1. I am present for my children whenever they need me.
2. My skin is more clear.
3. To give myself a chance. The chance to see what i can really do.
4. I am truly living my life without the constant running commentary in my head that all of my achievements, relationships, and values are a sham and that none of these things have much meaning.
5. I have complete access to my three wonderful grandchildren & am enjoying every moment I spend with them!
6. Being sober is not punishment. It is a gift, to me, and to people who love me.
7. The aches and pains I thought were from aging have disappeared. I run up stairs now.
8. I don't wake up at 3am with anxiety and the feeling of sadness and dread.
9. I have been able to be there for my friends through some difficult times
10. I love the freedom from obsession and anxiety over when I can get a fix and the freedom from the compulsion to take the next drink and the next drink and the next drink and the next drink....
11. (sorry if this is TMI.....but...) I love having normal poop! It means the bowels are healing and starting to work properly again!!!
12. I can misplace and forget things and know that it is not because I was drinking. I can hold my head up and say "I don't remember..."
13. And on the flip side, I'm confident that I do remember what happened and am no longer afraid to stick to my opinion when someone else has a different one.
14. I enjoy food once more and a good meal is no longer just an excuse to drink alcohol.
15. I'm fully awake in the mornings and am ready to fully discharge my responsibilities to both my household and my workplace.
16. I am ready for work everyday and with a clear head (I work at a daycare).
17. Lost the hangovers and the regrets.
18. Spend more time at home.
19. Less money wasted.
20. Better feelings about myself.
21. No more anxiety about having enough alcohol to get drunk.
22. Realizing family game night (sober) is more fun than when drinking. No half-sailed arguments that were spurred by alcohol.