LOL Dots - Yep - hubs are definitely brothers !!!!!
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Hello my people:l
AL check in...I am sorry to report I am not successful in my week... Am back on track tomorrow ... Hubs and kids away so... I realized however that clearly I'm not doing this for myself as I thought... I'm still doing it for other people...
Obviously that's not going to work...:upset:
Nothing major but every little slip hurts....
Love you all for being there:hOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
Hiya luvvies!
It's 6.40 a.m. here and I'm wide awake for some reason... might be something to do with Jack taking up three quarters of the bed! He snores as well. I don't "do" early mornings (unlike Mama!) so will try for more shut-eye after I've posted.
Nora... Get thee to the Doctor for some blood work and a check-up. Do you take supplements? If you don't, I'd start on a good multi-vitamin at least. It sounds like you may be run down... :l We need to send Fenny over to take care of you! Get yourself checked out hon... XXX I think you worry more about Scott's health and ignore your own...
Mama... how is your throat? That's been going on way too long. I saw your ALS thing on Facebook as I flew past to collect my messages... hahaha... good one! She can manage the patches and TENS unit on her own now Mama... and she's in better form each day... much more mobile than she was. I need to talk to her new Doc one more time but I think it will be from 'Murrica as she is part-time and isn't on till next week. Looking forward to seeing the low country boil. I have langoustines in the fridge and have a hot tip on where I can get cheap local lobsters and crab on Sunday so I'm planning something similar over here with corn on the cob and baby potatoes. The fish shop I use is closed for renovations and the other one literally stinks so I've been FUBARed on the shellfish this trip.
Reccy... can you just put me out of my misery with that Words game?! He's clobbered me! I used to be able to beat him but he's got too good... dratts!Jack just tags along without a lead. He's really good at avoiding the road but tends to get lost in the tundra that is supposed to be the homestead. My uncle is away and things have grown out of control... he'll have his work "CUT" out for him when he gets back! We have close to 13 acres of overgrown grass and foliage. Jack is going to miss us... wish I could put him in my suitcase! He's more spoilt than my two, if that's possible. I've seen loads of collies since I've been here... they are so loveable. :h
Dotts... Glad you got your red hue sorted. It fades so darn fast, doesn't it? I'm not liking the pix of myself in the outdoors, my hair is TOO red... feel like I'm standing out like a sore thumb. Must sort out same on return to the US. How's the sale on the folks' house going?
Fenny... Reccy told me you and Mrs Fen are selling your main abode... how's that sale going too? And it looks like you've found a new place. What prompted the move? Re the sea... we try to get to a beach every day... they are beautiful and there's hardly any other people. You and Mrs Fen would LOVE this locale. Perhaps sometime you'll come over with me?!
Sunny... How long are you coming over for in October? I wish we'd stayed for longer tbh... it flies past. I think the break is going to do you good luvvie... X I feel much better than I did getting here. Blessed relief to get away from the heat and humidity too... added bonus. It's just good to get back to your roots, isn't it?
ToMyHealth... Welcome! :welcome: Yeah, I think you summed it up... we're quite down to earth and DEFO not perfect! LOL! IMHO it's about a lot more than combatting AL... it's about trying to navigate life too... plus keeping a sense of humour/positive attitude. It's great to have the support and camaraderie that we have on this thread. Where about in FL are you? (I live in Boca, Mama is in JAX.) That's something that your friend was diagnosed 15 years ago... I always thought it was a fast moving disease, I got that wrong obviously. Good luck to her... I hope she's got quality of life still.
Niner... How is your new job going, are you enjoying it? Laughed my arse off at you "getting stuck" with the Mayor! I freakin hate politics and politicians and the Mayor would probably have melted my noggin too! What's with those blasts from the past btw? I haven't run into one ex while I've been here (thank fook!) but have met a few people that were in school with me. AND... not sure if you all know about her... but I ran into the school bully's brother - he works at the airport and so does she but she was off that day. I'm wondering if she'll be there on Monday when we fly out. She has a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp so she won't be hard to spot.
Pauly... Did you get your Kohl's card?! Most of the clothes I have with me are from Kohl's or Costco. We got some awesome jackets for $20-$25 at Costco and they've been life savers over here. The Kohl's stuff I brought has held up really good and washes well... I'm going to keep on going there to shop. LMAO at Reccy telling you your hubby's age! hahah!
Also LMAO at Sunny and Dottie's hubs similarities and "engineer at heart"! It's easier to just do it yourself sometimes...
Kradle... I got your PM hon XXX And on that note... when I get back home I'm going to send you all my contact info. Most of you have it I think but I'll do group PMs and send it over to be sure. Reccy mentioned about the site and it would be good if we had a way to stay in touch just in case. There are some of us in a group on Facebook and if anyone is interested in joining it (it's a private group and doesn't show up on the Live Feed) PM me your Facebook details and I'll add you in.
:wavin: to everyone else. I didn't read back very far and I hope Nursie and all the rest of you are doing well!
So... we went on that boat trip yesterday and it was absolutely awesome. It was a really fast boat so we had speed thrill every now and then! And the scenery was amazing - I have incredible pictures. We saw seals and lots of different birds and incredible rock formations... and then the guy brings out a picnic for us... tea, coffee, hot chocolate and pancakes his mum made, fruit salad from his wife, home made shortbread from the local shop... frikken awesome! We had a brilliant time. I'll have to weed through the hundreds of pictures I've taken since I've been home and put them up on Facebook when I get back.
Today we're going to shop for presents (I'm going to look for a good tee for you Jan!), will take Bill to the golf course (I don't think I'll play... Jim doesn't... will prolly try and hook him up with some folk), going down to Point to the lighthouse, and taking a walk in the Castle Grounds. We were going to go to Harris but it's just too much. Need to drop the spare TENS unit off at the hospital too. I'm pretty much on top of all the "mum stuff" so YAY on that score. There are supposed to be bagpipers playing in town tonight at 7pm so we'll take a look-see and will probably eat out.
Tomorrow I'm going to forage for local lobster and crab... I got a "tip" from the boat guy today. He was SO nice. I sat up front with him and we had a great laugh. There was just the 3 of us and him on the boat. And I'll stick close to home apart from a walk on Gary beach. Last day... it's always tough leaving. I bet I'll be feeling flat when I get back. Everywhere I go here people know my family or myself and it's nice... back in Bowcah I doubt anyone knows I live and breathe!
OK, now it's 7.25. I'm a gobby mare! This will be a huge post (if it posts!). I hope the site is working... here goes...
Not too bad a night but that's because a couple crossed my lips. Succumbed to c'mon, let's go sit on lanai for a bit b4 dinner. There's always tonic water. So Kradle you are not alone.
Mama and Zen, live in Ft. myers. Golf community. Lots of socializing. Can't go anywhere without running into someone you know. Publix, Costco, etc.
Off for my game. Later......
TMHThe pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.
Golly gosh Zen - what an awesome post!!! I am SO glad it went through I cannot imagine losing THAT !! Laughed at you thinking that you would go back to sleep - it is already later than that respectively and I have been up for 45 mins! But I go to bed early. Morning is the best time of the day!!
I am only coming over for 10 days ..... lots of reasons why it is such a short time - wish it was for longer but there you go.... you do sound as if you are having such a nice time. And it all sounds so English - which it isn't actually - it is Scottish - LOL, but you know what I mean! You are really going to hate coming back .....
Kradle - so sorry about your slip - you could have texted me before you did it - not that I would have/could have stopped you - I know that once we decide to have that drink, then nothing will stop us. But, back on the wagon eh? I am ... and feeling good about it. I just would love to know what it is that makes us 'slip' (for want of a better word). Last time I did, I was doing really well - had NO intentions of having a drink - and then next thing you know - there I was ..... my ego just took over ! I am not sure how to stop that happening. I know I do not want it to happen again ...... On the positive side, at least I did do 5 days AF. Which is a definite step up! And today is day 3 for me .... again. And feeling good about it.
Dots - laughed about the engineer at heart - I dread if Hubs says he is going to try and fix anything although to give him his due, he rarely does any more - either I fix stuff or we get someone in. What is sweet, is that hubs LOVES buying tools !! Has no idea what half of them are for - but loves going to Sears or Home Depot and coming home with a little bag with a new tool in it .... or some screws or whatever ! Always makes me smile .... of course now I have gone part time and he is retired, we cannot afford for him to do that anymore though!! OH - and good for your hubs fixing the wires - and OUR dog tried to chew through the wires to the shredder which were too close to OUR dog crate !!
Off to walk the dog.....
hugs, Sun XX
I don't think we have a Costco here.How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
Morning loves. Enjoy your game TMH.
Slept in a bit cos the steroids made it hard to fall asleep.
Have to get moving here in a bit and start chopping potatoes and onions.
Shrimp and crab are defrosting in the sink.
Zen, I ADORE your stories. So beautifully written. It's done you really well to get away. Would you consider moving back?
We have three Floridians here! That's kind of cool.
Nora I hope you are better and get that physical scheduled.
Sun and Dots, my hubs can fix anything.... Literally. His dad was like that and he taught Bret everything and now Bret teaches the boys. It's quite nice.
Coffee, and must get moving.
Fen- how's your Mom?I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
I'm back! Will read back later! Had a wonderfully relaxing time in Atlantic city! No I did not gamble! Perfect beach days!!! I am tan and relaxed! Back to cleaning and shredding. Did some damage in the garage yesterday, hubby is currently not speaking to me! Really? I'm doing all the work here!! Whatever. I missed you all! Hope every body is doing ok. Happy Labor Day weekend!
Hey all,i hate working Staurdays! it's not even busy,plus this being Labor day weekend,probly be worse,Kradle,i understand the having the house to yourself trigger,i had it briefly yesterday,thinking i could sneak to the gas station,come home and drink,stupid thoughts cuz i know,i'd just be running back for more,this addiction blows,i swear,hi to all,gotta get ready hope we all have a good SaturdayI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hello all,
Street party starts in a few hours. No clue why they want to have it in the middle of a HOT day....wont stay long I dont think. I dont like the heat at all.
Didnt sleep well either so I am a crabby lady today. Just want to go back to bed......but I will take our wagon with chairs and table and walk down the street and try to enjoy myself...maybe.....