Checking in my people
Am not drinking tonight but I do want to and then again I don't want's this strange flip flop feeling...
Dots you are awesome!! :bow sorry about he pups but at least they didnt throw up in the hot tub...
You tell them whose who k9!!! You are not a waitress!!!!!!! You are a contender! :boxer:
Mama thanks for the Tucky update...FB confetti.
Liz your vacation sound heavenly- your making me miss the east coast!
Fenny, is the cabin a place you guys can set up home??
Reccy my car is now DOA :upset: but at least it didn't need a haircut!
Home after a hard day with the girls ... I already don't like this new school.......
Don't know what to say but I'm drinking over and netflix instead,
Love you all.....Zenny big hugs