It's no surprise, I suppose, that when you have a lifestyle change, like no longer being a drunken fool, your "friends" list changes.
It doesn't take long in sobriety to discern who is a friend and who is (was) a drinking buddy. There were so many people that I simply NEVER see anymore.
Not that it's a bad thing; it's a necessary thing.
Even the most obtuse among us usually see that suddenly you have nothing in common with these people. Except drinking. SO there you have it.
I would agree that there are people with whom you have imbibed who can remain a friend. I would venture to say that these are the people whose life does not revolve around alcohol and alcohol-related events.
And speaking of events--WOW! There is so much more to DO! A tremendous amount of time becomes available when you are not drinking, drunk, or recovering from being drunk.
That's my $.02 for the day........