTFP first thing? I'll play a word as soon as FB will allow me to get in to Words.

                                Sunny, I just wanted to make sure you had seen my post, but no worries about not mentioning it. That's excellent news that you'll be able to use your laptop when you get over here. Hope you won't need to go back to the doc.

                                Yes, they are indeed still called bum bags over here. You would get some very strange looks if you went into a shop and asked for a fanny pack! :H BTW, you have to be careful about how you use the word "rubber" here too. Eraser would be a lot safer in that context.

                                I also agree about sugar not being good, but artificial sweeteners aren't great either so drinking coffee is becoming rather complicated these days.

                                It's cool and windy here too, cori. Makes me not want to go out, but needs must.

                                Zenny, not sure what time you're setting off today, but I hope you have a safe journey and a truly wonderful time back home. Please check in as soon as you can after you arrive. Text me if it's less hassle. xxx

                                Back later. Have a great Wednesday everyone!

